Sacrilege- Choose Your Own Ending

May 04, 2009 09:09

Just an idea I had. Sort of a contest-like thing but without the threat of losing. Theres not going to be any type of judging unless you really want me to :)

Rules: Finish my story any way you like. Add any other characters you like! Any rating is allowed. Post a link to the story in the comments here. You can upload it either here on LJ or Teaspoon or even Be sure to credit me with the beginning! Have fun!


Characters: Ninth Doctor, Rose Tyler

"Oi, what do you mean 'sacrilege'?! We didn't touch anything!" the Doctor protested to the angry man who was prodding at him with a large stick.

"Maybe its your ears," Rose remarked, earning herself a poke from the man next to her.

"Prisoners will be silent!" he growled.

"Oi, I didn't do anything!"

"What do you call this barbarism then?" the man snapped, lifting a strand of Rose's hair. "Women are forbidden from having this shade of hair."

The Doctor smirked. "Told you not to dye it again. Next time maybe you'll listen to me."

"Silence! You are as guilty as the female!"

"How so?" the Doctor inquired, folding his arms and regarding the man cooly. "If you'll observe, my hair is in no way yellow."

"You accompanied this woman. You are responsible for her. Therefore you will suffer the same punishment."

"Which would be?"

"Having the hair shorn from both of your heads. Then you may go."

"What?!" Rose gasped, reaching up to cover her hair protectively.

The Doctor shrugged. "Alright then. Tell you what, you can do mine first."

The men stared at him in surprise. "You do not mind having your hair shorn?"

"Nah. Look, its almost gone anyway," he said with a grin, pointing to his head. "Be doing us a favour you would."


The two men glanced at each other for a moment then took hold of the Doctor and Rose and steered them towards a small, windowless building. Shoving them inside they stated, "You will stay here until we confer with our rulers." Then slamming the door shut, walked away.

Rose waited until the sound of their footsteps had disappeared before rounding on the Doctor. "What d'ya mean they'd be doing us a favour? I happen to like my hair the way it is!"

"Rose, I was trying to buy us some time. I happen to like my hair as well."

She glared at him before plopping down on the only chair in the room. "Well, use the sonic screwdriver and get us out before they come back."

He sighed. "Don't you think I'd be doing that right now if I had it?"

"Well, where is it? Did they take it?"

"No, its back on the TARDIS. I was using it to help calibrate the temporal analyzer. Must've left it sitting on the console when we left."

"Oh. Well, how are we supposed to get away then? I really don't want them to shave my head. Imagine what Mum would say. And she'd slap you for sure for letting it happen!"

He winced. "I really wish you'd stop bringing Jackie up. My face still hurts when I think about her."

Rose grinned. "You did deserve it though. Although apparently it hasn't helped your navigation skills any considering where we are right now."

"Oi! We are on Canopus! Just not in the Steel Age."

"My point exactly. Why don't you ever check the clock before we go outside? It'd save a lot of trouble."

"Maybe you'd like to stop complaining or our next stop will be London 2006," he muttered with a scowl as he examined the frame surrounding the door.

fanfiction: dw: sacrilege, tv: doctor who: rose tyler, tv: doctor who: ninth doctor, fanfiction: choose your own ending

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