Numb3rs drabbles: Take You Home (Colby/Nikki, NC-17)

Mar 19, 2009 02:17

Basically this is me going ahead and making the prompts dirty. It cannot all be adorable babies, okay? Also, I apologize in advance more than usual if these are awful and/or full of mistakes. It's like 2:30 AM right now. (I mean. I THINK they're fine. But I'm not quite at my best. I keep mistyping things.)

Title: Take You Home
Pairing: Colby/Nikki
Rating: NC-17
Summary: "What are you doing tonight?" she asks.
Word Count: 3x100 + 1x200
Spoilers: none
Notes/Warnings: Unbetaed. Title from "Aphrodisiaholic" by Sometymes Why. Partly inspired by this.
Prompt: March Rewind at numb3rs100: Kiss, Warm, Skin, Color
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, nor do I profit from their use here. This is only for fun.


She brushes past him to put away her files, then turns around. She leans against the drawers, crosses her arms. She always feels aggressive to him.

"What are you doing tonight?" she asks.

"Uh. Going home, watching the game."

"Without David?"

"We're not attached at the hip," he tells her. She looks startled.

"I know, I just... I thought that was like your thing, watching it together."

"Yeah, whatever. He's got a date."

"Prettier'n you?" she teases.

"Hard to imagine."

There's a pause.

"You want company?"

He shrugs. "You know I'm rooting against your team, right?"

"Oh, kiss my ass."


Her hip presses a line of heat against him, sitting together on the couch where they can both reach the chips. Her team is beating his. She delivers an elbow to the ribs every time there's a basket, like he can't read the scoreboard.

"I hope you didn't have money riding on this," she says gleefully.

"I'm a federal agent, ma'am. That would be highly improper," he says solemnly. Inwardly, he curses the dollar bills draining from his wallet by the minute. As if David needs to take away even more of his disposable income. Damn.

"Don't call me ma'am."


He can't bear to watch the last few minutes of the game, so he watches her instead. It's dark in the room, and the light shining in through the window leaves her face in shadow, just her profile and curly bangs set in detail. She looks good against his curtains.

At the end, when she turns to face him the light slides over her face and he can see her flushed cheeks and sparkling eyes. She's beaming.

"You're not gonna cry, are you?"

He takes a breath. Lets it out.

"I think I could use some consoling," he tells her.


He takes her to his bed and lays her out, strips her bare and runs his hands over her skin, making her shiver and press against him. When he goes down on her she runs her fingers into his hair and lets out a breathy laugh.

"I thought I was supposed to be consoling you?" Her voice is shaky, perfect.

"This helps," he mumbles. "Trust me."

He licks up her cunt to suck at her clit and she shifts her hips away and then back, like she can only take it in stages. He grips her thighs tight, keeping them spread, and forces the orgasm, listening to her voice crack and whimper, taking her on his tongue. When she comes down he slides up her body and kisses her, giving her the taste to lick away.

His dick rides along her, hips rolling of their own accord.

"Can I--?"

She nods, fingernails scratching at his skin where she grabs him as he enters her. She's soft and tight and so hot surrounding him, he has to close his eyes for a second.

When he opens them, he looks down, eyes catching on the contrast of her skin dark against his.

colby/nikki, drabbles, het, rated nc-17, numb3rs, fanfiction, numb3rs100, n3 fic

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