House of Trouser, gen 2 spares

Sep 06, 2008 14:31

As soon as Jared and Rodney graduated, they got themselves a home. It didn't have any walls, but it was still home.

They then immediately invited the family around for their wedding. The Trousers are a classy bunch, with Ursual and Jerry gossiping about Connor...who's right there.

The family were happy to gather around for the wedding, though Jerry insisted on getting drunk first.

Ira was confused about his place in the ceremony, as he was hoping to get married first.

Jerry just wanted grandchildren!

It was as lovely and romantic as they had dreamt it would be, and the petals matched Rodney's hair.


Everyone was happy for them, even Ursual, though she didn't show it.

The obligatory stuffing of the face marked the beginning of the party.

Which was soon followed by some scary ass Smustling.

After everyone had gone home, Jared decided to take in some star gazing...and found a little more than he had expected.

This upset Rodney greatly, as he'd already arranged the adoption of their first child as a wedding present of sorts.

Who arrived not long after Jared disappeared.

Rodney was left to care for Zelda by himself, as he worried himself sick about what was happening to Jared.

It wasn't long at all until Jared came home.

A little sore, a little scared...

and a lot pregnant.

The pregnancy wasn't easy on Jared, but he did his best to take care of Zelda, while Rodney went to work.

And while Rodney was at work one day, Jared went into labour, and delivered three alien babies, all by himself. One boy, two girls - Mario, Yoshi, and Peach.

The years went by, and Jared, Rodney and the children grew up happily together. Zelda loved her green munchkin siblings.

Who were all delightful, happy children.

Life continued to get better for Jared and Rodney, as their happy children continued to grow.





They all coasted along nicely, with no dramas, no problems, and enjoyed the benefits of being nice and boring.

Connor set himself up in a nice one bedroom cottage after graduation. He had no plans to settle down - no marriage for him, and definitely no children! He was too busy getting as many notches on his bed post as possible.

There was just enough room for him, and one - or maybe two - lady friends. But just for the night. Any longer than that, and he felt trapped.

Just the thought of marriage made him freeze up. And want to camouflage himself. Even though he was engaged, he really didn't want to go there.

The neighbours were very friendly, which made settling in so much easier.

But it wasn't long before there was a long procession of women stopping by to visit.

Luckily, most of them knew the score

and didn't get jealous. They were even happy to hang out with each other.

But it wasn't long before Connor's scoring...scored.

This came as a big surprise to Marisa, too.

She was too busy being Mayor to be a mother!

As reluctant as he was to do so, he let her move in. They were engaged, after all, and she was quite high profile. That just meant there'd be more women available to him!

And that there was.

He found women all over the place,

though he didn't realise that Marisa had changed the rules on him.

He tried to put her into her place,

but she just threatened to send his ass to jail. She was Mayor, she could make it happen.

So he begged her forgiveness, promising he'd be better,

do better.

But that didn't last long, and not long after the birth of their son Toby, Connor found himself slipping into his old habits.

He tried to make it up to her by trying to make good on their engagement and marrying her.

She did NOT go for it. Though she was incredibly upset, and furious with him, she didn't leave him.

Aside from her reputation, she had their son to think about. And Connor was starting to come around on that matter.

Bree came around to talk some sense into him (though she needed someone to talk some sense into her, what WAS she thinking, with that hairstyle and outfit??).

And their house was a battleground, though there was an uneasy peace for a while.

To help take the pressure off, Connor hired his childhood nanny, to help take care of Toby.

Though his girlfriends still came around when Marisa wasn't home.

Over time, Toby grew into a toddler,

And Connor found himself drawn to the nanny. It felt so wrong...

Which is why he had to do it.

More and more women fell to his charms, and word got out about how good he was.

He and Marisa had slowly patched up their differences, though it was more for Toby's sake than anything else.

Soon, there were women camping out in their yard, just desperate to get a piece of the old Connor magic. And tragically, disaster struck one night.

Poor Sandy Bruty was killed, in a freak satellite incident. Marisa was able to come up with a cover story, as to why there were so many women there, but she had trouble forgiving him.

Toby was at that age where he kept asking questions about things that made most parents uncomfortable.

Connor was happy to pass on his advice, and was eager to make sure his son knew how to woo the ladies.

Sandy's freak death didn't deter the other women in Connor's life, and they continued to hang out in his yard, hoping that he'd choose them for some afternoon delight.

Tragedy struck again, and poor Jan Tellerman was the victim. Marisa was able to dig up some information about faults within the space agency, and had the blame cast on them.

Despite all these women in Connor's life, only Marisa and Toby lived there. Arcadia was one of many trying to move in, and begged Marisa to let it happen.

Marisa coldly informed her that no one was moving in without her permission, and that she would only give it the once.

Especially when there was another baby to think about.

News of Marisa's pregnancy came as quite a shock to Connor's other lovers. Not to mention, to Connor himself.

He decided that if he was going to be settling down with all these children, and if he was going to be faithful, then he couldn't have just one woman. He and Marisa talked it over, and she finally agreed to let him have one other woman.

Lyndsay happily agreed to marry Connor, and Toby approved.

Marisa was just keen to see all the other women leave him alone.

So despite their unconventional relationship, Marisa and Lyndsay made their peace with each other, and with Connor.

While he was still technically engaged to Marisa, he decided it was time to ask her again, because this time, he wanted it to work. With both of them.

Not long after that, they had a double ceremony in the privacy of their kitchen. Marisa didn't want the public getting wind of their relationship just yet.

Connor's reputation around town had tarnished hers enough as it was, once they public found out about this arrangement, it was sure to affect her standing.

But the girls had made their choices.

If they wanted Connor, and if they wanted him to stop seeing other women, this is what they had to do.

Toby thought that it was great that he now had two mothers, and that the three of his parents were the best of friends.

Connor arranged for some renovations to take place before the latest additions were born. Toby was thrilled to be getting siblings...yes, siblings.

For not only was Marisa pregnant, but Lyndsay was too, and due right after Marisa. Though neither of the pregnancies were planned, it was like they were destined.

And as it turned out, they went into labour at the same time. Poor Toby didn't know what to do!

Especially once the babies were all out and counted - there were six of them!

Marisa had quads - Steven, Wanda, Everett, and Justin, while Lyndsay had twins, Ingrid and Olivia.

So much for Connor never having children and never settling down!

Having their children at the same time brought the two women closer together, though not as close as Connor would have liked.

Though he did dream about it. And would often beg.

Life was hectic for them, and space was cramped, but there was plenty of love, and plenty of lovin'. That was one benefit of your husband having another live in wife - there was always someone to watch the children so you could have some 'alone time'.

Marisa resigned from politics not long after the quads were born, as she wanted to spend more time at home with them, and became a stay at home mother, though the public talked about her marriage for quite a while. Lyndsay returned to the police force, as she found it much more relaxing than staying at home. Connor continued to work in the Adventure field, and surprisingly, never strayed again.

The kids all grew up well, though with their share of spats and fights. With that many kids in the house, it was inevitable, and a common occurrence!





Justin (who looks just like his cousin Henry)



And they lived happily ever after!

Incidentally, they're living in a small house with Jared and Rodney at the moment, though I didn't take any pictures of that. The kids were all released into townie-dom, but I haven't felt mean enough to kill off the parents as yet.

The satellite deaths were NOT orchestrated by me! I've got that hack that improves the chance of death by satellite...and it struck twice! The women had all been gathered around to see who Connor liked the most, and Lyndsay won out. I had to get him and the girls married twice to get it to all work out. They were not happy with the arrangement at first, but a few ACR tweaks and they were very keen.

The Family Tree has also been updated.

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[ 1.01][ 1.02][ 1.03][ 1.04][ 1.05]

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[ Family Tree]

house of trouser

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