Round 6 (winter): Castaway

Jun 11, 2012 00:55

When we last saw the Castaway kids: we lost the lovely Una in a terrible fire; a still grieving Jayne adopted Una Two but then grew up and moved in with Penelope; leaving Marco to fend for himself as winter approached.

It's quiet on the beach now.

Though it made Jayne sad to leave her behind, he knew Una Two would be a good companion for Marco.

Mornings are bathtime, though Una Two must look askance at the Axe body wash.

She's been promised that the smell won't linger in her fur. Marco better hope not! He may not have many possessions, but Una Two is not above revenge peeing on all of them!

It's the first day of winter, but it still feels warm in the sun.

Wim Batavus stops by for dinner. Marco's decided it's probably a good idea to have company around whenever someone lights a fire...

Marco never showed much interest in academics before Jayne left, and his grades are pretty dismal as a result. Whether it's from his sudden desire to attend university like his old friend, or whether he's just taking advantage of the warmth inside the bathroom, he finally decides to try to catch up on his homework. But is it too late?

(Hee! Una Two wanted to greet the mailman, but by the time she made it up off the beach, he was already walking away. She doesn't seem to understand how it works... Look behind you, Una Two!)

Marco tries to mack on Beatrice Sweet, much to Wim's amusement. He doesn't realize she's been canoodling with Yves Snowe-he's a little out of the loop, out here on the beach.

And his merry-go-rounding catches up with him at the worst possible moment. How embarrassing!

Una Two never judges him, though.

All in all, it's getting to be less fun living in a tent. The firewood is all wet.

He sneaks over to Milo's bar for some karaoke (and heat)... but they charge by the hour over there, and he can't afford to stay long.

As winter moves along, Marco and Una Two continue their routines in slightly snowier fashion.

Wim is terribly underdressed for his visit. Just because there are no parents around, it doesn't mean you can't still catch your death of cold! Or at least get mildly frostbitten.

With SMCC opening up its enrollment on a larger scale, some new young adults are showing up around town:

Here's Desmond.

And one of my sclera models, Marcella.

She's so cute.

! (I sometimes feel like I like every new sim I create more than the last. Always a tinge of regret that I wasn't better at making sims/used such old sims/with such old BodyShop cc when I started the BACC.)

And then suddenly, Marco grows up, to no fanfare. Not that he could afford to throw the party he's been wishing for. With the ground frozen all winter, he hasn't been able to dig up any more treasures to sell.
As usual, I'm a little sad to see the teen face go. :(

But you can still catch glimpses of it every now and then.

It's Saturday when Marco grows up, so he doesn't get an extra chance to raise his grade another time at school. But he decides to go for it anyway and works on a supplemental essay so he can try to meet the minimum qualifications to apply for a need-based scholarship to SMCC.

Model that sclera! (This might be v3.0... I can't stop!)

It's a success! His application gets accepted, and though his aid package won't cover housing (he was maybe a little evasive when it came to providing a current address), he'll be able to get some of his meals at the Student Center and use their computer labs to get his coursework done. The important thing is he's there! Living the college life!

There's Desmond again, with Jayne and a newly blue-haired Velouria. The darling Xenia's at the mike.

Desmond: "Nice hair, dude."
Jayne: "You too! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!"

Upstairs is local hunk, Ned.

Marco preps himself for a long night. He wants to get a jump on his first college paper. This time won't be like high school, he's sure of it!

Una Two takes a different tack for the evening.

I <3 SMCC. Seriously, it's just so cool to see it in action.

It's hard to stay focused on work, though, when there's so much going on all around.

Marco: Look cool look cool look cool look cool...!

M: Oh god, does she think I look cool??

M: Are they checking out my butt? They are, I can feel it.
So many girls around all of a sudden! (No offence to Una Two. But you know. She's a dog.)

Marco moves the show down to the cafeteria and tries out his moves over a bowl of macaroni.

M: "Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?"
Macaroni: *glooooooooooooooows*

Penelope Batavus meets some of the new students.

Velouria: "You. ARE. SOPRETTY!"

Penelope: "Oh, well, you know I'm so flattered! But I'm sorry, I'm taken. Ahem." *wiggles finger*

Marco: "COLLEGE!!!"

Cafeteria lady: *is so over it*

Things are looking up for spring.

Previous Entries
Preface     Meet the Settlers 
Round 1 (Fall):  Sweet |  Batavus pt.1/ pt.2 |  McKim/Mead |  Snowe
Round 2 (Winter): Batavus |  Sweet |  McKim/Mead |  Snowe
Round 3 (Spring): Batavus |  Batavus/Mead |  Sweet | McKim |  Snowe
Round 4 (Summer): Batavus |  Batavus/Mead |  Sweet | McKim |  Snowe |  Castaway
Round 5 (Fall): Batavus |  Batavus/Mead |  Sweet |  McKim |  Snowe |  Castaway |  Asylum 1 - 2 - 3
Round 6 (Winter): Batavus |  Batavus/Mead |  Batavus 2 |  Sweet | Sweet 2 |  McKim | SnoweAsylum 4 - 5

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bacc: castaway, bacc, bacc: smcc, #round 6

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