De Divinatione - Chapter Index

Jun 01, 2008 20:53

title: De Divinatione
pairing: Billy/Dominic
rating: PG-13/R
words: upwards of 20,000, so far (I think)
warning: AU: made-up religion, semi-made-up locations, a bit of angst, WIP
summary: Dominic is sent across the desert to another city; naturally, he needs an escort.
thanks: to Raquel, of course, for encouragement and general discussion, as well as for making me this perfect banner on about 10 minutes' notice. *mega-♥*

Work In Progress

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

(Part 1 originally posted here, for monaboyd_month)

fanfic, au, series: de divinatione, lotrips

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