Round 3 (Spring): Sweet

Jul 05, 2011 21:26

On our last visit with the Sweet family, we saw babiesfire, scary twins, not one but two burglaries, more babies, and an aggroRamona. Now the snow has melted, and kids are growing up!

Baby Beatrice grew up off camera, apparently. Isn't she just adora--


This was just a momentary glitch, fortunately, but she does seem to be following in Ramona's footsteps in the scary teeth department. Both girls got Charlie's skin and eyes. I've never noticed Charlie having strange teeth, so hopefully this is something that passes by the time they reach adulthood.

Anticipating the twins' imminent birthdays, the house undergoes some major renovations, which coincide nicely with the introduction of electricity and running water. Gemma purchases a building next door to Books & Bobs, and the bakery is packed away in her inventory, ready to be moved. In its place, the master bedroom shifts to the front of the house while the kids' bedroom and a proper bathroom (no more tubs in the kitchen!) fill out the middle. The kitchen also gets slightly expanded to make room for a table for 6, and there's now an indoor sink for even more convenient dishwashing. Imagine!

Tabitha takes advantage of the town's tech boom by digging out her old computer and starting a fashion blog. She's maxed out her arts and crafts enthusiasm with her sewing, and now she's able to earn money as a professional blogger, even while in her pajammies.

Sounds like time for a birthday or two!

They are considerably less scary-looking as children! Arlo basically has Gemma's face and Ramona has Charlie's.

Since it's Monday night when they age up, I give them homework so they can be all caught up when they start school the next day. Happy birthday, kids!


Nothing that bludgeoning your fraternal twin with a pillow can't fix.


"Sister, please, I relent!"

And now for a gratuitous going-to-and-coming-from-school montage during which we may admire our newly grown children's faces by the light of day:


Squeeee to Ramona's gap-teeth! And Arlo has inherited Gemma's ^u^ face!

Ramona brings Wim Batavus home. [Internal matchmaker voice: Ramona can date Wim; Arlo can date Eustacia Snowe; Yves Snowe can date Beatrice...]

Wim seems to enjoy being dominated.

And Ramona loves dominating!

Piet wanders by and is greeted by Tabitha, who still hasn't forgotten the time they shared together the night of his birthday party.

D:  100% ACR. When I left them, they were playing kicky bag. Honestly, I just don't know what's going on with Piet and Jasper... [Their house seems okay, by the way. >knock on wood<] Piet rolled romance as his secondary aspiration, which makes him, as a family sim, rather conflicted. But that's Piet for you.

I normally don't let my sim children have non-skilling toys, but their fun motives were just so desperately low after school that I thought they could use the break. Especially Ramona. Arlo has been getting A+ report cards, but Ramona hasn't been able to finish her homework once since her fun meter keeps running down midway through. She's also managed to miss the school bus 3 out of 4 days and has had to walk to school late. She's a handful!

Tabitha goes around autonomously tucking in all the kids just about every night. She's not a family sim, but she did spend a lot of time with all the little ones while Charlie and Gemma were working in the bakery, so I think she feels quite close to them.

Gemma and Charlie did visit their new storefront, which is part of the town's Main Street restoration project, but they just stayed for a little while to set things up. They won't have their grand opening until summer. (Also, they seem to have become 3-bolters somewhere down the line. They ACR like crrrazy!)

And that's the first spring in Ste-Margo for the Sweet family! Little Bea is such a non-entity at the moment. She just spends her days toddler-skilling alone while the twins steal the spotlight. But she'll grow up in a few days, and then all of the town's kids will be in school together! Wheeeee!

I leave you with the only surviving image from an aborted photo session (grr poseboxes!):

Twins! They grow more powerful with each passing day!

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bacc, #round 3, bacc: sweet

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