House of Trouser, 2.02

Jun 13, 2008 20:55

Nanny #1: *fade out*

I must say, I'm quite pleased with this shot. I love his entrances/

I'm sure she's burning in hell, too.

Uh, hello replacement nanny #2 for the nanny #1 that I didn't order.

You'd think a robot would do better at making robots, wouldn't you? As long as she's pleased with herself, I suppose.

Logarithim was still loitering around, and he thought feeling Ursual up in front of her sleeping husband was a good idea.

But since Jerry is so oblivious, they got away with it.

Why were you checking out the robot??


Seriously?? Celeste Rossi??

WOO! Nice one!

Nice grudge, you wear it well.

Gravecam rocks.


How to nanny effectively.

She may be old and crusty, but she's still a bit of a Betty.


I hope you enjoyed that...

Nanny #2: Oh no! I've just remembered! I can't swim!!

They're dropping like flies...

Yes. Jerry is thinking about woohooing, while looking at Mortimer Goth, who just berated him for spying.

That's just so wrong.


Now she wants to be a criminal mastermind.

Birthday time!

Jerry, please get your mind out of the gutter!

Nice outfit, Henry.

[/potty training face spam]

This was the first time any of them had been excited about getting a promotion. He's now back up to Broadway Star.


You were old when we met you. You had no chance.


Henry, so cute.

Charlene, so much cuter, even when cranky.

They're adorable :)

Why are you blaming Charlene?? She didn't kill you!

Oooo possessed gravestones!

Bree: WAH she was the best nanny I ever had!!

Bree: Eh, she was ok.


Bree: I wet myself...but I kinda liked it.

I love that little ghostie.


You have TWO showers and a bathtub. WHY??!

Don't blame Charlene! And stop killing my plants!


Glow babies!!

Hi there replacement nanny who's an alien that I didn't order!

You're a hottie.


Yup, very much a hottie. I might have to age you down and keep your genes somewhere.

I guess I won't kill you off...yet.


Why don't they like her? She's gorgeous! They must be jealous. Especially since she doesn't age.

The nanny doesn't like Ira, either.

They're all mean!

And classy.

Uh, Damon? You're not meant to be here. You'll get your story going once I get that head bandage I need.

And who let you in??

Though you do sound good.

No, that's not Henry OR Jiggly Puff. Who I like calling BreeBot.

Uh, Connor?

You LIKE them. Why are you stealing their paper? You actually get your own!


And his next LTW is 50 first dates. AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN.

I guess Marisa Bendett got fired, hmm? All that sexing in public would've done it.

Again? Yay!

Headbutting the toilet - the latest way to cure morning sickness.

You guys are still cute together.

Sleeping in the shower makes your dreams all shiny and clean.

Another midnight explosion takes place.

Uh, what?

lololol at her new uniform. That is SO not designed for old ladies.

Just what is in that glowy stuff, hmm?

Charlene is into some hardcore body modification. Lip dolls, all the rage.

Yes, you're still cute, too.

And they like each other! They played together for hours.

Surely splashing in puddles can't be good for you? *frets*

Because we have far too many toy robots, the BreeBot is going to start giving them away.

To Benjamin Long's love child, apparently.

It's the ROFLcopter!

Damn, you get around.

Jerry: Mwahahahahaha! I am the evillest evil to have ever evilled!

Ira: *stare stare*

There are TWO other toilets you can use!!

Bree: *stare stare*

Didn't you hear me yelling at him?? Obviously not, with what you've got on your mind.

They'll walk all the way upstairs to use that loo when no one is using the ones downstairs, but the minute someone is using this one, they have to gather around. Perverts.

Uh, we fired you. Why are you back?

Wedding anniversary party! Please note, that among the guests we have Ursual's two sons, and her two lovers. OHNOES!

I have no idea what Bree is doing there.


Dude, get over it. You're too old to be going steady, and you're a damn romance sim who doesn't want to get married!

So during this party, where do you think the happy couple are?

That's right. Celebrating in their own way.

That's ok, everyone else can Smustle.

The BreeBot keeps going, long after everyone else has stopped.

Nice fire!

Stop it!!

Dorian: And so, Ursual was my first, and she was great. She didn't make fun of me or anything. I haven't had any since she stopped seeing me, though. I miss it.

Jiggly Puff: At least you've had some! I've never had any, and I probably won't! I'm a robot! No one wants to love a robot *kri kri* But tell me more about your sex life with my maker's mother!

A family that gossips together, stays together.

I really wish they'd get some new material.

Yes, yes, we get it.

These girls are good together. But wouldn't that kind of be like singing with yourself?

So Jerry and Dorian are playing pool, Bree and her BreeBot are singing, Ira is standing there confused, Connor is spinning and Jared is getting a bubble high. The twins are skilling up something severe (like, four points each by the time the party is over).

Where are Ursual and Logarithim?


Oh, so NOW you notice! Not all those other times when she was getting it on in front of you!!

Jerry: *stabby stabby thoughts*

Jerry's ready to lay some smack down.


Logarithim: I got laaaid. I got laid!


But it was still a good party!

Logarithim immediately apologises for getting caught sleeping with Jerry's wife...this time.

Ursual: Congrats on all those dream dates you had with me!



Apparently water balloon fights still fix everything? Who knew!?

Yup, you're high.

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house of trouser

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