Round Five: Nominate - Het Fanfic

Jan 23, 2010 09:18

The nomination period is now closed; thanks to everyone who nominated!

Nominations are open from January 23, 2010 through March 5, 2010.

Please read the Rules before you nominate. If you have any questions not answered by the Rules or the FAQ, please ask them here.

Nominate your favorite Het Fanfic in comments to this post. Please use the forms below to nominate (just copy and paste it from the text box into your comment). All information requested in the form must be provided. If the form is not complete, or if the information you provide is incorrect, your nomination may not be accepted.

You may nominate more than one fic per comment. If you wish to nominate more fic at a later time, please do so in a separate comment to this post, rather than in the thread with your previous nomination, as that makes it easier for us to keep track of things.

Please do not use the edit function to make changes and/or corrections to your nomination. On the occasions when we’ve already updated the list with your nomination, it may be difficult for us to determine what changes and/or correction you’ve made. If you need to make a change and/or correction to your nomination (fix an url or typo, fill in a blank, etc.), please do so in a separate comment so we can make sure we see it.

You do not need a LiveJournal account to nominate.

All comments will be screened.

Thank you!

Nomination Forms:


Category (see above; you may only list up to three per fic):
Name of Original Character (only if nominating in Best Original Character category): N/A
Url (do not hyperlink):
Author Name:
Author E-Mail:
Your Name:
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Outstanding Author:

Please remember that the Outstanding Author nomination does not count towards the three categories a fic may be nominated for. Either include the Outstanding Author nomination when you nominate the Author’s fic (above form) or use the following shortened form for Outstanding Author nominations ONLY.

Category: Outstanding Author
Author Name:
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Your Name:
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Complete List of Het Fanfic Nominees:


Deep Space Numb3rs: The New Mathematician by jelsemium (Charlie/Susan, Charlie/Amita; PG; Deep Space Nine)

Discere Docendo by StatsGrandma (Don/Karen, Don/Robin, Charlie/Amita, Larry/Megan; PG13)

First Meeting by jestana (Larry/Megan; G; Judgment Call)

Just One Question by mustangcandi (Colby/OFC; P13)

Leaving the Path by jestana (Larry/Megan; PG; Isaac Fleinhardt)

Uncomfortably Enemies by rodlox/Keenir (Charlie/Liz; PG13)

Virtue by emmademarais (Don/Kim, Charlie/Susan; NC17)


Crossroads by thestorypit/Jules (Don/Robin; PG; Friendly Fire)

Culpa by trillium33 (Don/Robin; PG13; Arrow of Time)

Eggnog and Pain by elysium1996 (Don/Kim, past Don/Coop, Coop/OFC; R)

Everything That Sparkles by valeriev84/Valerie Vancollie (Don/Robin, Don/OFC; R)

GreyBlue Eyes by Lauradaexplorer (Colby/OFC; PG13; Tina)

I Love You In a Place Where There's No Space and Time by StatsGrandma (Charlie/Amita; G)

Home Is Not A Place by thestorypit/Jules (Don/Robin; PG)

How Can One Keep Warm Alone? by izhilzha (Larry/Megan; PG13)

Love and Consequences by Wenwalke (Charlie/Amita, Don/Robin; PG13)

Lying by jestana (Megan/Larry; PG)

Stay by mustangcandi (David/Liz; PG13)

The L Word by mustangcandi (Colby/OFC; NC17; Callie Walker)

Unsteady by jlm110108 (Charlie/Amita; G)

Who Are You? by rodlox/Keenir (Colby/Nikki; PG13; Trust Metric)

Wish (Upon a Star) by ladygray99 (Larry/Megan; PG13)

Before & After

Daddy’s Work by trillium33 (Don/Robin; PG)

I Love You In a Place Where There's No Space and Time by StatsGrandma (Charlie/Amita; G)

Lark or Nightingale by jlm110108 (Don/Val, Charlie/Val; G)

Leaving the Path by jestana (Larry/Megan; PG; Isaac Fleinhardt)

Rowing Against a Stream of Hurt by loozy (Don/Robin (mentions Charlie/Amita, Coop/OMC); R)

Surprises by CGFan (Colby/OFC; PG; Hallie Granger)

The Slow and Steady Rush mercilynn (Don/Megan; NC17)

Time To Make Haste by digeediva (Charlie/Amita, Don/Robin; PG13)

Two Faiths? by jestana (Megan/Larry; G)

Wonderful Life by emarie34/Softballdiva34 (Don/Robin; PG)


A is for Anesthesia by ThesaurusGirl (Colby/OFC: PG13; Kerri Walton)

Bait and Switch by jelsemium (David/Kensi; PG; NCIS:LA)

Escape Velocity by StatsGrandma (Don/Karen, Don/Robin, Charlie/Amita, Larry/Megan; PG13)

Kill by SomeCrazyGirlWhoLikesPie/SplashingFish (Don/Megan; PG13)

Only Love is Real by StatsGrandma (Don/Karen, Don/Robin, Charlie/Amita, Larry/Megan; PG13)

Sin City Celebration by LaneIA (David/Claudia; PG; CSI)

The Future Is Now by Bunny1 and GreenLeoFiend (Don/Robin, Charlie/Amita, Larry/Megan; PG13)


Colby and Kara by jelsemium (Colby/Kara Kal-El; PG)

Relationships by jestana (Larry/Megan; G)

Tenure? by digeediva (Charlie/Amita; PG)

Wow! by Luvnumb3rs (Don/Robin, Charlie/Amita; PG13)


Across the Universe by emmademarais (Larry/Megan, Coop/Kaylee; PG13; Firefly)

Bait and Switch by jelsemium (David/Kensi; PG; NCIS:LA)

Deep Space Numb3rs: The New Mathematician by jelsemium (Charlie/Susan, Charlie/Amita; PG; Deep Space Nine)

Pie a la Love by Meatball42 (Colby/Brennan; PG; Bones)

Sin City Celebration by LaneIA (David/Claudia; PG; CSI)

Three For the Show by Medie Shanachie/shanachie_quill (Colby/OFC/Eliot; NC17; Leverage)


Dangerous by PaBurke (David/Ziva; PG13; NCIS)

Just A Little Off Course by sororcula (David/Liz; R)

Keep You Safe by magisterequitum (Ian/Nikki; R)

Love Bless the Sinner by paranoid_woman (David/Liz; PG13)

Motorcycle Mama, Maybe by jelsemium (Don/Robin; PG)

Tempting Her by ladygray99 (Charlie/Liz; R)

The Blame Game by mercilynn (David/Liz; PG)

The Doomed Shake Hands by mercurybard (Charlie/Amita; G)

X is for Xrated by M. Marchand (Don/Robin, Charlie/Amita; R)

Drabble Series

A Start by magisterequitum (Ian/Nikki; PG-R)

A Weekend To Remember by thestorypit/Jules (Don/Robin; PG13)

Home Invasion Gone Wrong by callsign624/weirdkid624 (Don/Robin; PG13)

Picture This by mustangcandi (Ian/Nikki; R)

Regret To Inform by emmademarais (Larry/Megan; PG13)

Resistance Is Never Futile by rinkle (Don/Robin; PG13)

Reversed Erotica by paranoid_woman (Charlie/Amita; NC17)

Take You Home by sororcula (Colby/Nikki; NC17)

The Arch of Love Affair by ladygray99 (Charlie/Amita, Charlie/Liz; NC17)

The Ni Hao Ma trilogy by rodlox/Keenir (Colby/Alice Chen; PG-R)

Today it Was Her, Tomorrow it Would Be Him by valeriev84/Valerie Vancollie (Don/Robin; R)


A Lantern Against the Dark by noxnoctisanima (Larry/Megan; PG; Two Daughters)

Bait and Switch by jelsemium (David/Kensi; PG; NCIS:LA)

Crossroads by thestorypit/Jules (Don/Robin; PG; Friendly Fire)

Discere Docendo by StatsGrandma (Don/Karen, Don/Robin, Charlie/Amita, Larry/Megan; PG13)

Deep Space Numb3rs: The New Mathematician by jelsemium (Charlie/Susan, Charlie/Amita; PG; Deep Space Nine)

Everything That Sparkles by valeriev84/Valerie Vancollie (Don/Robin, Don/OFC; R)

Rowing Against a Stream of Hurt by loozy (Don/Robin (mentions Charlie/Amita, Coop/OMC); R)

Sunken Dreamboats by valeriev84/Valerie Vancollie (Don/Robin; PG13)

The Journey Back by julietm (Colby/OFC; PG13)

Time To Make Haste by digeediva (Charlie/Amita, Don/Robin; PG13)

Under the Moon by Kaylien (Don/Robin; PG)

Unsteady by jlm110108 (Charlie/Amita; G)

Virtue by emmademarais (Don/Kim, Charlie/Susan; NC17)

Who Are You? by rodlox/Keenir (Colby/Nikki; PG13; Trust Metric)

Episode Related

A Lantern Against the Dark by noxnoctisanima (Larry/Megan; PG; Two Daughters)

All Bets Are Off by mustangcandi (Ian/Nikki; R; Friendly Fire)

Call For Help by FraidyCat/boen2000 (Charlie/Amita; PG13; Angels and Devils)

Crossroads by thestorypit/Jules (Don/Robin; PG; Friendly Fire)

Culpa by trillium33 (Don/Robin; PG13; Arrow of Time)

Dutiful by rodloxKeenir (Don/Val Eng; PG13; Soft Target)

First Meeting by jestana (Larry/Megan; G; Judgment Call)

Friendly Advice by ladygray99 (Charlie/Amita; PG13; Angels and Devils)

His Saving Grace by mustangcandi (Don/OFC; PG; Hydra)

N is for New Revelations by emarie34/Softballdiva34 (Don/Robin; PG13; Disturbed)

S is for Sita by hope_tang/Hope/Dragon’s Daughter (Charlie/Amita; PG13; Angels and Devils)

Suspension of Disbelief by Squelchything/thewhiteowl (Charlie/Amita; PG; Magic Show)

The Back Row of the Movies by LaneIA (Colby/Liz; PG; Where Credit’s Due)

Who Are You? by rodlox/Keenir (Colby/Nikki; PG13; Trust Metric)


A Friendly Wager by digeediva (Charlie/Amita, Don/Robin; PG)

A Spoonful of Sugar by xylaria (Larry/Megan; PG13)

B is for Baseball Game by elysium1996 (Don/OFC, Charlie/Amita, Larry/Megan; PG)

Colby and Kara by jelsemium (Colby/Kara Kal-El; PG)

Daddy’s Girl by trillium33 (Don/Robin; PG)

Dutiful by rodloxKeenir (Don/Val Eng; PG13; Soft Target)

My Wish For You by mercilynn (Megan/Coop; PG)

Stars Misaligned by Zaidie (Don/Robin; PG13)

The Attraction Equation by Seven Days Later (Charlie/Amita; G)

Tenure? by digeediva (Charlie/Amita; PG)

Under the Mistletoe by mercilynn (Don/Megan (mentions David/Colby); PG)

When Is A Train Ride Knott Berry Fun? by jelsemium (Megan/Larry; PG)


Call For Help by FraidyCat/boen2000 (Charlie/Amita; PG13; Angels and Devils)

Catapultum Habeo. Nisi Pecunian Omnen Mihi Dabis, Ad Caput Tuum, Saxum Immane Mitem by StatsGrandma (Don/Karen, Don/Robin, Charlie/Amita, Larry/Megan; PG13)

Escape Velocity by StatsGrandma (Don/Karen, Don/Robin, Charlie/Amita, Larry/Megan; PG13)

Everything That Sparkles by valeriev84/Valerie Vancollie (Don/Robin, Don/OFC; R)

Friendly Advice by ladygray99 (Charlie/Amita; PG13; Angels and Devils)

His Saving Grace by mustangcandi (Don/OFC; PG; Hydra)

Just Let It Out by Dwennie (Don/Nikki; PG13)

Love and Consequences by Wenwalke (Charlie/Amita, Don/Robin; PG13)

Moments by Iawen Londea (Don/Robin; PG13)

S is for Sita by hope_tang/Hope/Dragon’s Daughter (Charlie/Amita; PG13; Angels and Devils)

There’s Something About Larry by Scarlet.Alphabet (Larry/Megan; PG13)

Unsteady by jlm110108 (Charlie/Amita; G)


Haunted by jelsemium (Charlie/Amita; NC17)

Show and Tell by julietm (Ian/Nikki; NC17)

The First Time by Bunny1 (Charlie/Amita; NC17)

Three For the Show by Medie Shanachie/shanachie_quill (Colby/OFC/Eliot; NC17; Leverage)

Untitled Comment!Fic by cpwatcher (Don/Megan; NC17)


A is for Anesthesia by ThesaurusGirl (Colby/OFC: PG13; Kerri Walton)

Catapultum Habeo. Nisi Pecunian Omnen Mihi Dabis, Ad Caput Tuum, Saxum Immane Mitem by StatsGrandma (Don/Karen, Don/Robin, Charlie/Amita, Larry/Megan; PG13)

Only Love is Real by StatsGrandma (Don/Karen, Don/Robin, Charlie/Amita, Larry/Megan; PG13)

Sin City Celebration by LaneIA (David/Claudia; PG; CSI)

Virtue by emmademarais (Don/Kim, Charlie/Susan; NC17)

Original Character

A is for Anesthesia by ThesaurusGirl (Colby/OFC: PG13; Kerri Walton)

I Think We Need Another Bath by elysium1996 (Don/OFC; R; Elle)

GreyBlue Eyes by Lauradaexplorer (Colby/OFC; PG13; Tina)

Leaving Las Vegas by emmademarais (Coop/OFC: PG13; Maricela Alejandra Nunez Gutierrez)

Leaving the Path by jestana (Larry/Megan; PG; Isaac Fleinhardt)

Simply A Wow by sororcula (Colby/OFC; R; Unnamed OFC)

Surprises by CGFan (Colby/OFC; PG; Hallie Granger)

The L Word by mustangcandi (Colby/OFC; NC17; Callie Walker)

The Visible Spectrum by magisterequitum (OMC/OFC; PG13; Cordelia Eppes)

Outstanding Author

Jules (@ thestorypit)


Birthday Surprise by julietm (David/Liz; NC17)

I Think We Need Another Bath by elysium1996 (Don/OFC; R; Elle)

Outsider by paranoid_woman (Don/Robin; R)

Show and Tell by julietm (Ian/Nikki; NC17)

Sting by CMW2 (Don/Nikki; R)

The First Time by Bunny1 (Charlie/Amita; NC17)

Untitled Comment!Fic by spikedluv (Charlie/Liz; NC17)


Beach Music by valeriev84/Valerie Vancollie (Don/Robin; PG13)

Culpa by trillium33 (Don/Robin; PG13; Arrow of Time)

Dutiful by rodloxKeenir (Don/Val Eng; PG13; Soft Target)

First Time For Everything by mustangcandi (Colby/OFC; NC17)

How Can One Keep Warm Alone? by izhilzha (Larry/Megan; PG13)

Just Let It Out by Dwennie (Don/Nikki; PG13)

Lark or Nightingale by jlm110108 (Don/Val, Charlie/Val; G)

Leaving Las Vegas by emmademarais (Coop/OFC: PG13; Maricela Alejandra Nunez Gutierrez)

Lying by jestana (Megan/Larry; PG)

Professional Development by Kitsune Moonstar (Don/Terry; PG)

Q is for Query by M. Marchand (Charlie/Amita; PG)

Second Look by sororcula (David/Liz; R)

Stars Misaligned by Zaidie (Don/Robin; PG13)

The Attraction Equation by Seven Days Later (Charlie/Amita; G)

The L Word by mustangcandi (Colby/OFC; NC17; Callie Walker)

Two Faiths? by jestana (Megan/Larry; G)

Under the Mistletoe by mercilynn (Don/Megan (mentions David/Colby); PG)

Vision in White by magisterequitum (Larry/Megan; G)

You Lead, I’ll Follow by thestorypit/Jules (Don/Robin; PG)


Alpha Series by elysium1996 (Don/OFC; PG)

For Want of a Kiss by valeriev84/Valerie Vancollie (Don/Robin; R)

The Back Row of the Movies, New Moon Memories and Double Feature by LaneIA (Colby/Liz; PG)

The Wavering Lights Series by magisterequitum (OMC/OFC, Don/Robin; PG-R)

Their Days Are Numb3red by StatsGrandma (Don/Karen, Don/Robin, Charlie/Amita, Larry/Megan; PG13)

You’ve Got What Gets Me/(Every Time)/Simply A Wow sororcula (Colby/OFC; R)


A Friendly Wager by digeediva (Charlie/Amita, Don/Robin; PG)

B is for Baseball Game by elysium1996 (Don/OFC, Charlie/Amita, Larry/Megan; PG)

Fit To Be Tied by mustangcandi (Ian/Nikki; PG13)

I Think We Need Another Bath by elysium1996 (Don/OFC; R; Elle)

King’s Calculation by mercilynn (Amita/Tim King; PG)

My Wish For You by mercilynn (Megan/Coop; PG)

Professional Development by Kitsune Moonstar (Don/Terry; PG)

Second Look by sororcula (David/Liz; R)

She Thinks Probably by Fell Down Once (Charlie/Amita; PG13)

Starting Off With A Bang by magisterequitum (Don/Robin; G)

Two Faiths? by jestana (Megan/Larry; G)

Vision in White by magisterequitum (Larry/Megan; G)

You Lead, I’ll Follow by thestorypit/Jules (Don/Robin; PG)


Another Planet’s Sky rubynye (Charlie/Amita/David; NC17)

Both by emmademarais (Ian/Nikki/Coop; NC17)

Homecoming by melissima & emmademarais (Charlie/Amita/Seth Marlow; NC17)

Jet Black by emmademarais (Ian/Nikki/Charlie; NC17)

Standoff by rubynye (David/Liz/Nikki; R)

Three For the Show by Medie Shanachie/shanachie_quill (Colby/OFC/Eliot; NC17; Leverage)

Who’s Coming For Dessert? by jelsemium (Robin/Don/Liz; NC17)

Updated March 7, 2010.

The nomination period is now closed; thanks to everyone who nominated!

round 5

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