House of Trouser, 3.03

Oct 30, 2008 13:09

So we ended last time with upgrading their house, and we start this time with Apartment Life installed, wee! For some reason, this makes Agatha less pregnant. She was still pregnant, but not as much as before. Ooookay then.

Yay! This is as cute as it looks in the pictures. Though Scott does look awfully scary there.

But not as scary as Igor!

Old age has given Bree some new skills. Like levitating dishes.

As I go around the house and check on what everyone is doing, I find Junior and Hybrid relaxing in bed...talking about balls.

You guys are very cute.

And into weird stuff.

Please note that she keeps her Hello Kitty underwear ON while she has sex.

Because AL has reset their ages and pregnancy states back to the beginning, I tweak it a bit and the toddlers age up before I'm ready. OOPS.

Scott looks worried still, but not as much.

Lucy looks...odd. And that's the front view!

Oh man, those ears. They kill me.

Bree and Ira: I love trees!

Ira: I love that you love trees as much as you love me!

Bree: He better not want to be getting it on again any time soon.

Bree: Thank god all my eggs are cooked.

Instead of humiliating herself with the family, she took herself outside to pass out into her dinner.

NOOOOOOOOOO. Jiggly Puff!!! NOOOOO. :((((((

Lucy starts practising for her future career.

And...Ira learns to walk on water! I had this happen in my Big Brother house, too. Some things will just not wait, I guess.

See that plant? It looks fairly innocuous, right? That's what I thought.

Um...oops?? And I forgot to get someone to try it out for me, too. Bugger. But that was only because of the events that immediately follow.

Say what now, Junior?

He got a dye job when he morphed back into his skin suit.

And this was the beginning of the end. *sigh*

No, Hybrid isn't down the well.

He was wishing for romance, but he kept glitching, so he didn't get anyone come out, even though it apparently worked. And then I couldn't get him to do anything, I couldn't click on him or make him do anything. And he just stood there, flicking around :(

Kerry enjoyed the feeling of power she got from controlling the weather.

Though she didn't quite enjoy being pelted by hail.

Nor did Junior.

Especially when the regular hail wouldn't do it!

Poor Biscuit was truly upset.

Kerry was the only one to see him go. Well, apart from the howling dog.

Who was apparently hail proof!! He didn't mind sleeping outside in the hail. He'll pee inside, but sleep where he gets pelted by icy rocks?!

Kerry then really, really wanted to get it on with someone else. Fidelity isn't her strong suit. So, since the wife is asleep, we dig up someone from the well. Someone who meets all of Kerry's desires. Someone she'll find very attractive.

And in thumps Pong King. Yes, that's his name. I love it.

But wait, what's different about him?


Who can levitate.

But he finds Kerry very sexy, so that balances it out?

It's scary that you're so pleased by that, Kerry.

That is so many shades of wrong.

But still, so, so funny.

Apparently being pelted by hail as you indulge in your pedo ways equals love. o_O

Ok, so what really happened was I learnt that changing the age in SimPE doesn't change the age in the game. When going through the characters in SimPE, I saw the name Pong King and thought that it was really freaking cool. But he was a kid, so I changed his age. DUH.

He's showing as an adult, he has a job (LOL at being a director) and he just wants to get it on and drink coffee.

So I do the right thing and age him up, but she likes him more as a child o_O

That's better!

Oh, so now you get shocked??

Pong: I really want to kiss you, but your breasts frighten me with their perfection! So I will hide behind this pillow, while leaving my groin available to your tender touch.

Kerry fixes that problem.

And she fixes it again in the sauna.

Luckily for her, Agatha slept through it all. Even with the sauna being RIGHT next to her bedroom.

Agatha suddenly remembers that she's pregnant.

And why? Because they're coming out! Oh yes, that's a plural.

First up is a boy, Paul!

Then another boy, Jim!

Oh yes.


We take a break from this delivery to find Bree and Lucy hanging out on the kitchen floor. As you do while your daughter in law or mother (as the case may be) is in the middle of having multiple children!

It's a girl, Hillary!

But wait, there's more!

Another girl, Rosemary.

Holy crap girl. That is not how you hold a baby!

And this immediately fulfilled ANOTHER LTW for Bree. Is that four now? I should really check. Now she wants 50 dream dates. THAT one is not going to happen. I did it for your mother, I will not do it for you!

Exceptional parenting abounds!

I wasn't planning on them having this many babies!

There's nothing quite like a romp on the hammock after you've squeezed four babies outta yer cooter.

Though it appears she was thinking about the tour guide the whole time.

Lucy learns the family art of walking through walls the hard way.

While Thong steams after peeing in the garage!

Bree: I have lots of grandchildren! My other kids are looooosers!

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[ 1.01][ 1.02][ 1.03][ 1.04][ 1.05]
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[ Gen 2 Spares]
[ 3.00] [ 3.01] [ 3.02]
[ Family Tree]

house of trouser

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