Picture This [1-4/4] (Ian/Nikki, R)

Nov 01, 2009 20:41

Posted for the ian_nikki October Challenge: Long Distance...
Written with the help of numb3rs100 prompts: Portrait, Camera, Strip, Naked...

Title: Picture This
Pairing/Characters: Ian, Ian/Nikki
Rating: R (adult situations, implied and otherwise)
Word Count: 300 x 4
Summary: Something to keep you interested, her note had said.
Spoilers: Just in case, 5.23 Angels & Devils
Notes/Warnings: This fic was inspired by pictures of Sophina Brown posted by leda_speaks at numb3rswom3n. One look at those photos and I just knew something needed to be written. I meant for this to be a full length fic but had trouble with the transitions. Rather than spend weeks worrying about that and ending up with a 3000 word fic, I turned to my numb3rs100 prompt list and made this into a drabble series. I'm a little rusty with fic that requires a word limit (I've not written a drabble since March!! EEP!) so be kind. I hope you enjoy! :) (PS: Many, MANY thanks to julietm for her assistance with and enthusiasm for this fic. *hugs*)
Disclaimer: If you recognize it, regrettably - it's not mine.


The sizeable pile of mail on his desk didn’t faze him as Agent Ian Edgerton sat in his office for probably the first time in a month. Part time instructor and full time sniper didn’t afford him the luxury of hours inside the confines of these walls.

But he was back, at least today. He’d agreed to appear at the firing range to observe the next generation of his breed… his job replacements when retirement came calling, he scoffed running a hand across tired eyes.

Leaning forward, he noticed a manila envelope stamped CLASSIFED in bold red ink. His orders didn’t usually come in envelopes, he thought opening it with curious fingers.

The content was folded inside a single sheet of paper. Before he saw the handwriting, he recognized the scent.

Something to keep you interested. I miss you, Nik.

He pulled the paper forward, revealing a stunning 5x7 print: Nikki, her curls dancing over her barely concealed shoulders. He ran his finger over her lips, enjoying that longing in her eyes -looking straight at him and wishing he were there.

He pulled that photo forward and found another - her black dress revealed in its entirety. One of these self portraits he’d keep on his nightstand at home, the other he’d carry with him for those lonely nights away.

Pulling that photo forward, his eyes widened. Her dress was pooled at her feet and she was grinning at him standing in the red lacey panties and bra he loved. Dear God, he muttered and out of sheer curiosity pulled another picture forward. The bra was missing and still she smiled. His breath quickening, Ian restacked the photos and tucked them back into the envelope. He knew where she was going with this and decided CLASSIFIED meant better left for home.


All afternoon he was distracted by thoughts of the envelope and its contents, wondering what other surprises Nik had in store for him and scowling impatiently, wanting to be in the privacy of his barely lived in apartment. He nearly sprinted to his truck when his presence was no longer needed at the range, stopping only for some evening necessities before he was flooring the accelerator and making his way home.

As soon as he walked through the door, he breathed a little easier. He slipped out of his jacket and let his shoulders relax. He was going to enjoy his night spent with Nikki, even if it were only in photographs and now that he was here - there didn’t seem to be any rush. He put the envelope on his coffee table before he pulled a beer out of the 6 pack he’d bought and put it next to the envelope. He made his way into the kitchen to put the rest of the beer in the fridge, casting a longing glance over his shoulder at the table.

She was incredible, he admitted. She just got him, like no one else had… and every time he left LA, it was just a little bit harder to leave her. He knew she understood, but he was beginning to wonder if he did.

With a long drink from his beer, he sat on the couch and held the pictures. He took his time studying the photos he’d previously seen: the head shot, the full length shot - dressed and then not. He noticed now that she’d arranged the camera so that she could take these on a timer and she’d printed these from home. There’d been no one else who’d seen her this way… and that’s just the way he liked it.


Ian flipped once more through the first three photos, watching the light in her eyes change as the dress crumpled to the floor. She knew just what she was doing, he thought with a rather proud smile as the strip tease in photos continued and he moved to the next: her bra missing - leaving her standing there in only panties and heels. Without thinking, he ran his thumb across her chest, knowing the feel of her there having memorized her every curve with his finger tips.

The heels came off next, followed by a series of provocative poses on and around the bed: his Nik in just red lacey panties with her hair falling down across purple satin sheets. Each picture served to get his heart racing, sending his blood flow in a general southward direction.

The final picture stole his breath: her hand slipping into her panties, her body arching while her hair splayed across her pillow. Her eyes were closed in a familiar passion, with a note that read Thinking of you…

God, he missed her. He missed the way she said his name and the smile she gave him when she didn’t think he was looking. He missed the scent of her hair and the feel of those thick curls twisted around his fingers. He missed the softness of her skin and the way she came alive under his touch.

Something to keep you interested, her note had said. She knew better than that. There wasn’t anyone else who’d caught his attention like she had and he’d been all over the world. No, she did this just to drive him wild… and it worked, he reasoned as he ran his hand over the front of his pants and closed his eyes against the hardness he found there.


He was doing his own strip tease as he stood from the couch, tugging his shirt over his head and tossing it aside before he unfastened his belt. His beer forgotten for the moment, he picked up the last picture of her - focusing on it as he made his way to the bedroom. He’d call her from there and she’d talk him through this. Just thinking of her pretty mouth and all the naughty things she could say and do to him was enough to nearly send him over the edge as he used his free hand to carefully slide himself out of his jeans. She’s so sexy, he breathed to no one as he entered his bedroom - naked and looking up from the photo in his hand to stop suddenly.

Somehow the expert tracker had neglected to notice he had a guest in the house, smiling back at him now from the end of the bed. She was sitting there stark naked, having finished her strip tease from the photos, with those thick curls he craved falling onto her shoulders.

Her eyes were looking him up and down, and that mischievous grin only widened when she saw just how excited her photos had made him. “Is that for me?” she grinned, raising an eyebrow at him.

He would have answered but didn’t see a point in using words. Instead, the picture of her fell to the floor as with panther like prowess, he pounced - tackling her back onto the bed. Any words that she might have spoken were drowned out by his kiss. Yes, there were things he needed to say. But there’d be time for words later. For now, his Nik was here… beneath him, and that’s just where he intended to keep her at least until morning.

rating: r, fic: drabble, fic: challenge, genre: het, fandom: numb3rs, pairing: ian edgerton/nikki betancourt

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