This poem is the linkback perk poem for the June 7, 2022 Poetry Fishbowl. It was
originally hosted by Dreamwidth user Dialecticdreamer. It was inspired by a prompt from Dreamwidth user Mama_kestrel. It also fills the "sense of belonging" square in
my 4-4-22 "Aspects" card for the Genderplay Bingo fest. This poem belongs to the series
Clay of Life.
Like many Jews,
Menachem had
relatives scattered
far across the land.
He had a brother here,
a sister there, aunts
and uncles and cousins.
He had relatives who
were related -- they were
sure of it -- but tracing out
exactly how required a rabbi
with a family tree to find it.
Besides, the details didn't
matter: they're all mishpocha.
* * *
mishpocha, mishpachah noun
(Yiddish) the entire family network of relatives by blood or marriage (and sometimes close friends)
"she invited the whole mishpocha"
[To be continued ...]