Madness, TYL and WHOOOO Event

Aug 14, 2010 01:20

Event Links

This will work as the navigation page for the event started August 31 in-game, ending in October 2. This page can be found under the !event tag of the OOC comm.


[ LINK ] [ OOC ] Call for powers to be temporarily returned during the event.
[ LINK ] [ SC ] Day Change brings about Asura... and madness.
[ LINK ] [ OOC ] MADNESS WAVELENGTH Event introduction, first coordination post.
[ LINK ] [ LOG ] Open log for the guests in Death City during madness.
[ LINK ] [ LOG ] Pre-TYL log, the beginning.
[ LINK ] [ SC ] Day Change, end of Madness Wavelength Event
[ LINK ] [ OOC ] List of damages done to the city.
[ LINK ] [ SC ] Death the Kid makes a statement about the event and Shibusen's plans.
[ LINK ] [ SC ] Spirit posts about damages to Death City.


[ LINK ] [ LOG ] Angelica and Crane meet and become allies.
[ LINK ] [ LOG ] TEN YEARS LATER, the first log. Winry, Miranda, Kanda and Yuuri find themselves in a Nevada ten years after their own time.
[ LINK ] [ OOC ] Explanation of Ten Years Later event.
[ LINK ] [ OOC ] Sign ups for Ten Years Later event.
[ LINK ] [ OOC ] TYL CR Plotting Post.
         » Shibusen
         » CWC and Lone Wolves
         » Witches and Kishin Eggs
[ LINK ] [ FAQ ] Event FAQ post
[ LINK ] [ OOC ] TYL First Log, OOC Reminder
[ LINK ] [ LOG ] First TYL Log: Shibusen side
[ LINK ] [ LOG ] First TYL Log: CWC Side
[ LINK ] [ LOG ] First TYL Log: Witch Side
[ LINK ] [ OOC ] Spreadsheet version of the sign ups.
         » SPREADSHEET
[ LINK ] [ LOG ] Backlog Post covering the ten years between now and TYL.
[ LINK ] [ OOC ] OOC post for the backlog.
[ LINK ] [ OOC ] Coordination post for Pre-Mission Preparation logs.
[ LINK ] [ LOG ] Pre-Mission Log: Shibusen Side
[ LINK ] [ LOG ] Pre-Mission Log: Witch Side
[ LINK ] [ OOC ] OOC Coordination post for the Last TYL/Mission Log
[ LINK ] [ LOG ] Last TYL log.


[ LINK ] [ OOC ] Plot Announcement and Sign Ups
[ LINK ] [ OOC ] Coordination for the mass kidnapping log.
[ LINK ] [ LOG ] Sand constructs attack the city.
[ LINK ] [ LOG ] The kidnappees' side of the story.
[ LINK ] [ SC ] Allen and Sid post clues!
[ LINK ] [ OOC ] Desert rescue group coordination post.
[ LINK ] [ OOC ] First OOC post for the TYL return.
[ LINK ] [ OOC ] Second OOC post for the TYL return.
[ LINK ] [ SC ] Spirit accidentally makes a post as he is being attacked.
[ LINK ] [ LOG ] Log for the return and another invasion.
[ LINK ] [ SC ] Death the Kid posts a warning for the rest of the city.
[ LINK ] [ SC ] Giriko is in the city.
[ LINK ] [ SC ] Justin warns everyone to step away from Shibusen.
[ LINK ] [ SC ] Azusa makes a post to support everyone.
[ LINK ] [ SC ] Kanda posts. Spirit is safe and the TYL4 are back in town.


[ LINK ] [ LOG ] Clinic log.
[ LINK ] [ SC ] Death the Kid makes an announcement on intended Shibusen action.
[ LINK ] [ SC ] Stein offers his services.
[ LINK ] [ SC ] Justin volunteers information about Giriko.
[ LINK ] [ SC ] Kanda makes his stand.
[ LINK ] [ SC ] Spirit finally makes an appearance.
[ LINK ] [ SC ] Yuuri speaks up.
[ LINK ] [ SC ] So does Winry. It's not all good news.
[ LINK ] [ LOG ] The kidnap victims try to escape.
[ LINK ] [ SC ] Shibusen finally makes its move.
[ LINK ] [ OOC ] It's mission 041, guys.
[ LINK ] [ LOG ] The guests are up for training again! All new and improved, too.
[ LINK ] [ OOC ] Coordination post.
[ LINK ] [ OOC ] Second coordination post.
[ LINK ] [ LOG ] Mission 041 commences.
[ LINK ] [ SC ] Black*Star and Tsubaki returns to Death City and bumps into unexpected guests.
[ LINK ] [ OOC ] The alarms blare throughout the city.
[ LINK ] [ SC ] Tsubaki has a clearer head for the situation.
[ LINK ] [ LOG ] Open log for the Witches in Death City.
[ LINK ] [ SC ] Edgeworth shares the results of surveillance.
[ LINK ] [ LOG ] Last Open Log for the event
[ LINK ] [ LOG ] Last hospital log for the event
[ LINK ] [ SC ] Shibusen concludes.

!gameplot masterlist (summaries only), !event

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