House of Trouser 3.05

Jan 05, 2009 08:01

Agatha has an interesting take on potty training...stand no where near the stink.

Kerry discovered that the kids don't disappear when you uncover your eyes, much to her disappointment.

And Bree tries to make it easier for me to choose an heir by sending Jim upstairs via the ceiling.

Zombie maid!! Ayame Grant! Love love love.

Ira needed to pee quite badly, and for some reason tried to go to the loo on the third floor, completely ignoring the four bathrooms on the first two. Old age has sucked out whatever remaining brain cells he had left.

With their mothers working and grandfather passed out at the top of the stairs, training the kids fell to Bree. Poor Rosemary, completely ignored as Bree teaches Paul to walk.

And did you know that if you're in camera mode, and you're on a lower floor, but you've hit page up to put the next floor up, the stairs come through to the lower floor?

Ira eventually woke up, and went for a swim. In the rain.


*whistles innocently*

Hybrid: Oh that poor pool ladder!! Why can't it save you?

Hey there Grimmie.

Is that all? :(


Bree: Ooo is that rain?

Lucy brought Yolanda Qwerty home from school. Which is interesting, because she lives in Bluewater Village. Maybe. Well, for the sake of the Dear Diary story, she doesn't any more, but shh.

I guess Yolanda got tired of me not playing her, and wanted some air time!

That's it, charm your way back in!

Scott, you're also charming.

Bree is at least very upset that Ira met an untimely ending in the pool. Despite all their dramas, she loved the old coot.

I'm sure the simnet will be going into overdrive with the death of such a famous actor.

No one has fed the dog, so he's resorted to eating the garden.

Now that everyone's home, it's time to get serious about the toddler training!


Bree...really now??

Ira's death hit Bree hard...she started jumping in the flowers for fun.

Hybrid has been so busy helping out with the quads that it took hours to realise she was now an orphan.

Jerry is terribly upset that he has a platinum urn. What more can you ask for??

Getting your haunt on will help get over the crushing disappointment of having a fabulous afterlife, I suppose.

And Hooo Hooo HOOOOLIO likes to haunt the bath tub, possibly because he couldn't use it while he was alive, poor dear.

Um...oops?? I didn't even notice when the aliens came by. Agatha had been stargazing for hours, and THEN they took her.

Hybrid didn't notice either, but that's because she was on a bubble high, thinking about her now deceased daddy.

Also, holy camel toe, Batman!

This entry is full of WTF today. I lost Rosemary, and when I finally found him, he was in here.

Apparently I'd left a potty there at some point...and it's still usable!

Ira had only been dead for a few hours, but Bree was now ready to move on, and fall in love again.

Is it just me, or does Phoenix look like he's about to slap her one?

Rosemary, you look like you're enjoying that a little too much.

Jim is showing a preference for body modifications at a young age. Interesting.

Julio's just hanging with his homies.

This disturbs me.

It looks like he disturbs her a little too!


I have never noticed toddlers talking like this before.

Looks like Scott isn't the only nasty one in the house!

And Phoenix is a wham bam thank you ma'am kind of guy. But Bree is happy enough...even though her boob is poking out BEHIND her arm. OUCH.

There's a Best Friends Club, and Lucy isn't invited!

And THAT is what you get for being mean to your siblings!

And do you know what the best way to get clean after peeing yourself is? I bet you don't!

You brush your teeth. That takes the pee right outta your pants!

Oh hello aliens!

Uh, hello Agatha. How did you get out of the ship??

Now, when aliens drop off their victims, they usually keep them in the ship until the doors open. But they forgot this, and let her out early.

Oh, there she is! They sucked her back up for a grand exit. I have no idea what was up with that.

And you thought you'd get to keep your dignity.

Another example of how nice her kids are - they're standing there laughing at her.

And I realised that Kerry was in bed...still wearing the helmet. Oops.

Jerry doesn't approve of Bree's new lover, and Lucy discovers that toothpaste doesn't help that much after all.


Goddamn robots!!

And the ghosts are on a roll lately.

But Bree likes it. Masochist.

The quads were all trained up the old fashioned way, but there were just so many of them, so we had an early morning early age up.

Ah shit.

But enough of that. Here are the quads all aged up.

Hillary! Take a look at that nose.



Rosemary! Who I think is on drugs.

And those are Jim and Paul's profiles. An interesting set of features, for sure.

Oh shit.

Ouch! Apparently, the InstaClean 2000 also works as a brain bleach unit.

I leave it there like that because it amuses me to see people sit on it :)

Well, if you didn't throw it all up, you'd wouldn't be hungry!

Because I aged the kids up, it was time for Hybrid to go too. She's so pretty. No, that's not an hour glass in the background. You must be seeing things!

And because the dog is shitting me off, she gets to take him too.

This also amuses me. I deleted the cakes right after the aging up, but for some reason...the flames are still a burning.

Now that she's the only one home, Bree can finally wander around naked. Ahh, old age. Being naked all the time is just one of the perks.

Another one of the perks is picking up random men from the wishing well. In this case, it's Morgan Hu, a butler.

Just because she's naked, it doesn't mean that it's ok to grope her and kiss her boobs first!!



There is no couch!!

*sigh* Kerry chose the wrong thing to do at work (what?? It totally wasn't the chance card I picked or anything), and got fired. FIRED. Damn you girl, that's your LTW career. Now we have to wait for it to come back up.

Damn straight you oughtta be facepalming.

Agatha is always happy to be home, but this time it looks like she's made some money. She has to stand there doing the "I'm home and I'm fabulous" dance for ages, every single day.

Homework party! Jim was upstairs...

And Rosemary was stuck in the hallway.


ACR, you got some 'splaining to do!

Jerry and Ursual decide to haunt as a team.

Thinking about sex as you go to greet the Headmaster...hmm, is that you planning how to get the kids in, Kerry?

I so hope that Hillary is enjoying the scent of lobster, and not her grandmother's pee.

This family is seriously all class. While Kerry is giving him a tour, Agatha passes out in her dinner, and Bree stays naked after having a shower after peeing herself.

See? He doesn't even want to sit near them.

But he is AOK with watching Kerry pee.

I guess the Trousers are just right for his school after all! Which is a good thing, since they all got in.

What better way to celebrate than a heady make out session?

Well, popping with alien offspring that can never be heir could be a good way to celebrate too, but I'm not sure. It does make it an excellent place to end this update, though!


And when playing an almost empty lot for a scene in Dear Diary, I realised how much crisper everything was, so I'm thinking that having too much CC on a lot may be contributing to the blurriness I sometimes get. That's something I'll be checking out later, because it really bothers me how my graphics are going :/

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house of trouser

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