original ficlet, novel-verse: Confrontation

Jun 26, 2007 23:36

I've been working a bit on the lovely prompts you've all given me, but then this hit me and I just had to write this first. *g*

This is from my as-yet-untitled-novel universe, and doesn't take place in the novel. Or ever, really, I don't think. But anyway, it's the main one of the main characters and the evil bad guy having a bit of a confrontation. Alexis was originally the main character, but Josh (who's not featured in this ficlet) was actually more of a protagonist, and I liked him more anyway, so he's now the main character, along with Alexis. Hunter is the bad guy, and that's his last name, not his first name, which is Gregory. There is a love story (kinda) between Alexis and Josh, but I absolutely adore the chemistry Alex and Hunter have together, even though anything sexual-like won't ever make it into the main story. So, I wrote this little AU kind of thing. 680 words, rated R for content and language. (and FYI, both of these characters are British)

Hunter caught Alexis’s wrist and tugged, wrenching her arm at a painful angle. She twisted, but couldn’t escape his unrelenting hold. Hunter was bigger, older, and stronger than Alexis, and he easily dragged her backwards until he could grasp her other shoulder to hold her still. Alexis struggled, but Hunter held her tightly.

Alexis kicked a foot out and felt it connect with Hunter’s shin, but other than a momentary wince and grimace, Hunter showed no sign of being affected by her fighting. His hands tightened around her wrist and shoulder and after a brief tussle, he managed to capture both her wrists in one hand, held between them. Hunter’s other hand curled around the back of Alexis’s neck; he pulled her in until their noses were mere inches apart.

Alexis didn’t blink or look away, and instead stared at Hunter as if she was the one in power. Her hardened expression made Hunter smirk and he obligingly broke their gaze first by glancing down at their tangled hands. Alexis’s small wrists were twisting in his hand, but her concentration was elsewhere and she wasn’t making a real effort to escape.

Hunter slid his hand up her neck and laced his fingers through her hair, giving it a sharp tug. Alexis gasped and jerked her head backward.

“Such a fighter, Lexie,” Hunter began in a whisper. He continued in a slightly louder voice, “There’s so many better things you could do with your life than chase me around in circles, you know.”

Alexis pulled away suddenly, but Hunter’s grip on her was firm and he yanked her back, bringing their torsos flush together.

“Tsk tsk, Alex. I thought better of you.”

“Let go of me,” Alexis ground out through clenched teeth.

“I have a place for you here. A perfect position that I know you’d enjoy, if only you’d listen to my proposition,” Hunter said quickly, holding Alexis still with another tug at her hair.

“You’re a fucking criminal,” Alexis spat. She tried to shake his hand off the back of her neck, but Hunter quickly repositioned his grip and twisted harshly. Alexis’s face contorted into an expression of pain that she couldn’t hope to mask.

“Don’t try to convince me you uphold the law, Alexis,” Hunter murmured. He bent his neck to kiss her check, close to her ear. Alexis flinched away. Hunter continued to whisper in her ear, “Don’t try to tell me you’re not every bit as manipulative as I am.”

“You’re a killer, Hunter.”

“So are you, love.” Hunter pulled back to look Alexis in the eye. “In fact, you’ve killed far more people than I.”

“You killed my brother.”

“Is he really the one you cared about?” Hunter said with a false air of curiosity.

“Bastard.” Alexis jerked in his hold again, but once again, achieved nothing. “I loved my brother.”

“I’m not sorry to have killed him. You can’t talk me into feeling guilty about that, you realize.” Hunter smiled, his lips parting enough to glimpse the tips of his blindingly white teeth. “You can’t con a criminal, love.”

“I don’t fucking con people, Hunter. You’re confusing me with yourself. Although I’m not quite sure how that’s possible… But hey, you’re psychotic enough that errors in your logic don’t really surprise me anymore.” Alexis then matched Hunter’s expression, but her grin held significantly more disdain.

Hunter’s smile widened in genuine amusement. He pulled Alexis towards him again and bent his neck to whisper in her ear, “And what about Joshua…?”

Alexis wrenched away from Hunter and twisted one hand free, which she immediately raised to Hunter’s throat. The sudden movement and pressure made Hunter cough and release Alexis’s other hand. Two swift jabs later, Alexis was across the room with her hand on the doorknob, leaving Hunter doubled over and bleeding from his nose.

Before she had even turned the handle, Hunter had straightened and drawn his pistol in a single, graceful motion. The sound of the gun cocking seemed to echo in the large, nearly empty room. Alexis jumped.

“You’re not leaving yet.”

fic, original

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