Fleeing the devastation of the Great Sudden Valley Disaster of 2011, our settlers have sought refuge in the abandoned village of Sainte-Margo. Not much remains here but a few farmhouses, the canal lock-keeper's home, and the old bank building. Everything is a little bit rundown; but the structures are solid, the air is clean, the water is fresh, and the ground is still fertile. This is a good place to start over.
[Note: The neighborhood map I'm using is plasticbox's Middleground, available with and without lots at MTS,
ALSO NOTE: This starts out really rough in terms of picture-taking, lj-formatting, etc., but I promise it gets much better as it goes along! There was a lot of learning along the way.
Read the Preface.)
The Batavus Household
Our founder is Frida Batavus. She left Sudden Valley with a newfound interest in civil service and a determination not to let her new home become hopelessly borked. She's eager to move up the political ladder and make life in Ste-Margo as ideal as it can possibly be. Luckily, both her husband Mel and son Piet are family sims (though Piet can be a little emo sometimes, especially since there are no teenage girls in town), so little Penelope is well looked after.
The Snowe Household
Sisters Lucy and Virginia are city girls who've come to the country to try their hand at organic farming. They also look at the move as an opportunity to immerse themselves in their artistic endeavors: Virginia is an aspiring painter/grilled cheese enthusiast, and Lucy is a dancer/playwright/mechanic-- she wants all the knowledge. They rented out a room to Thierry Morceau, who's been a big help around the farm. He also got Virginia knocked up almost immediately. They're currently engaged, but Virginia's a romance sim, so it remains to be seen whether she'll ever actually make it down the aisle.
These three were not created by me and can be found here:
Lucy and Virginia:
Beatrice and Millicent by
pooklet Thierry:
Thierry by
alexpilgrim The McKim/Mead Household
Milo McKim is a jazz pianist who's opened up a bar in the old bank building. While his home is just a couple of rooms above the bar, he still always manages to look natty no matter how barebones his accommodations. Jasper Mead is a former bandmate from Sim City who showed up one day and asked to crash in the shed next door, "just for a night or two." He shows no signs of moving out any time soon.
Find Jasper:
Makoto Dale by
MissTiikeri The Sweet Household
Gemma and Tabitha Sweet lived with their father Maximillian back in Sudden Valley. Unfortunately, with his advancing age, Maximillian didn't feel up to the challenge of starting all over again and instead retired to a beach community in Twikii Island. Since he wasn't coming with them, he gave the girls their inheritance early, and they used it to set up a bakery in their home. Gemma met Charlie Lewis on her first day in Ste-Margo and got hitched soon after. Some would call it a whirlwind romance; others, a shotgun wedding. Either way, the pair are expecting their first child any day now. Gemma looks forward to being able to wear her normal clothes again.
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