Fairy Tale

Jun 16, 2009 14:45

Just a little fic I wrote back in May sometime. Its not the usual style I write in but I thought I'd try it. Let me know what you think!
Rose written like the way I tell my little siblings stories. Enjoy!

Title: Fairy Tale
Summary: Rose in the style of a little kid's story.
Characters: Ninth Doctor, Rose Tyler
Disclaimer: I own nothing related to Doctor Who except my psychic paper, sonic screwdriver and sonic pen :)

Once upon a time in a universe not very far away there was a man who went around his universe fixing things that were wrong and stopping bad people. This man was a very lonely man. His family and friends were all gone and he had only his wonderful space and time machine to talk to. Even though his space and time machine was the best space and time machine in the whole universe the lonely man still wanted someone else to talk to.

He found this someone else when he was stopping an evil bubbling creature who made plastic people come alive and make lots of trouble on a very pretty planet. The someone else he met was a girl with yellow hair. The plastic people were trying to make lots of trouble for her until the lonely man came and made them go away. The girl told him thank you and went home. The lonely man went back to his space and time machine and was sad.

The next day the lonely man was chasing a plastic person's arm when he ran into the yellow-haired girl again. The arm had run inside her house to try and hide. They chased it outside and she helped him follow the arm until they found the place where the evil bubbling creature was hiding. When the evil bubbling creature was telling the plastic people to make trouble for the lonely man, the girl with yellow hair told the evil bubbling creature to leave. The evil bubbling creature said no but the girl made it go away by swinging on a rope.

When the evil bubbling creature and the plastic people were gone the lonely man told the girl thank you for helping him and asked if she wanted to take a trip in his space machine. She shook her head and told him no thank you. He sadly left but suddenly remembered that he hadn't told the girl that his ship could go in time too. He went back and told her what he had forgotten. This time she said yes and ran into his space and time machine.

For the first time in a very very long time the lonely man smiled. He wasn't quite as lonely anymore.

tv: doctor who, tv: doctor who: rose tyler, fanfiction: dw

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