
Jan 24, 2010 16:53

Title: Predicament
Author: janna_hawkins 
Beta: danaems 
Summary: That long coat always seems to get the Doctor into some sort of trouble...
Characters: Tenth Doctor, Rose Tyler
Disclaimer: I own nothing related to Doctor Who except my psychic paper, sonic screwdriver and sonic pen :)
Author Notes: The idea for this came from my younger(but taller)brother. He has a long coat very simliar to Ten's and one day he got stuck because of it. So...I started thinking what if this happened to Ten? I hope you like it!


"Honestly, Rose, this isn't at all funny."

The young woman thought over their situation and smirked. "Actually, Doctor, I think it rather is. 'S not every day something like this happens."

"Rooose..." he whined, tugging ineffectively at his coat sleeve.

Rose sighed and stepped around him to pull gently at the section of vine that had decided the Doctor's coat would be a delicious snack. Having no success she turned and began rummaging around in the Time Lord's pockets.

"Er, Rose, what're you doing?"

"Trying to find your sonic screwdriver. If the plant won't leave your coat alone, then we'll have to cut off that section."

The Doctor jerked back, nearly tearing his sleeve apart. "What?! No!"

"How else do you suggest we get you free?" she asked, still digging through his seemingly never ending pockets.

"I...but, I love my lovely coat! Janis Joplin gave it to me and I don't want to ruin it..."

Rose glared up at him. "Ruin it like so many of my clothes and shoes have been? As long as I've known you, you've managed to keep all of your things completely unscathed. Maybe it's karma finally getting back at you."

"There's no such thing as karma, Rose. And even if there was I've had plenty of clothing destroyed over the years. I lost my favourite hat when I threw it on a Dalek that exploded a moment later."

"Uh huh. What else?"

" scarf unraveled after regeneration."


"'And' what, Rose? I think I've proved my point."

"Oh, certainly you have. My turn then. Thirteen pairs of trainers ruined because you conveniently forgot to warn me about swamps or other watery cesspits at our destinations, forty-seven pairs of trousers and jeans that had to be burned because of the lingering stench of alien manure that you brushed off as exotic fragrance, oh, and don't forget about all the tops that were completely useless for anything but cleaning rags after a trip gone wrong. And that's only from the first month with you!"


"Yes, you. You owe me some new clothes, I think." She finally pulled out the sonic screwdriver and held it up in front of the Doctor's still shocked face. "Now, what setting do I need?"

Finally, regaining some composure, he scowled. "Fifty-seven point thirty-six delta," he muttered, tugging once more at his sleeve.

Rose smiled and tuned the small device. "Ready?" she asked as she pointed it at the caught fabric.

"Go ahead," he snapped, looking firmly away.

A loud buzzing filled the air and the coat sleeve pulled apart, causing the Doctor to stumble back a step. Quickly recovering his balance he examined his newly vented coat with a mournful expression.

"Come on, Doctor," Rose said, taking his other arm and steering him towards the blue box a short distance away.

"But, my beautiful long coat..."

"I know, Doctor, but we have other things to think about."

He glanced down at her, puzzled. "What could be more important than my poor coat?"

"Getting it mended for starters. Then we have the whole replacement clothing business to worry about. Hope you have your psychic paper ready for some shopping."

The Doctor's annoyed reply could easily be heard all the way to Raxacoricofallapatorius.

tv: doctor who: tenth doctor, tv: doctor who, tv: doctor who: rose tyler, fanfiction: dw

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