House of Trouser, 2.04

Jul 13, 2008 15:36

As to the burning question asked at the end of the previous entry - it's a dog! Fah-Zhai, who we'll call Fazzie.

And Fazzie doesn't like the BreeBot at all...and also gets her confused with Kerry. He's not a smart dog, which means he's perfect for this family.

In a lapsed moment, the adults let the girls out of the cage playroom.


But they were rounded up quickly and put back into detention. These poor girls have not once splashed around in toilet water, they are that deprived.

Because Fazzie was MEANT to be a puppy, but turned out to be an old fart, they got another dog, who is definitely a puppy. I can't remember her name, and my game is still giving me trouble, so we'll call her Booger until I can get back into the house to check. Her name is Thong. I'm not sure if that's better or worse than Booger. Thong Booger doesn't sound good at all. I might keep it.

Thong Booger knows the drill, and is ready to blame Kerry for everything, too. And yes, this dog so far is identical to Suzi, the Never Grow Puppy.

Jerry loves Booger.

I'm sure you can see why!

And yet another example of how great this family is - they left the puppy on the snowy ground, not caring that puppies can't climb stairs.

Jiggly Puff: Humans are so dull.

It seems PVC just isn't made how it used to be. Poor dears dress split up the butt!

But that may have been because Fazzie keeps chasing her. He really doesn't like her.

Jiggly Puff: I'm a robot! A super being of great power and intellect! You are a puny being who delights in rolling in faecal matter!
Fazzie: grrr! growl! rawr! *cough cough*

Jiggly Puff: Run away! Run away! Oh god, my dress! My dress!
Fazzie: *likes playing chasey*

Jiggly Puff eventually grows some balls and tells the dog off.

He looks appropriately contrite, so she forgives him.

He then suckered her into playing fetch with him. Can we see who's in charge here?

I can see the teenage drama to come - Charlene can't wait to grow up and be all that she can be, and Henry hates himself. The teen years look like they'll be fun, hmm?

Fazzie: What is this green glowing stuff? The non-human must be out to get me already.

For a robot, the BreeBot is surprisingly stressed about her life.

Do you know what you shouldn't do when your robot is stressed? Leave them alone. I went to look at what everyone else was doing, and when I came back, I found this. I swear I didn't do this! I love the BreeBot!


Jiggly Puff: Superman has nothing on me! Up, up and awaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy! I gotta get outta here! There is knowledge that needs learning!

She tries to take off by igniting her jet pack, but it fizzles out pretty quickly.



She somehow manages to swim with her top half underwater, and her hips to thighs above...while remaining upright. The girl's got skillz, yo.

Jiggly Puff: I...don't feel so good.

She clambered out and immediately set herself to recharge, even though it was the middle of the night.

Meanwhile, back inside, the family are oblivious. Henry continues the family tradition of staring at people while they're on the toilet. I'm sure this is the only way he can recognise them.

Jerry dreams about Brandi. Alrighty then...

Bree is very against the latest "music". Damn hippies and their noise!

She also dreams about alien babies that she hasn't met yet. And neither have you, so that's all you hear about them for now!

Fazzie: This is another robot creature! The non humans are everywhere! If I pee on it, it may stop...

Fazzie: Fazzie, levitate!

The BreeBot feels better once she has recharged.

Well, physically, anyway. She's still very stressed.

The puppy somehow gets into the play room, and is immediately attacked by Skye.

But the BreeBot is too busy trying to find people online to talk to notice the plight of the puppy.

Warning: Kissing the Social Bunny can result in your face being eaten.

Jiggly Puff: You say what about my mother? What do you mean, I don't have a mother??

Is it a sign of insanity when you start fights with your imaginary friends?

I think it's even worse when you start punching yourself through your chest and in your stomach.

At least she kicked his butt. Losing a fist fight to your imaginary friend isn't a good sign.

Ira was bored, and decided to start cutting up this dummy that was lying around the backyard.

Ira: OHMYGOD! That's the sponge Bree washes with! How did it get out of my collection?? *pockets*

Henry and Charlene start to suspect that something may not be quite right with their mother.

Jiggly Puff's decent into insanity continues with her practising her ninja moves on the snowmen.

Jiggly Puff: *patting self on back* That's right. You showed him.

She killed all three of the snowmen, but managed to get stuck in the middle of them.

What else would a robot do when they're stuck in a collapsed snowman circle? They freestyle!

But even that can only last so long. Especially when you've been there all day.

Jiggly Puff: Oh hi Ursual! You've come home from work I see! Have you got any big plans for the night? Can you let me out??

Well, whatever she had in mind, her plans are about to change :((

Ursual: Really? This old thing?

Ursual: Ooh that sounds fabulous!

Ursual: Mmm, what's in this stuff? It's going straight to my head!

Apparently death makes you levitate.

As well as amputates one of your limbs. WTF??

Ursual: *levels up for the final time*

Even though she's happy to go...that still looks kinda painful.


Yes, she's dead. Don't you feel bad for wasting that time hating her now?

Charlene missed her grandmother so much, she decided to nap out in the cemetery.

Ira: ...and he said she didn't want to use any protection so he didn't..
Bree: Uh huh, uh huh holy fuck my mother just died and he's telling me this crap??

So while Ira was being clueless, Fazzie managed to get in between the snowmen, where the BreeBot was trapped.

Aww, he must've felt sorry for her.

Ira: What she needs is a good water balloon fight. That shit cures everything.

Everyone inside finally clues in on Ursual's passing, even if it is only for the cash reward.

They finally remember that they have toddlers.

I don't know whether to be amused or disturbed by this.

Jerry: I wonder where that wife of mine is. She must be working late.

Poor Jerry is in the denial stage of grieving.

This seems to be the only effect going for a swim has on Jiggly Puff. When directed to do anything, she runs there like this.

Kerry does something weird to the puppy.

Something really weird.

Jerry: I don't see anything in the paper about her working late. I wonder where she is?

Ira: Oh man, I really have to pee. Gotta pee gotta pee gotta pee BAD!
CleanBot: Just hurry up and do it I will catch it.

Charlene: Holy hell my dad is weird.


Henry secretly hates robots. But he's not game to say that around Jiggly Puff.

Charlene hates the nanny she doesn't remember.

Let's just pretend that made sense.

Now Jerry hasn't shown ANY signs of mourning over Ursual. He loved her madly when she died, but he didn't cry, didn't show any sadness at all. He did think about her occasionally, but all he wanted was to go on a date and flirt a bit. So he did, with Contessa Maura Zaidi. I guess he thought he might as well go back to his vampiric roots! No pun intended ;)

Jerry: So do you still get n00bs drinking rat blood, because they're too scared to go for the good stuff?
Jerry and Maura: *giggle*

Maura: Dahlink, you look so good! Time 'as 'ardly touched you!

Jerry: Well, I have lots of grandbabies now, and that has aged me a bit, but still, you're so sweet!

He may be old, with lots of grandbabies, and no longer a vampire, but he certainly floats her boat.

Maura: You look so good, I must kiss you! I must 'ave you!

Jerry: I'm technically not married any more, but that doesn't mean I want to jump into anything serious, I mean, she only died yesterday.

Maura: Dahlink, I only want to use you for my own selfish purposes. I 'ave no desire to wed you! Now - come 'ere!

And he did.
Jerry: Oh my god, firm boobies!
Maura: Oh good! It still works!

That...looks painful. And, uh, is she packing something?

This is why you shouldn't garden in your fancy shoes.

Jiggly Puff is still stressed, but this time it's over Ursual's death. She's still the only one to show any distress about it.

Poor Ursual. I loved you lots. Please haunt them soon.

Jerry dreamt of Maura quite a lot that night. It's nice to see him moving on from his crippling grief.

Bree went back to her cranky ways.

Ira went back to his stupid ways.

And Henry still hates himself.

Zady! You didn't let me clean you up! Go back home!

Fazzie: She smells funny.

Somewhere along the line (possibly after Fazzie kept harassing it), the HydroBot went bonkers.

Poor Remington had all that to deal with.

The BreeBot struggled to turn it off. You think it'd be easy for her, being machinery herself, but no, it was still difficult.

She did manage to redeem herself by fixing it.

Jiggly Puff: *cough* *choke*

*splutter* HEEEEEELPPPP!

Fazzie was only mildly interested.

Jerry is pissed that he has to help Kerry with her birthday, and doesn't get why she can't be as advanced as Skye, who's able to do it all by herself.

She's turned out pretty cute.

With really bendy arms. That just looks so painful.

Everyone else gathers around for Kerry. Clearly, they love her more.

Well, everyone except Charlene, who is drinking tea.

Jiggly Puff can't help but try to make it all about her.

Kerry: AWESOME! Spiderman jammies! None of that girly crap for me!

And these girls actually like each other too!

Ira clearly loves his wife still, and must be thrilled that their kids are all grown up, that there are no more nappies to change, and they can sleep in as late as they want.

Skye: And the forces of good triumph once more over the forces of evil!

Kerry: Grandma is so gonna haunt your ass now.

It was after this that I accidentally lost all my CC, and then spent ages trying to recollect it all, install it, sort through it, and rebuild everything. I'm still doing that, but right now, that's beside the point.

Possibly due to this drama, the game thinks that Ursual is still alive as it starts the family up, and shows her on the loading screen. Because it's doing that, poor Kerry doesn't even get to star in the loading screen. She got all the birthday attention, so maybe it's Skye's fault.

But the good news is, I've got my game working again (well, for these guys, I still can't get into the Kibble household), and now have WAY too much CC. But I'm sorting through it, and deleting the stuff I don't like. Down Them All is a dangerous add on to have - it makes it too easy to get a shit tonne of downloads.

I'll hopefully have another update soon!

Previous updates
[ 1.01][ 1.02][ 1.03][ 1.04][ 1.05]

[ 2.00 part one][ 2.00 part two][ 2.01][2.02][ 2.03]

house of trouser

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