Fanfiction Masterlist: DW/TW

Jul 01, 2010 12:52

My Doctor Who fanfiction...

One Shots

Series 1
Dedicated Follower Of Fashion (Nine, Rose. Rose goes poking around in The TARDIS' storage rooms and finds something that makes The Doctor remember some unpleasant things.)
Fault (Nine/Rose. Rose wonders if she is the next person to be dropped back home.)
Only A Passing Thing (Nine/Rose. The Doctor thinks on the destruction of Gallifrey after Dalek)
One Night in the 1940's (A Nazi pilot catches sight of something amiss next to Big Ben)
Run (A look back on Series 1)
Sacrilege (Nine, Rose. Choose Your Own Ending)
They Always Know (Nine/Rose, Jack. Trying to find two simple things in the TARDIS can be almost impossible...unless you're Rose Tyler)
Jack's New Friend (Nine, Rose, Jack. Jack will flirt with anything if it can flirt back! Even an alien rock.)
Chips (Nine, Rose. After Platform One Nine takes Rose to his favourite place to get chips.)
Fairy Tale (Nine, Rose. Rose in the style of a little kid's story.)
Chocolate Bars and Red Roses (Nine, Rose. Rose is feeling awful and the Doctor decides to help her feel better.)
Bluffing the Way Out (Nine, Rose, Jack. It takes a master to bluff his way out of anything. That and some handy psychic paper.)
Cough Syrup and Chicken Soup (Nine, Rose. Rose is sick and the Doctor has to take care of her.)
Unspoken (Nine/Rose. Three little words. Just three little words, but three of the most difficult to tell someone.)
Snowflakes and Mistletoe (Nine/Rose. Some Christmases are better without all the modern day trappings) 
Proposition (Nine, Rose, Jack. "I thought we could finish that discussion we had on top of my ship")
Endless (The Face of Boe with mentions of other characters. That little boy from Boeshane seems like only another memory...)
Of Tall Grass and Buffalo Pies (Nine, Rose. "How big is it anyway?")

Series 2
Memories Of You (Ten, Rose with mentions of Nine. Rose goes into The Doctor's wardrobe and finds a certain leather jacket...)
Properties Of Noise (Ten, Rose. He should have learned to never make the assumption that the TARDIS is where he told her to go...)
Los Suenos (Ten, Rose with mentions of other Doctors and companions. The Tenth Doctor dreams while at the bottom of the pit on Krop Tor)
If Today (Ten, Rose. The Doctor and Rose have a talk about the events leading up to and during Fear Her.)
Open Minded (Ten, Rose. The Doctor has always tried to keep an open mind to any alien culture.)
Red Trainers (Ten, Rose. Some planets can be really no fun at all. Especially when they're in the middle of their rainy season...)
 (Ten, Rose with mentions of other companions. Some memories can stir up intense emotions...)
Predicament (Ten, Rose. That long coat always seems to get the Doctor into some sort of trouble...)
Moving On (Nine, Ten, Rose. "Ah, well, sometimes you don't know how you’ll end up. One time I had big blond curls and horrible fashion sense.")

Series 4
Clothes Minded (Ten, Donna. Donna tries washing her clothes while on the TARDIS. It doesn't go well.)
Slime and Trenchcoats (Ten, Donna. The Doctor's coat has an accident)
Timey Wimey (Ten, Donna, Jack. When the Doctor is searching for the TARDIS in Pompeii he runs into a certain Time Agent.)

Post Series 4/Specials
Super Short Anti-Twilight/DW Fanfic (Ten. post-S4 randomness)
Most Important (Donna. Some nights she remembers...)

Fourth Doctor
The Case of the Missing Jelly Babies (Four, Romana, K-9. The Doctor's jelly babies are missing. Wherever could they have gone?)

Multi-Chapter Fics
Payback (Nine/Rose. Rose accidentally makes a mess in the console room while having breakfast and the Doctor gets angry. Pranks ensue.)
Before Its Too Late (Nine/Rose. Nine realises his feelings for Rose after a movie night.)
Metempsychosis (Ten, Nine, Rose, Donna, Martha, Jack, Sarah Jane, Jackie. The duplicate human Doctor/Handy is the Ninth instead of the Tenth)
Witch Are You (Nine/Rose. Sometimes even the Doctor goes a lttle domestic and it gets out of hand)
Once Upon A Blue Dress (Nine/Rose, Jack. "Oh, fantastic, his mind said and he couldn't decide whether it was sarcastic or not...")

Jack's New Friend  (S1. Jack makes a new "friend")
Her Doctor (Pre-S2. What was going through Rose's head directly after Nine's regeneration?)
Uncrowned (S2. What were Reinette's feelings after the Doctor left Versailles through the fireplace?)
Unending (S3. The Face of Boe reflects on his many years.)
Never Possible (S2. They should have remembered. Forever is never possible.)
Disintigrate (S1. Nine's feelings when he believes Rose to be exterminated in Dalek.)
Someone (Post WoM. He should have known better.)
Super Temp (S4. She was going to save the world...)
Wishful Thinking (S2. There was always a way back, she told herself. There had to be.)
Metacrisis (EoT. Images flash through her mind, faster than the faces before her change.)
Curiosity (S1. She should have just left well enough alone.)
Remembrance (The temptation is so great. To reach out, to let them know that he is here)
Spike (Many things come through the Rift. Some are good, many are bad and some are just plain weird.)

fanfiction: tw, fanfiction: dw

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