Poem: "Stars and Diamonds"

Apr 15, 2022 16:23

This is the linkback perk poem for the April 5, 2022 Poetry Fishbowl, originally hosted by Dreamwidth user Dialecticdreamer.  It is spillover from the May 1, 2018 Poetry Fishbowl.  It was inspired by a prompt from rix_scaedu.  This poem also fills the "poetry (magnet or otherwise)" square in my 4-7-18: card for the Origfic Bingo fest.

Stars and Diamonds

These things excite
the sense of wonder --

stars with their light
beyond reach of
all but aspiration,

diamonds with their light
that can be held in the hand --

the one beautiful because
it burns with a distant flame,

the other because its ash
has been crushed into cold fire.

To hold a diamond
in the palm of the hand
is to remember that

[To be continued ...]

reading, writing, fishbowl, poetry, cyberfunded creativity, poem, science, weblit

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