Last time at the Batavus/Mead household, things got... well,
this kind of says it all. Now baby makes three... plus Wendy, which makes four-- these clowns don't even need five to make this a full house.
Speaking of full houses, with the new addition(s) to the family, Piet's place gets an addition of its own. It doesn't help the roof line at all, but it gets the job done.
Jasper's former bedroom...
... gets bumped out and transformed into a nursery.
His old bed now belongs to... Wendy? Piet? Or? This was originally intended to be Wendy and the baby's room, and that's where she's moved all her things, but sleeping arrangements in this house are sort of unstable at the moment.
After a post-devastating-your-fiance-and/or-giving-birth-in-the-living-room woohoo, Jasper and Wendy confront the fruit of their loins for the first time.
I'd say their emotions are mixed.
This night, an emotionally and physically drained Piet is the one to claim the single bed.
The next morning, he is (as per usual) conflicted.
But if there's one thing Piet can always turn to for comfort, it's a baby. Ever the family sim, he's usually the first to come when little Grover needs attention. Piet doesn't care what the circumstances of the little guy's birth are; he only knows how to love where little children are concerned.
Unfortunately, Piet also works a regular job on the police force, so he can't always be there. I don't think I've ever seen a dirty diaper attract flies before-- is that a thing that happens??!
Jasper's all, "LULZ! Whatever! Hold still, baby!"
I guess he's heard babies can't die in this game.
Books & Bobs. After default replacing many of the things, a few of the town's shoppers required makeovers. So that's Andraste the business reporter with a new hairdo and Millie in an unfortunate (but temporary) blouse.
While everyone is out of the house at work, Tabitha Sweet takes over babysitting duty.
I wonder, how are they going to explain just who
Aunt Tabby is when Grover gets to be older?
Go, Piet, go! Ste-Margo really needs burglar alarms to be unlocked!
It's been a while since I played this round, but for his sake, I really hope Piet isn't home while this shameless display is going on.
Even though they're both adults and a fair bit older than Piet, I can't help but get the feeling that these two are just playing house most of the time.
And Jasper, whose wants are a constant stream of "Woohoo with 5 billion sims" and "Ask on a Date anything on two legs," sets his sights on Ste-Margo's latest business reporter, a profession that so far seems guaranteed to lead to babies and/or marriage into the playable population.
Naturally, they head off to the town's most popular date locale, where their PDAs draw a disapproving stare from Jasper's old pal Milo (who happens to be sharing his home with the last business reporter).
Aw. It's hard to stay too mad at the guy. (BUT LOOK AT THAT ENGAGEMENT RING. JASPER.)
They take things back home, where the yard's fence acts as an impervious barrier that shields both Piet and Wendy from the sights and sounds of Jasper's rather imprudently located make-out spot.
The same cannot be said for Marian, however, who (as you probably don't recall) had
one SimBlender-enhanced date with Jasper way back in Round 2 and apparently doesn't let go of old crushes easily.
Andraste doesn't care about the drama (though she has no idea what's going on inside Jasper's house) and leaves him a surprise pinball machine as a thank you gift. It gets immediately inventoried since I would seriously fear for baby Grover's health if his parents were allowed access to it.
You can't see it, but there's a tiny blonde bun peeking out of the single bed tonight...
Because something else is going on in the big bed. Ah, Piet. I know you cannot resist his siren song, but I really don't know if this is the right choice for you.
It took a while, but Wendy does seem to be growing into a halfway decent mother. Grover's toddler years should be the real test for her staying power, though.
On the other hand, I suppose the baby years aren't necessarily all kittens and giggles either.
Once again, the Fence of No-Seeing protects Wendy from Jasper's extracurriculars.
This townie (whom, after my BodyShop cleanse, I was only
able to recognize by her outfit) is turned on and repulsed in equal parts.
Hi there, rosy cheeks!
(I'll confess, it's blush. But it's cuuuuute.)
First time my sims have ever played this game. It is also cute!
Piet's wants start getting more confused than usual.
In the spirit of the celebration (or being already drunk; see above), Piet calls for a toast with the mom of the hour.
On a less screwed up note: hee.
(Phone call to Jasper): triple-hee.
This was really a long time coming, no? I believe this was Marian's doing.
Jasper's been having a really, really hard time finding new people to date. Andraste was his last successful conquest, but it's not for lack of trying. He's got a long, long way to go (and Ste-Margo has a long, long way to grow) before he'll come anywhere close to having 50 first dates.
Meanwhile, I finally unlocked Piet's Get Married to Jasper want, and he hasn't rerolled it since. :(
In fact...
Jiminy Crickets.
Previous Entries
Preface Meet the Settlers Round 1 (Fall):
Sweet |
Batavus pt.1/
pt.2 |
McKim/Mead |
SnoweRound 2 (Winter):
Batavus |
Sweet |
McKim/Mead |
SnoweRound 3 (Spring):
Batavus |
Batavus/Mead |
Sweet |
McKim |
SnoweRound 4 (Summer):
Batavus |
Batavus/Mead |
Sweet |
McKim |
Snowe |
CastawayRound 5 (Fall):
Batavus top of page