Half-Price Sale in Polychrome Heroics

Feb 19, 2024 18:36

This week, the poetry of Polychrome Heroics is on sale for half price from Monday, February 19 through Sunday, November 25.  This series is superhero fantasy.  It features themes of heroism, coming of age, diversity, identity kink, family of choice, friendship, and cultural engineering.  Sale prices range from $2.50 to $521, so hopefully there will be something for everyone.

Prices on open epics are locked at the time of opening; however, if anyone wants to donate to open epics and buy poetry, spending $100 will get you the quarter-price rate on the new poems, regardless of the rate on the open epic(s) you support.  There are two open epics at present, so you may open another if you wish.  " Before You Can Love Me" belongs to the Iron Horses thread of the Polychrome Heroics series.  It needs $299 to be complete.  " The Simple Act of Caring" belongs to the Big One thread of the Polychrome Heroics series.  It needs to be complete.

We are repeating the special discount for purchases of $100 or more, in which you get poetry at 25% of its original price instead of 50%. (Note that this increases the amount of poetry you get, rather than reducing the amount of money spent; the point is to get this stuff off of my desk. Yes, I can afford it.) That size of donation also makes you a k-fan which comes with some other perks, like a year-end collection of a poetic series. If several folks want to bundle their orders to make the $100 threshold and have one person send it all, that's okay; you'll get the discount and I'll list all your names as donors, but you'll have to decide amongst you who gets the k-fan credit. If you host a pool, please close it the day before the sale closes, so you have time to collect funds and turn them in on time.

Some of the poems are in sequence of related action, so in places there are prerequisites before a poem can be published. They can be sponsored at any time, just might have to wait for publication until something else gets posted first. Those are marked accordingly. I have also made lists of poems which unlock sequels, and poems which have prerequisites.

Linkback perk: The following poems have verses left to reveal. Boost the signal for this half-price sale and tell me which poem you want to extend.
" Let the Children Lead Us"
" Pumpkin Spice Prosperity"
" Delight in Another"
" A Sense of Weather Changes"
" Ouroboros Insects"
" The Loving Embrace of Night"
" Generations of Cooks Past"
" Homefree and Clear"
" One Bite at a Time"
" Stars and Diamonds"
" Mishpocha"
" There's an Art to It"
" The Glass Cat"
" Changing Your Nature"
" Besa"

About characters and storylines: The storylines feature multiple characters, so if you want poems about ONE specific character, look closely. The thumbnail descriptions here give some indication who features in each poem. The storyline pages are adding precise, complete information about which characters appear in each poem. If you need more than what's already visible, you can ask me.

About timing: If you want maximum choice, shop early. We usually send a batch of things to my father near the end of a sale, and those poems will be posted as I have time.

About pools: Yes, you can combine your funds with other prompters to get the quarter-price rate. Yes, you can combine your funds with other prompters to buy a bigger poem. Yes, you can offer to match donations by other people. However, the wordsmith is not also a math whiz! After several attempts to find a way that I can work with pools and matches, I have concluded that this is over my head. (I did figure out how to avoid generating fractional pennies, though: all initial prices are now whole dollars, which means they cut evenly into halves and quarters.) So if you want to host a pool or a match, make a post for that in your blog or other venue, then comment here with what you're doing and include a link to wherever the discussion will be. You figure out the poems, you collect the funds, and when stuff is fully funded, you send me the money and the list of what it's for. Then I'll post the goodies. Please close the pool in time to collect donations by the end of the sale, so I can start posting pool poems no later than the day after the sale.

Before placing your order, please check this sale page to see what is still unsold! I will try to update the page as things sell, and it's likely to be the case that some poems will be marked SOLD before appearing in posts. People often buy things in batches, which means that selling gets ahead of posting. Also sometimes people ask for the same thing at the same time, so that not all overlaps are preventable. If you have alternate instructions in case you request something that has just sold, please include that in your message; otherwise I'll email you back and ask what you want to do.

Currently available are the following poems. Some are in series chronological order, and others are just kind of stuck wherever, because sequencing Polychrome Heroics is like trying to sequence a dozen different comic book titles from the same publisher.  See the thread page for Dr. Infanta.

Poems that unlock sequels: "Help Others to Grow Up," "The Sound of Anguish," "Not Until We Are Lost"

Poems that have prerequisites: "The Sound of Anguish," "A Heaviness of Heart," "Come to a New Point of View"

28 poems, $5416 ÷ 2 = $2708
prices from $2.50 to $521

DR. INFANTA (2 poems, was $1972, sale price $668)
"Thaw With Her Gentle Persuasion"
Story Date: November 2014
Summary: Dr. Infanta helps the survivors of the Skadi.
587 lines, was $294, sale price $147

" Dealing with Historical Events and Characters"
Story Date: Saturday, October 8, 2016
Summary: Alicia, Judd, and family enjoy the Great East-West Faire.
1042 lines, was $1042, sale price $521 IN MICROFUNDING
Double price for research.

FINN FAMILY (2 poems, was $239, sale price $119.50)

"The Only Defense Against the World"
Summary: Dr. G fends off Riley's bothersome parents, and helps thon deal with a changing body.
276 lines, was $138, sale price $69

"Part of Our Reality"
Story Date: April 2015
Summary: A new gendershifter struggles with the transitions.
204 lines, was $101, sale price $50.50

FOSTER FIASCO (2 poems, was $145, sale price $72.50)

Story Date: Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Summary: Robert Cavendish and his friend Julio de León explore cherry bombs during their high school's special event.
158 lines, was $79, sale price $39.50

"The People Who Aren't Happy for You"
Story Date: Friday, September 25, 2015
Summary: Torrin deals with people at a school event.
132 lines, was $66, sale price $33 SOLD to zianuray

MARIONETTES (3 poems, was $657, sale price $328.50)

"Help Others to Grow Up"
Story Date: July, 2014
Summary: A worn-down Mobster and a superbaby find comfort in each other.
781 lines, was $391, sale price $195.50

"The Sound of Anguish"
Story Date: Saturday, August 2, 2014
Summary: Hector Jefferson supports a bereaved friend.
194 lines, was $97, sale price $48.50
Available for posting after "Help Others to Grow Up" has been sponsored and published.

"A Heaviness of Heart"
Story Date: Saturday, August 2, 2014
Summary: Frettoloso finds out that Boss Chiefari was murdered.
337 lines, was $169, sale price $84.50
Available for posting after "Help Others to Grow Up" and "The Sound of Anguish" have been sponsored and published.

RUTLEDGE (8 poems, was $1258, sale price $629)

"Alice Walks the Sky Road"
Story Date: 1930s-present
Summary: This is the history of the Rutledge-Abenaki Airport.
371 lines, was $186, sale price $93

The following two poems belong to the Rutledge thread, but much earlier than the main body of that thread with the Syrian refugees. This is the story of how Kshanti (here going by his birth name Kevin) came to Emerald Mountain Glen, in two parts. These really need to get posted in order.

"Not Until We Are Lost"
Story Date: Saturday, July 14, 2007
Summary: Kevin's parents picked his college major for him, it doesn't suit him at all, and now he's breaking down during a Peace Trail summer trip.
330 lines, was $165, sale price $82.50 POOL

"Come to a New Point of View"
Story Date: Saturday, July 14, 2007
Summary: Kevin arrives at Emerald Mountain Glen, where people take care of him and help him consider a different path.
664 lines, was $332, sale price $166 POOL
Available for posting after "Not Until We Are Lost" has been sponsored and published.

Story Date: Friday, May 30, 2014
Summary: A cat tries to hunt from indoors.
7 lines, was $5, sale price $2.50 SOLD to zianuray

"A Tumultuous Privacy of Storm"
Story Date: Saturday, December 27, 2014
Summary: Oscar is visiting Syrian friends when a blizzard hits.
588 lines, was $294, sale price $147 POOL

"A Whole World of a Thing to Do"
Story Date: Saturday, June 27, 2015
Summary: Two Syrian refugees learn about canning fruit.
300 lines, was $150, sale price $75

"What Herbs Go Well"
Story Date: Saturday, October 1, 2015
Summary: Kardal trades lunches with a French-American food truck owner, and they discuss fusion food.
457 lines, was $229, sale price $114.50

"Do Something Different Inside"
Story Date: Saturday, June 11, 2016
Summary: Oscar introduces Kardal to Bumbleberry Acres.
393 lines, was $197, sale price $98.50

OTHER POLYCHROME POEMS (11 poems, was $1781, sale price $890.50)

"Red Shoes"
Story Date: 1830
Summary: A Chipewyan woman goes to rescue her daughter from a mission school.
327 lines, was $327, sale price $163.50
Double price for research.

"Open Your Ears to the Ancestors"
Story Date: 1980s-present
Summary: Nisa Tú wants to give the ancestors flesh again.
214 lines, was $107, sale price $53.50

"What's Given by Nature"
Story Date: 2010-2015
Summary: Damaris Eiffel is a harpy striving to appreciate her body and find a place in the world.
260 lines, was $130, sale price $65

"Marines Don't Do That"
Story Date: Thursday, June 27, 2013
Summary: Lashon has to handle a war crime.
229 lines, was $115, sale price $57.50 POOL

"Never Be Silent"
Story Date: Monday, October 6, 2014
Summary: Principal Diego Ramirez deals with a complaint from an outraged parent.
145 lines, was $73, sale price $36.50

"Far Stronger Links"
Story Date: Friday, September 4, 2015
Summary: A coworker's loss inspires support at work.
515 lines, was $258, sale price $129

"Determine Where You Start"
Story Date: Monday, September 28, 2015
Summary: A charity offers new hope to a paralyzed football player.
405 lines, was $203, sale price $101.50 SOLD to janetmiles

"The Wall in the Room We Shared"
Story Date: Saturday, December 5, 2015
Ferd and Wil escape from a wretched foster home.
516 lines, was $258, sale price $129

"Nature, Houses, and Living Beings"
Lloyd builds a house for a woman with dogs, and one for a man with cats.
270 lines, was $135, sale price $67.50

"Education Is the Passport"
Terramagne has many interesting alternatives to college.
89 lines, was $45, sale price $22.50 SOLD to zianuray

"Aim a Little Above It"
Nagi deals with a young man who tries to rob her.
260 lines, was $130, sale price $65

fantasy, reading, writing, fishbowl, poetry, cyberfunded creativity, weblit, shopping

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