It's been a while since I've posted anything fandom-ish. I started working on Citadel again last night, my first time actually devoting time to writing in a few weeks, so that felt really good. But I want to post something, and it's really not finished yet. So here we go, written on the fly, RIGHT THIS MINUTE:
"Billy!" Dom knocked lightly on the door, the gentleness of the action at odds with the obnoxious tone of his voice. "Bill, come on. We're going out. Come with us. Come onnnn."
Elijah, who was standing beside Dom and leaning against the wall to the left of Billy's door, rolled his eyes and shoved Dom over. He pounded on the door with his fist and rattled the doorknob. "Billy, come on. Please?"
"I hope he's not asleep," Orlando muttered from behind them. "It's kind of late, guys. What if he's asleep? Don't wake him--"
"Shut up, Orli. Bill, come the fuck on, we know you're not asleep. Even you don't go to bed this early. I would know, seeing as you kept me up all night last--"
The door opened quite suddenly and Billy's hand shot out, grabbed Dom by the collar of his shirt, and yanked him inside. The door was slammed in Elijah and Orlando's eager faces.
"What the fuck, Dom?" Billy whinged.
"Come out with us," Dom pleaded, his eyes wide and innocent. After a few seconds of silence, Dom stepped back and actually took in Billy's appearance. He was in a dingy, wrinkled t-shirt and his pants, and his hair was flattened on one side and sticking up on the other. "You weren't really asleep, were you?"
Billy's eyes were as sharp and alert as ever, though, and at Dom's question, they sparkled with deviousness. "Not asleep, as such..."
Dom smirked. "Come out with us, Billy. Please." He paused for a moment, taking a step back toward Billy. "Come out with me."
Billy cocked his head to the side and leaned in, putting his hand back on Dom's chest. He whispered, "How 'bout we just stay in tonight?"
Billy cut Dom off with a slow kiss, backing him against the door and pinning him there by the shoulders. Outside, Elijah and Orlando responded to the quiet thump by pounding on the door again. "Oh come on, guys, get the fuck out here," came Elijah's muffled shout.
Groaning, Dom broke off the kiss and let his head fall back against the door with another quiet thunk. Billy turned his attentions to Dom's throat, pausing to murmur, "So, do you want to go out with the lads, or stay in with me?"
Dom whimpered and stamped his foot at his own indecisiveness. "Bill, please come out with us. We were going dancing. Please? I want to go out with you." He slid his hands around Billy's waist. "I want to dance with you."
"I want to fuck you against this door," Billy replied impatiently.
Dom's eyelids fluttered. "Okay." He turned his head away from Billy and shouted, "Fuck off, I'm staying here."
"Dom! Billy, get your hands off him so he can think clearly. Dominic, get the fuck out here. We had a plan," Elijah whinged petulantly.
"We're staying in, Elwood," Billy said sternly. "Now, go away unless you want to listen to us fuck against this very door."
"Oh, hell no," Orlando broke in. Dom grinned at the sound of him dragging Elijah away.
Once their footsteps had receeded, Dom slid his hands up to Billy's neck and pulled him in for a hard snog. "I believe you mentioned something about fucking me?"
"Indeed I did."
"Care to get started on that?"
"You sure you don't want to go out dancing?"
Dom smirked again. "We'll go tomorrow. Now, tell me what you were thinking about earlier..."