Okay! This is something of a coordination post for everyone who volunteered to go with Sasuke and Minato out into the desert to follow the sand constructs after those who have been kidnapped.
They'll have left in the morning of this day in game (Sept 25). They'll be leaving at 10.00am and won't be back until after midnight.
List of Participants
✓ Sasuke
✓ Fakir
✓ Enma
✓ Katsura
✓ Itachi
✓ Kuroro + Kurapika
✓ Japan + Hong Kong
✓ China
✓ + Adah
✓ Shinjiro
✓ Fuuka
✓ Kururi/Mairu
✓ Date + Dante
✓ Minako
✓ Shouta + Squalo
✓ Shizuo
✓ Namatame
✓ Saralegui
✓ Edgeworth
✓ Romano
✓ Gray
- Justin Law
- Crona
I'm sure I've missed someone or someone's partner in all of this, so let me know if I did.
Moving on! In bullet form as it's easier to read.
there are two vehicles, Kuroro is driving a truck and Romano a van.
people should decide on partnerships while en route, since they were told kishin and witches were in the camps and they've clearly thrown all attempts at a sn eak approach out the window.
essentially they'll be following the trail Sid and Allen Walker had taken, and they'll be traveling all day.
camps will be spotted, but pretty much everything will be empty, leading them further into the desert.
in the evening at some point, they'll be attacked by kishin and sand constructs. Minato's team will be focusing on defense tactics, while Sasuke's team will be focusing on strike tactics. since Minato has more people under his 'command' as it were, some of you guys will be lent to Sasuke's strike force. they'll also be attacked by a couple of witches while this is happening.
and just to spice things up a bit, there to crash the party will be Giriko and everyone will witness him conjure some sand golems, huzzah! in other words, someone needs to utter the words 'we're fucked'.
Justin and Crona will be the reason we get out alive :| that and the Witches running away after hitting once or twice
injuries will be up to you guys, between Sasuke and Minato and Justin and Crona, i hope nobody would sustain any fatal injuries? but i doubt they'll escape completely unscathed either.
as I said, everyone will be coming back via a mirror Justin happens to have on hand.
also Kuroro, your van truck is getting left behind. |D
BONUS: every Weapon on this mission will be awarded one kishin egg for you to do with what you please. It's important I have everyone on this list that's showing up so the mods can give you your eggs. also maybe let me know who is a weapon and i'll stick that up on the list, too.
There probably won't be a log for this going up because some Big Stuff will be going down in the city after everyone returns. But if you guys want one to go up (if just for conversation and interaction of the travel to the fight), let me know.
EDIT; comment here with your temporary partnership.