Jun 02, 2007 00:03

waking up bright and early tomorrow (have to leave by 6:30 WTF.) to take the SAT. which i've not stressed about AT ALL because 1) i'd forgotten it was coming up until about three days ago, and 2) because i'm honestly not too worried and i don't want to waste energy making myself worry and it should just be better if i just do it and try not to stress.

but now it's tomorrow and i'm a bit worried. not about the writing section (i've always gotten high scores there), or about the reading, really (i've gotten pretty good scores there, i think). and i know some of you will hate me for saying this, but i actually (usually) enjoy math, so i'm not even really too worried about that. even though i haven't done math in about a year. >.<

by the way, i went to take the math test at school to skip the lower math classes (so i'd have enough time to do physics before i leave the school), and even though i'd never had trig before, i reviewed 2 sheets of notes and tested into the highest level math. GO ME. it's just so logical and straightforward. i hate all the subtleties of theory-based stuff. with math, it's either right or wrong and that's it. which is nice.

anyway, the part of the SAT i'm worried about is the essay. not because of writing skills, because i can obviously do that, and i'm pretty confident in my essay-format, but WHAT ABOUT THE SUBJECT MATTER? that's the part where i think i'll be at a loss. i'm not good AT ALL at relating topics to everyday examples or literary examples or what have you. so. yeah. hope i don't fail that portion miserably.

and then after the SAT's over, i go straight to my film shoot, which i'll have to rant about later. BLOODY FUCKING ACTORS. *headdesk*

hope you're all well. wish me luck tomorrow. ♥

school, rant, rl, class: comm 291

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