Poem: "There's an Art to It"

Jul 30, 2022 14:55

This poem is the linkback perk for the July 5, 2022 Poetry Fishbowl, originally hosted by Dreamwidth user Dialecticdreamer.  It is spillover from the March 1, 2022 Poetry Fishbowl. It was inspired by prompts from Dreamwidth users Heartsinger and Zeeth_kyrah. It also fills the "Colored Pencils" square in my 3-1-22 card for the National Crafting Month Bingo fest.  This poem belongs to the series Arts and Crafts America.

"There's an Art to It"

[March 2022]

Joana is good at what she does,
but she has a hard time feeling it.

She takes complex information and
organizes it into beautiful charts
and illustrations for presentations.

She uses colored pencils or markers
to draw eye-catching designs that
make the ideas perfectly clear.

At home, Joana hand-draws
her bullet journal to keep
her schedule organized.

At shows, she sets up
the company booth with
an eye toward drawing
people in to browse.

There's an art to it,
something that requires
practice and precision, but
who thinks of a mind map as art?

When the company holds
artist appreciation days,
Joana never steps forward.

She hugs the wall and
waits for it to be over,
unless someone tugs her
into the spotlight.

A few of the artists
have argued that
beautiful information
is understood faster
and more fully.

But she can't see it.

* * *


Joana Sandberg -- She has fair skin, brown eyes, and curly brown hair past her shoulders. She is tall and slim with shallow curves. She has good visual-spatial intelligence and easily organizes complex information into clear charts and illustrations for presentations. However, she has imposter syndrome and struggles to recognize this as a valid art form.

reading, writing, fishbowl, poetry, cyberfunded creativity, poem, weblit, art

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