Poem: "Homefree and Clear"

Nov 14, 2021 22:28

This is the linkback poem for the November 2, 2021 Poetry Fishbowl.  It was originally hosted by Dreamwidth user Dialecticdreamer.  It came out of the September 2021 Crowdfunding Creative Jam, prompted by Dreamwidth user Freshbakedlady.  It also fills the "Nurture self-worth" square in my 9-1-21 card for the Platonic Love Fest Bingo.

"Homefree and Clear"

A turtle has to haul
his house on his back, but
a fox is at home anywhere,
needing only his own tail
over his nose for a bed.

That's what it feels like
to be homefree and clear,
with no rent or mortgage,
just a good backpack with
a bedroll and a tarp.

It's better to feel good
about oneself for hiking
twenty miles in a day than
for owning a bunch of stuff.

* * *


Some nomads travel from city to city, others live in vans, some bicycle, while others prefer the wilderness.

Taking this average pace and applying it to an 8-hour hiking day (not including rest breaks), it is possible for an average person to hike between 16 - 24 miles per day. There are some people in the “super fit” category that are capable of hiking between 30 - 50 miles per day.

[To be continued ...]

poem, reading, writing, weblit, fishbowl, poetry, cyberfunded creativity

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