Jan 20, 2008 14:20

Frequently Asked Questions:

Nominations - General:

Q: Why can I only nominate a Fic/Graphic/Vid that has been written/created in the past year?
A: We’ve seen too many instances of fanwork that, ten years later is still getting nominated for awards. We don’t think that work is undeserving of yet another award, but we’d like to give more recent Fic/Graphics/Vids a chance in the spotlight.

Q: How do you determine which works qualify based on the “written/created in the past year” criteria?
A: We use the data available to us, usually the date a work is first published (posted) publicly.

Q. Can I nominate my own Fic/Graphics/Vids?
A. No.

Q: Why not?
A: We all think our own Fic/Graphic/Vid is the cat’s meow, but we’d like to recognize Fic/Graphics/Vids that the rest of fandom thinks is the cat’s meow. *g*

Q. Is there a limit to the number of nominations I can submit?
A: There is no limit to the number of nominations you may submit, so long as you don’t nominate one Author/Artist/Vidder or one Fic/Graphic/Vid more times than allowed by the rules.

Q: Why can’t I nominate a WIP or RPF?
A: You can’t nominate a WIP because of Rule #1 and you can’t nominat RPF because this is a Numb3rs Awards and we’d like to limit it to the Numb3rs characters.

Q: What do Slash, Het and Gen mean?
A: Slash refers to same-sex pairings, male/male or female/female. Het is short for ‘heterosexual’ and refers to male/female pairings. Gen is short for ‘general’ and refers to fic in which no pairing is the focus of the fic (a brief mention of Larry and Megan having lunch after a case is closed is fine, a story about Charlie and Amita sitting down with Alan and planning their wedding is not).

Q: What is the difference between a Gen fic and a G-rated fic?
A: A Gen fic refers to a fic in which no pairing is the focus of the fic, while a G-rated fic is a fic that is suitable for all audiences, whether there is a pairing (mentioned in or inferred from the text of the fic), or not.

Nominations - Categories:

~NEW~Q: Can you clarify what is considered appropriate for the AU/AR category?
A: The definition of an AU/AR fic is: Fic that differ dramatically from canon, or that diverge significantly from canon. For example, fic in which Don stuck with baseball instead of joining the FBI, or Charlie went into covert ops instead of becoming a genius math professor, or the team fights demons instead of criminals.

In general, if it’s the same Don or Charlie or Colby that appears in the show, it’s probably not an AU/AR fic, even if they die or get married or leave the FBI . . . . unless the death or marriage or resignation changes their life/lives dramatically or significantly. Here’s a wacky example that *coff* no one’s ever written before: Don and Charlie leave the FBI/CalSci to become bounty hunters after the death of their father. *g*

If Colby never joined the FBI after returning from Afghanistan, or if Don died when Charlie was young and Charlie became a much different character than on the show, or if they’re still a team, only they “start up where the law leaves off” ala Leverage, then it will qualify as an AU/AR.

Q: Why can I only nominate one fic per original character in the Original Character category?
A: Nominating more than one fic per original character would merely put said original character in competition with him or herself for the win.

~NEW~Q: Must an Original Character be a person?
A: Yes.

~NEW~Q. Can I nominate an entire series for the Original Character category?
A. No, please just nominate one fic from the series.

~NEW~Q. Does the Original Character nomination count towards the max 3 categories a fic can be nominated for?
A. Yes.

Q: Why must a series contain three or more fic?
A: We all understand that there will be some differing opinion on what makes a series, but for Numb3rs Awards purposes, the committee has decided that 3 or more stories in an overall arc is the basic requirement to qualify for the Series category. Our reasoning is this: while writers can, and do, sometimes write a sequel to their story, a series is an art form in its own right, taking the story past the one-shot + sequel format. The Series and Drabble Series categories are to recognize that particular art form. (Please note that a one-shot and its sequel MAY be nominated in the other categories, just not in the Series category.)

Q: If I nominate a series, can I nominate the series as a whole, or do I have to nominate an individual story?
A: You may nominate a series as a whole. You may also nominate an individual story of the series separately so long as the individual fic (as part of a series or individually), has not already been nominated more times than allowed by the rules and was written within the past year.

Q: Where should I nominate an individual fic within a series? I want to nominate a fic that is rated PG and is totally gen, so can I nominate it in the Gen genre/format?
A: You must nominate an individual fic from the series in the same genre/format you’d nominate the series as a whole, so if you have a slash series, each individual fic must be nominated in the Slash genre/format. The same goes for an individual story within an overall Het series. Our reasoning is thus: while the individual fic may be gen in and of itself, it cannot be considered as a stand-alone story separate from the universe it was written in, and therefore must carry the genre of the series or universe the story is grounded in.

Q: Can I nominate a drabble series in the Series category?
A: No, a drabble series should be nominated in the Drabble Series category.

Q: What happens if my fic was nominated in a category that has less than three noms and it can’t be merged with another category for voting purposes?
A: If possible we’ll move your fic to another category.

Q: I want to nominate a threesome that includes elements of both het and slash (m/m/f or f/f/m), which genre/format should I nominate it in?
A: Nominate the fic in the genre/format you feel it best belongs based on your overall feel from the fic. You may not nominate the fic in both Het and Slash, though.

Q: What is the Outstanding Author category for?
A: The Outstanding Author (or Vidder or Artist) category is where you can nominate the author (or artist or vidder), themselves for recognition, rather than a particular piece of fan fiction, graphic or music video.

Q: Why does an Author/Vidder/Artist need to have two noms to qualify for Outstanding Author/Artist/Vidder?
A: If you think the Author/Vidder/Artist is outstanding, surely they have created at least two Fic/Graphics/Vids that are worthy of being nominated in the awards?

Q: Can I nominate a writing team for Outstanding Author?
A: Yes. You can also nominate fic by a writing team for any of the other categories. A writing team will be considered a separate entity from the individual authors, so you may nominate 2 fic by an individual author as well as 2 fic by the writing team in the same category.

Q: Why can’t I nominate a Website/Community/Forum/Group that won last year?
A: Besides the Series category, the Website/Community/Forum/Group format is the only place where the ‘created in the past year’ rule does not apply, so we believe this makes it more fair.

Q: Can I nominate a multi-fandom community, such as rounds_of_kink, in the Website/Community/Forum/Group category?
A: No. The Website/Community/Forum/Group must be primarily focused on Numb3rs, such as numb3rs.org, or be Numb3rs-related, such as r_morrow_daily or Dylan Bruno Online.

Q: What if I submitted a fic for humor and you placed it under angst?
A: If we believe a fic was nominated in the wrong category, we will place it in the category we think it best fits. You may make a case for your original nomination, but we will make the final decision.

Nominations - Forms:

Q: What happens if I don’t fill out everything on the form?
A: Your nomination may be deleted.

Q: Why do you need all that information, like the author’s e-mail address?
A: We need all the information so we know in what categories to place the nomination and how to describe it for the voters. We need the author’s e-mail address so that we may contact them.

Q: What if I can’t find the author’s e-mail address anywhere on their website or LJ?
A: If you can’t find it, then how do you expect us to find it? *g* Seriously, if you can’t find it listed on their website, but there is a feedback or contact button, use that to contact them and ask them for it. Same with LJ, if the person has at least one post in their LJ you can comment and ask for their e-mail address. And now, you can PM them!

Q: Since you know how to go about it, why can’t you just get their e-mail address?
A: Two reasons. First, some archives (ff.net) and forums (numb3rs.org) don’t let you contact anyone unless you’re a registered member, which we may not necessarily be. Second, the number of nominations we receive makes it prohibitive for us to search for everyone’s e-mail address.

Nominations - Updates & Notifications:

Q. Why does it take so long for my nomination to show up on the list?
A: Because there is a lot of work for us to do to make sure the nominations qualify, and often we need to contact the nominator, and on occasion the Author/Artist/Vidder, to clarify some information, as well as doing the code for each update. Also, the committee members are doing the work as each of our schedules allow. We know it’s exciting when your nomination finally makes it onto the list, and we appreciate your patience.

Q: How will the person I nominated know that they’ve been nominated?
A: We send out e-mail notifications to each nominee when we update the list. If you notice that the list has been updated and they still haven’t received notification, suggest they check their spam folder. If they still haven’t received notification, please comment to the relevant nominations post or contact someone on the Numb3rs Awards Committee.

Nominations - Declining to Participate:

Q: Does an Author/Artist/Vidder have to accept a nomination?
A: No. An Author/Artist/Vidder may decline to participate in the awards in whole, or in part.

Q: If more than two fic, for example, were nominated for the same category, what determines which nominations are accepted for that category?
A: First come, first served! The first two nominations we receive will be accepted. (So get your nominations in early! *g*)

Q: What would happen if an Author/Artist/Vidder chooses to remove one of their nominated Fic/Graphics/Vids from the Awards?
A: If the Author/Artist/Vidder chooses not to participate in the Awards at all, then none of their work will be included on the list of nominations, and the person nominating will be so informed. If the Author/Artist/Vidder declines to include one nominated work in particular, and its removal opens up a spot in a previously filled category, then the next work in line will be added to the list (presuming, of course, that there are additional nominations for that Author/Artist/Vidder)..

Q: Can an Author/Artist/Vidder choose to remove one of their nominated Fic/Graphics/Vids from the list in favor of including another that was nominated but disqualified because there were already the maximum number of nominations in a single category?
A: No. The Awards are about people honoring their favorite Fic/Graphics/Vids or Authors/Artists/Vidders, not about what an individual Author/Artist/Vidder might think is their most deserving work, so jiggling nominations will not be allowed as that would violate the spirit of the awards.


Q: Why do you have so many forms for voting?
A: To make it easier on you, the voter! This way you need not have finished reading all the Gen Fic if you just want to vote in the Music Video format and get that one out of the way.

Q: How many times can I vote?
A: Once per category.

Q: Do I have to vote in a particular genre/format, such as Slash Fic, if it doesn’t interest me?
A: No. You are not required to vote in all of the genres/formats (gen fic, het fic, slash fic, graphics, music videos, website), if you do not wish to do so.

Q: Do I have to vote in each category?
A: No. You are not required to vote in every category.

Q: Can I vote for myself?
A: Sure!

For more information, please read the Rules/Categories.

If you have any questions about this FAQ or the Rules/Categories, please ask them here (comments are screened) or contact one of the committee members directly. If your question cannot be answered immediately by the committee member, it will be referred to the committee as a whole for discussion. Please be assured that the committee looks very seriously at any queries that are brought to their attention and that all decisions and clarifications of rules and practices will be added to the FAQ in as timely a manner as possible. Thank you.

Last Updated 1/26/10.

faq, admin

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