Numb3rs drabble: Just A Little Off Course (David/Liz, R)

Jul 01, 2009 23:18

It's technically not her birthday yet here on the West Coast, but I am impatient, SO, here's a little present for mustangcandi. Happy Birthday, darling! I hope you have a lovely day and an even better year ahead of you. ♥ ♥ ♥

Title: Just A Little Off Course
Pairing: David/Liz
Rating: R
Summary: They're the only car on the road and she lets her foot press a little heavier on the gas.
Word Count: 300
Spoilers: none
Warnings: none
Notes: Written for mustangcandi, for her birthday. Unbetaed, but thanks to mercilynn for her read-through. Title from Drive South by Suzy Bogguss.
Prompt: #10 "Travel" at numb3rs100
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, nor do I profit from their use here. This is only for fun.

"Look," she starts. They're the only car on the road and she lets her foot press a little heavier on the gas, feeling the calm of the rushing scenery. "I let you come with me because you asked nicely. You're stressed, you could use the change of pace..."

He sighs, maybe rolls his eyes a little. She doesn't look over. "But," she continues, "the fact remains that I am driving. And driver picks the music."

They fly along another moment.

"Hey," she softens, glancing at him. "Couple hundred miles and we'll switch places."

He smiles over from the passenger seat.

He gets her on her back, pressed down against the leather seat, his jeans getting tanned dusty from kneeling in the dirt road to lean in through the open door and eat her out.

She's laughing, trying to angle up and look out the window because it's not even dark yet and deserted roads aren't always what they seem. But he's tonguing pleasure through her, weakening her tense muscles till she doesn't care, till she throws an arm over her eyes and reaches her other hand down to clasp his and squeeze, leveraging into an arch to push against him.

They're in a kitschy souvenir shop in a town she's never heard of and she's pondering a display of shot glasses when her phone buzzes in her pocket. It's from him: Wish you were here.

Greetings from the home of the world's largest recorded armadillo, she texts back, grinning when she hears his snort of laughter across the room.

She buys a pair of oversized shades to chase the sun with and strikes a movie star pose by the car. He exits the store brandishing an armadillo keychain, catches her around her waist, and slips past into the driver's seat.

rated r, drabbles, het, numb3rs, fanfiction, numb3rs100, n3 fic, david/liz

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