Restless Heart Syndrome Ch 29/?

May 25, 2015 13:41

Fic title: Restless Heart Syndrome
Genre: SPN Het
Pairing: Sam/ OFC, Dean/OFC (Lexi, played by Eliza Dushku)
Rating: M
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Summary: New town, new school for Sam. It's his fifth high school in three years but John promises it's going to be Sam' s last one. Dean and Sam settle into their new routine and enjoy being normal. A few months after school starts Sam meets Lexi. He could tell she was trouble the moment he laid eyes on her but it's the kind of trouble he's always wanted. Dean feels the same way about the new waitress at the diner.
*This is a prequel to Under Your Skin and Wayward Son.*

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 Chapter 25 Chapter 26 Chapter 27 Chapter 28

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Chapter 29: Story Of My Life

*Disclaimer: Any recognizable characters belong to kripke. It's his sandbox, I'm just playing with his characters.* This is a prequel to Under Your Skin and Wayward Son.

“Life goes by so fast. You only want to do what you think is right. Close your eyes and then it's past. Story of my life.”

By the middle of March Dean had been on a dozen hunts, three with John and nine on his own. It seemed his father had finally accepted the fact that Dean was a grown man but he knew better. His father's sudden willingness to embrace Dean living in New Orleans with Lexi rang false. He just had this feeling that his father has another agenda, one that Dean hasn't figured out as of yet. He wanted to believe that John had accepted his choices. Of course, with John saying things like, 'There's plenty of things for you to hunt down here.' and 'You'll get some good experience hunting here.' It left Dean conflicted. His dad was never this flexible, it was his way or the highway. Maybe Lexi was right. Maybe his dad was letting him do his own thing because he already lost Sammy to his stubbornness. Yeah, that didn't feel right to Dean either.

Dean pushed his thoughts to the back of his mind as he entered the tattoo shop on Frenchmen Street. He smiled at the receptionist leaning on the counter as he told her he had an appointment with Jackie. She returned his smile, informed him she was finishing up a tattoo and that he could look at some designs while he waited. He went over to the wall flipping through the design boards leisurely. He still wasn't a hundred percent sure of what he wanted, he just knew he wanted it to be bad ass.

“So, Ace, you know what you want?” Jackie questioned him once her previous client left.

“I dunno yet.” He stated before turning around to look at her. He shrugged his shoulders asking, “Any suggestions?”

“Well, I'm not tattooing Lexi's name anywhere on you. That's nonnegotiable.”

“Why not?”

“It's a rule I have. It's bad luck and people always regret it.” She said pointedly. “And we both know it you two broke up somehow Lexi will blame it on the fact that I tattooed her name on you.”

“Fair enough.” Dean flipped through a couple more boards, then pointed to a tiger. “That's cool.”

“Yeah, but I don't see that on you. If you want an animal I think we can come up with something better than that. First off where do you want the tattoo?”

“I was thinking on my back. Something big and bad ass.”

Jackie smiled and nodded her head. “I got an idea. Give me a few minutes to sketch it up. I'll be right back.”

Jackie came out a few minutes later with a sketch pad in her hands. She sat next to Dean on the couch and handed him the sketch. He stared down at it his eyes going wide. He looked up at her with a slight smirk, “Jackie, this is awesome! You drew this?”

“Yes I drew it! It's a phoenix and if you don't like the colors we can do it in black work.”

“No, no. I like the red and orange, it's sweet.”

“Cool. Now, I'm thinking the wings should go from shoulder to shoulder but if you don't want to go that big we can scale it down. It's gonna pretty much take up your whole back.”

“That's fine with me, Jack. Go big or go home right?”

“Right.” She smiled before saying, “We'll do it in two sessions. I'll do the outline today and some of the coloring. Then you can come back and we'll finish the coloring and I'll add some shading.”

“Sounds awesome. Let's do this.”

Dean followed Jackie into a booth, removed both of his shirts and then laid down on the table waiting for her to place the stencil. Once the stencil was placed and Dean approved it, she began filling little plastic cups with the colors that were to be used. Dean closed his eyes listening to her move around the booth before the familiar buzzing sound started. He got comfortable, well as comfortable as one can get when a needle is digging into your skin, he cleared his throat then stated, “So I talked to Sammy today.”


“He said he's coming here for Spring Break.” Dean stated simply as he caught Jackie' s eye in the mirror. “You okay with that?”

“Why wouldn't I be?” Jackie asked.

“I dunno Jack, you didn't mention it to me or Lexi.”

“That's cuz nothing was set in stone till last night.”

“Oh. You got any plans?
“Not really. We were just gonna hang here.”

Dean caught Jackie's eye in the mirror again before stating,“I don't think that's a good idea with the way my dad's just been popping up. Anytime I mention him to Sam he gets all pissed off.”

“Yeah, you're probably right.” Jackie nodded. She would like to avoid the family drama that was for sure. “What do you suggest then?”


Jackie paused and wiped away some of the blood that was beading along the tattoo outline. She dipped the tattoo gun into the cup with the black ink and said with a smile. “That sounds better than hanging out here. Vegas will be a lot of fun.”

“Well, if we're gonna go to Vegas guess I need to teach you girls how to play poker.” Dean smirked.


Two weeks before spring break Dean found himself in a road side diner outside of Kittanning, Pennsylvania. He's waiting on his dad. He had called Dean early yesterday morning saying he needed help on a job and to meet him at this diner. In all honesty, Dean really didn't want to come but him and his dad were getting along pretty well lately. Even if he didn't buy the fact that his father had accepted him living and hunting in New Orleans, Dean didn't want to rock the boat. So, he came to keep the fragile peace they had between them at the moment.

He sat in a booth in the back of the diner and ordered a coffee before calling Lexi. It was a quick call just to check in. He's been doing that with her a lot lately and just not when he was on a hunt. Dean was worried about Lexi. What his dad had said about her not being safe as long as they were together back in January had stuck with him. It had taken root in his mind and had grown and festered over time.

He's been having dreams, well nightmares really. It's always the same. Dean comes home and finds a faceless man in their bedroom. The only thing he can see are his yellow eyes and then Dean looks up at the ceiling. What he sees is what's haunted him since he was four years old. Except this time it's not his Mom pinned and burning on the ceiling, it's Lexi. He wakes up in a cold sweat to find her pressed up against him. It shakes Dean to his core every single time. He tells himself that he can keep her safe, that there's no need to worry. It's become his new mantra but there's a voice, his father's voice, in the back of his head reminding him of the danger he's put her in.

Dean knows damn well that he's being selfish. He should've listened to his father and let Lexi go before he fell for her. The last thing he wants is to see her get hurt or worse killed. But it doesn't change the fact that Dean really wants to be with her. He loves the life they've built together in New Orleans. For the first time in his life he has friends and something more to fight for than just his father's revenge. But, he's very aware of the fact that he's put her into danger just by loving her. The demons would use his love for Lexi against him. Dean also feels guilty for bringing her into his nightmare and he knows that he should've never broke their number one rule. Despite all this, he doesn't regret a moment he's spent with Lexi. He's never been this happy before and he swears he'll protect her at any cost. It's his responsibility to keep her safe. Dean's going to come hell or high water.

Dean sighed and attempted to push his worries to the back of his mind. He flipped through the menu trying to distract himself while he waited on his dad. He lit a cigarette taking a deep drag as the waitress came to check on him. He ordered himself a cheese burger with extra onions and cheese fries just as John slid into the booth across from him. His father tells the waitress with a grin that he wants the same thing except he wants onion rings instead of fries. Once she's gone he turns to Dean, his smile gone.

“I'm glad you could make it, Son. How's Lexi?”

“She's good. Studying for midterms and driving me crazy.” Dean stated while rubbing the back of his neck. “You didn't call me here to talk about Lexi. Why don't you tell me about the job.”

“It's a haunting, nasty one.”

“You thinking poltergeist?”

“I didn't until I started digging into the house's history.” John placed his journal on the table and then pulled out some papers. He handed the papers to Dean saying, “Since the house was built the occupants either fled or died horrific deaths.”

“Sounds kinda like Amityville.”

“We gotta take care of this thing. It's terrorizing Jerry Panowski and his family.”

“I'm in. When can we get in the house?”

“After we eat. We'll meet the family and walk the house.”

Dean stared up at the two story brick house in front of him. From the outside, there was nothing particularly special about the house. It looked pretty much like the majority of houses in this part of Pennsylvania. He turned to look at his father with a raised eyebrow as he watched a balding man coming towards them. “Is that him?”

“Yup.” John stated with a tilt of his head. He then gestured to Dean once Jerry had joined them on the side walk. “Jerry this is my son, Dean.”

“Hi Dean.” Jerry said with a small smile as he reached out to shake Dean's hand. “You're the son that lives in New Orleans with his girlfriend. Your father speaks very highly of you.”

Dean tilted his head as he tried to process the information that his father had told a complete stranger about him. He threw Jerry a polite grin then said, “Yeah, that would be me.”

“You came all the way here to help me...I don't know how to thank you.”

“Don't thank me yet Mr, Panowski . I still have to take care of your pest problem.” Dean gestured towards the house asking, “Which room has the most activity?”

“The basement.”

“Typical.” Dean snorted.

“I assume you do this a lot in New Orleans?”

“Yeah, it's an old city. Lots of hauntings but there's a shit ton of witches and revenants.”


“Animated corpse.” Dean stated matter of factly. “Of course digging 'em up ain't easing when they're all bricked up in tombs. The Cities of the Dead look cool for tourists but they're a pain in my ass.”


“Don't worry Jerry we'll get rid of this thing in no time.” Dean stated with a slap to the man's shoulder.

It took three days to clear the Panowski house. His father wasn't kidding when he said it was a nasty poltergeist. It was actually the worst one Dean had encountered so far. It was one that he will document in his journal for future reference. Although, he hoped he wouldn't have to make a return trip. Dean couldn't wait to get back to New Orleans but first he was meeting his dad for breakfast at the local diner.

John watched from the diner window as Dean pulled up in the Impala. He got out and leaned against the hood while talking on his cell. John figured it was most likely Lexi his son was talking to. John was still weary about his son's relationship with her but not because he didn't like her. He did like her. She was a sweet, intelligent girl that made his son happy. Under normal circumstances John would've been glad his son found someone like her.

The more he dug into her background the more John worried. He found out that her birth mother was a hunter named Megan Connors. She died the same way Mary did. If that wasn't bad enough, the demon had wiped out every single Connors, except for Lexi. It made John nervous to say the least. How many more children did the demon go after and what did he want with them? There was no real connection between them except for the way their mother's died when they turned six months old. Was the demon going to go after them when he resurfaced?

All John could do right now was keep digging and hopefully find out what the demon's end game is. Until then, he was going to have to keep an eye on Sam and Lexi. They were both innocent, especially Lexi. She had no clue about her past and John didn't see why he should burden her with the truth about her mother. He's seen first hand with his boys what that knowledge could do to a kid. He was just going to tell Dean to keep a watchful eye out for the time being.

New Orleans

Dean creeps into the apartment around one a.m. He toes his boots off makes his way to the bedroom. He pushed the door open cringing at the way it squeaks, tiptoed inside and flicked the light on. His eyes land on the bed and Lexi who's fast asleep, the last conversation he had with his dad ringing through his head. 'Keep an eye on her son. We both know what the demon is capable of.' Dean dropped his bag by the door and crosses the room to where she is. He stood by the bed peeling off his Henley and undershirt, followed by his jeans. He moved to the head of the bed pulling back the covers and shuts off the light when Lexi opened her eyes mumbling, “Dean?”

“Hey, Lex.” He whispered as he climbed in next to her snaking his arms around her letting his hands rest on her stomach.

“You want sex?” She mumbled.

He chuckled then kissed her cheek before whispering, “Not tonight. It's late baby go back to sleep.”

Dean woke to an empty bed and the smell of something delicious cooking. He swung his legs out of bed the smells from the kitchen pulling him forward. He found Lexi in the kitchen in front of the stove singing quietly along with the radio.

“Hey, baby girl, whatcha makin'?”

Lexi glanced at him her green eyes lighting up as she smiled. “The only breakfast thing I can make, French Toast.”

“Well it smells awesome.”

He grabbed a mug out of the cabinet then poured himself some coffee before leaning against the counter. Dean watched her for a beat then cleared his throat. “Lex, we need to talk about us...”

She turned to him her eyes wide and face drained of all color. “Why?” She questioned her voice hitching slightly. “Are you breaking up with me?”

“No,no, baby, it's not that. Shit. I didn't mean for it to sound like I wanted to break up.” Dean put down his coffee and moved behind her. He's tight against her, arms wrapped around her, his cheek pressed to hers.”We need to talk about my job. What I do puts you in real danger and the only way I can protect you is if you know what's out there...”

“Nothing bad has happened to me. You said this protection charm you gave me would keep me safe.”

“I know but Lex, we've been lucky so far. I don't wanna take any chances with you. Someday something's gonna follow me home or something's gonna look like me. You need to know what to look out for and how to defend yourself.”

“There's something that can look like you?” She asked with wide eyes. “Well, how am I supposed to know if it's really you then?”

“Yup. I'm gonna tell you. I should've told you this stuff in the beginning. I thought you'd be okay but my dad's right. You need to know more than just I hunt, you need to know what I hunt.”

“Ok.” She nodded. “That sounds...”

“Lexi, you need to know what's really out there. I'm gonna be teach you this stuff but that doesn't mean I want you to hunt. You only need to know how to protect yourself.”

john winchester, sam/jackie, sam winchester, dean winchester, dean/lexi

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