the doomed shake hands - G

Dec 29, 2009 18:12

Title: the doomed shake hands
Fandom: Numb3rs
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Numb3rs belongs to a whole lot of people who aren't me.
Pairings: Charlie/Amita
Word Count: 100
Prompt: "Rabbit In the Bag" and numb3rs100 #61 - Object of Affection
Notes: From a series of drabbles based on songs from Nico Vega's self-titled album.

Loving Charlie isn’t the easiest thing. All the terror of being a cop’s girlfriend-is he literally going to survive the work day?-mixed with the frustrations of dating the Absent-Minded Professor.

But he tries. Amita finds proof of his effort scattered across her life. A rose in her in-box in the astrophysics department. The coffeemaker preprogrammed to have her morning cup ready when her alarm goes off. An actual mathematical proof quantifying what they have scribbled on the back of a napkin and mailed while he’s at a conference in San Diego.

He tries, and that’s more than enough.

numb3rs, series: nico vega drabbles, het, pairing: charlie/amita, rating: g

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