
Dec 30, 2009 21:17

Title: Endless
Author: janna_hawkins
Beta:  danaems 
Summary: That little boy from Boeshane seems like only another memory...
Characters: The Face of Boe
Disclaimer: I own nothing related to Doctor Who except my psychic paper, sonic screwdriver and sonic pen :)
Author Notes: *Spoilers if you haven't seen Last of the Time Lords*
I wrote this back when I didn't have a computer.
I think the idea for this came from showing The End of the World to my little sister and thinking how Boe must have felt seeing Nine and Rose on Platform One. Now, just wondering, but would anyone be interesting in reading an AU version of this where Nine goes over and talks to Boe? This idea is stuck in my head and won't go away. What do you think?
Big thanks to my awesome beta *hug*

As soon as he arrives, he can feel it.

The little blue box that changed him forever.

The Doctor is here somewhere.

He moves onto the observation deck and then he sees them.

His first Doctor and Rose, standing on the other side of the room.

He wants to go over and talk to them, but he knows he can't.

They'd never gone to Platform One, at least not with him.

He doesn't even know what he's doing here.

He's just so tired now, all the time.

It just seems better to go along with the crowd.

But seeing them has brought back so many memories.

So many faces of people he's lost, has left behind.

So many lives he's lived and lost.

That little boy from Boeshane seems like only another memory.

So far back in time that even his family's faces are blurring along with the rest.

His team, all but one gone before their time.

The people he'd loved, sworn never to forget.

The Face of Boe closes his eyes and sighs.

On with the motley.

tv: doctor who, fanfiction: dw

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