
Oct 19, 2010 12:19

Attention, Soul Campaign!

You might have noticed that in the previous in-game day, a few characters went missing from the guests. They have, in fact, been kidnapped by the witches by way of certain inanimate witch minions stealing them from the city. They have been taken captive and whisked away to the witch headquarters to be experimented on, traumatized, and modified.

Now, all of you also have a chance to volunteer your characters to be kidnapped! But there are certain things that we will require you follow and know before you volunteer for it! PLEASE READ EVERYTHING!

- First and most importantly, you must have more than one character before you can volunteer someone. Your character will be gone a length of time, and we would like for you to have a means to play with the rest of the game for the duration of the plot. HOWEVER, we don't want you to randomly app just to have a second character for this plot (because that is wrong!). If you really want your only character to be kidnapped, then you may volunteer and we can negotiate on it.
- Only players who have a good track record in the Activity Check may volunteer. By good track record, we mean that you passed the last two ACs! The reason for this is because after your characters have been rescued, they will be considered as key people to move forward plots and the game as a whole, and we need to be sure that these characters are committed and also have the CR to speak of. Some of you may have had untimely hiatuses recently -- if so, drop us a line and we can negotiate.
- A player may only offer one character that they have.
- Your characters are going to be severely traumatized. Not only because of the experiments, but also because Crane is there and WILL mess around with them. Because of the trauma and possible experiments they will undergo (again, will go into that later!), your characters are going to carry the effects of these even after they have been rescued. Again, think very carefully of the consequences of that to your character’s development and CR!
- Your characters will be gone from the rest of the game until the first week of December, when they will be rescued (going into that later!). This means that you will have to postpone your CR plans in Death City, or you will have to leave your character’s partners, et al. There are many consequences to being gone from the city, so please consider them all! And consult your closest CR if they are fine with it! However, there will be logs for the kidnapped characters, so you will still be able to play them.

What are these experiments?: Basically, with the help of the more scientific members of the witches, they will be trying to modify the kidnappees into fake witches. They will be trying to change the bodies of these kidnappees to become more witch-like, which will cause them no uncertain amount of pain and trauma. Not all of the kidnapped will survive -- the other residents of Death City outside of the kidnapped guests will die. Some of the characters may, however, take home a few witch-like activities (much like the modified witch abilities in TYL), which we will need to approve. Please note that this also won’t be the last opportunity to get extra abilities, so don’t volunteer your character just for that purpose!

If you are still interested even after all these reminders, then please drop us an email at soulcampaign@gmail.com, and we’ll plot and schedule their disappearances from the city. If we get too many volunteers, we may have to reject some of them, but we will try to accommodate as many as possible! The subject line will be Kidnap Plot! Volunteers will not be accepted unless it's emailed. Include a brief explanation on why you want your character taken and the character development you want to happen

But wait, there’s more!

Some of you may not want your characters to be kidnapped completely, but we can have attempts made on your characters, which can be interrupted either by Shibusen’s staff, fellow guests, or members of the Watch. The October application cycle and the last TYL log are scheduled soon, but we will plan this out for after, at a later date, when the pace of the game is more manageable and the new characters are more situated (around November, first week). If you would like to coordinate for that in advance, you may do so in this post. However, we will be putting up another announcement and coordination before the log.

If you’re still undecided, we’ll leave you with this tidbit of future plot: These kidnappings are connected to the return of the TYL four to the present timeline in November. How? The witches heading the kidnappings and attempting the assassination on Spirit are, in fact, the same! Because the four will be interrupting the assassination attempt on Spirit, the witches also in charge of the kidnappings will be outed. They will be causing trouble, which means that your characters can get a lot of action in the city again. This is the last point of the timeline that the characters will have a chance to be kidnapped (if you want to be attempted to be kidnapped, you can also save it for this one!). Afterwards, the guests can also be involved in a large-scale mission to rescue the kidnappees and foil evil witch plans. Timeline for reference.

If you have further questions, please drop a line here.

Schedule of disappearances will be put up later on when things have been coordinated. Day change will also reflect this.
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