Moving On

Apr 21, 2010 12:05

Something to placate those of you who are waiting for your Support Stacie fics ;)

Title: Moving On
Author: janna_hawkins 
Beta: danaems 
Summary: "Ah, well, sometimes you don't know how you’ll end up. One time I had big blond curls and horrible fashion sense."
Characters: Ninth Doctor, Tenth Doctor, Rose Tyler
Disclaimer: I own nothing related to Doctor Who except my psychic paper, sonic screwdriver and sonic pen :)
Author Notes: I'm not entirely sure where the idea for this came from. I've never written a fic like this before so I hope you like it! I've been considering another one like this with Ten and Eleven too, what do you think?
For danaems  to help her with school stress and Ten withdrawl :)



He doesn't turn from the console. "Yes, Rose?"

"I was wondering about what happened. Your regeneration?"

"What about it?" he asked as he turned another knob.

"Well, I'd like to know why you didn't tell me before. It's kind of important, don't you think?"

He sighed. "Yeah, I suppose it is." Turning around, he noticed her attire. "Rose," he asked gently after a moment. "Why are you wearing that?"

She started to take off the too large jacket. "Well, I just assumed that you didn't want it anymore. If you do..."

He shook his head, causing her to stop. "No, you're right. Keep it if you like."

"Thanks. So, about regeneration?"

He sat on the console bench and patted the seat beside him. His hearts stuttered a bit when she sat as far as possible from him. "Well, like I said before, it's a Time Lord's way of avoiding death. If you're about to die, the regenerative process usually starts. Rewriting all the cells in my body and making me an entirely new man. Sometimes however it needs a bit of a kick start."

"How so?"

"Ah, well, when I was still in my third self, I was exposed to a lot of serious radiation while saving my com-friend. The only reason I survived was thanks to a being who understood what needed to be done."

"Hold on. Your third self? How many of you have there been?"

"Ten counting this me. I'm the oldest."



"You look so much younger than he did."

"Right. Ah, well, sometimes you don't know how you’ll end up. One time I had big blond curls and horrible fashion sense."

"Really? You?"

"Oh yes! I'll show you a picture sometime if you like. The TARDIS keeps an image of each of my incarnations for as she says 'posterity'. Personally, I think she's just saving them to taunt me about the horrible choices of my youth."

"I'd like that," Rose said with a slight smile.

He frowned. "You're going to use the pictures against me too, aren't you? A blackmail of sorts."

"Maybe," she replied with a smirk. "It depends on what you do."

"I'll be on my best behaviour," he promised and grinned when Rose suddenly yawned. "Now, go on and get to bed. We can leave in the morning if you're up to it."

"Yeah, I think so. When should we leave?"

"Whenever you want to get ready and come. I'll wait. Now, go on and get back to your mum. She's liable to come break down the door any minute."

"Knowing Mum that's probably true. I'll see you in the morning. Good night, Doctor," she said as she pressed a kiss to his cheek.

He watched her go with a smile that disappeared slightly as she shrugged off the leather jacket and left it hanging on a coral strut, next to his trench coat. Once she had closed the TARDIS' door behind her, he stood and walked over to finger the familiar jacket. "Oh, we've had some adventures, haven't we?"

"Of course," came a quiet Northern voice. "The best of which was meeting Rose."

The Doctor turned to see the blue, shimmering image of his previous self, minus the jacket, smiling at him. "Took the Obi-Wan approach this time, eh?"

"We've never done it before and I thought it fit me being older than you and everything."

"Only in appearance," he reminded himself with a smirk.

"Oi, you want to listen to what I have to say or bicker the whole time?"

"Fine, fine, go ahead I'm listening."

"Good. Now, as you've probably already noticed you're a 'pretty boy' this time 'round. There's a reason for that."

"It was for Rose, right?"

"Exactly. Don't make the same mistake I did and hold her at arm's length. You still have the feelings I have for her, don't waste them. Otherwise, I'll come back again to haunt you," the other man said with a grin.

"I won't, I promise. Anything else?"

"Yeah. Just be careful. There's a storm coming and I can feel something terrible in the future. Just take care of her."

"Don't worry, I will."

"Fantastic. Now would you mind handing me my jacket?"

The Doctor picked up the heavy leather jacket and passed it to his previous self. The other man shrugged it on and smiled.

"You do know that this is completely impossible according to any law of physics, don't you?"

"Of course, but since when did we ever obey any laws?" the dark-haired man asked with a smirk.

"You've got a point."

"Of course I do. I'm brilliant."

"Yeah, I am."

The man in the leather jacket grinned then slowly faded away.

Once he had disappeared completely, the Doctor walked over and sat down heavily on the bench. "New me, new world...this is going to be brilliant."

tv: doctor who: tenth doctor, tv: doctor who: rose tyler, tv: doctor who: ninth doctor, fanfiction: dw

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