Vision In White - Fic -

May 12, 2009 16:31

Title: Vision In White
Characters: Larry/Megan; everyone else
Rating: G
Word Count: 481
Summary: All thoughts of the plethora of colors flee at the vision before him.
Disclaimer: I regret to inform you that I do not own them.
Feedback: Is always and greatly appreciated.
Author's Note: This was written for Hope who gave me this pairing and the color 'white'. I hope it does not disappoint and apologies for the delay.


The monastery is beautiful.

Not that it isn’t beautiful every day, but today, on this day, it is even more spectacular than normal. Flowers in every color can be seen. Just like the many different possible colors of the stars in the sky, the garden grounds are a kaleidoscope of wonder.

The monks had created a paradise that allowed for inspiration and meditation. His friends had also kept up with the flowers, never allowing them to wilt. Despite the minor setback of being ostracized by the other monks while living amongst them, Larry hadn’t really needed to ask to use the monastery on this day. His former brothers had readily agreed at this remarkable occasion, being that the monks had nothing else of importance scheduled.

The monastery is beautiful and the sky above is beautiful as the sun begins to set. The first stars of twilight are beginning to show, visible due to the distance away from the city’s bright lights. Twilight had been chosen as the time of the ceremony so that he could be with his stars and she could have every loved one present.

At that thought, of loved ones and such, Larry returns his gaze from the heavens above to the more solid Earth and the gathered guests. The Eppes family sits present in the front row, followed by the federal agents that have become a second family. On the opposite side of the aisle are their New England guests. The reconciliation between his wife to be and her family had been a good thing. It had provided a much needed closure to a part of her past that had allowed her to move forward into the next chapter of her life.

And by his side, is the only person that he needs to stand with him. Charles fidgets restlessly, impatient where Larry is patient to the delays that come with a wedding. He merely watches the shifting colors of the flowers and grass and guests and sky, marveling at the intensity and brilliance of the world.

Finally, the music starts, swelling and rising as the guests follow to stand. All thoughts of the plethora of colors flee at the vision before him. She is clad in the traditional white, the creator of all derivatives from the visible spectrum. White is all his eyes are picking up and all they want to pick up.

The vision in white walks steadily to him, a smile playing on her lips. Her feet stop opposite his and she hands the bouquet over before turning back to face him.

Megan smiles, her eyes shining, and takes his hand as they face the man who will join them forever.

White has long been his preference in food choices. But now, Larry decides, it is definitely his new favorite color.

“We are gathered here today to join together Lawrence Fleinhardt and Megan Reeves…”

megan reeves, fic, numb3rs, larry fleinhardt

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