Restless Heart Syndrome Ch 8/?

Apr 12, 2014 22:10

Fic title: Restless Heart Syndrome
Genre: SPN Het
Pairing: Sam/ OFC, Dean/OFC (Lexi, played by Eliza Dushku)
Rating: M
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Summary: New town, new school for Sam. It's his fifth high school in three years but John promises it's going to be Sam' s last one. Dean and Sam settle into their new routine and enjoy being normal. A few months after school starts Sam meets Lexi. He could tell she was trouble the moment he laid eyes on her but it's the kind of trouble he's always wanted. Dean feels the same way about the new waitress at the diner.
*This is a prequel to Under Your Skin and Wayward Son.*

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7

*Disclaimer: Any recognizable characters belong to kripke. It's his sandbox, I'm just playing with his characters.* This is a prequel to Under Your Skin and Wayward Son.

Chapter 8: Bathwater

“You and your museum of lovers. The precious collection you've housed in your covers. My simpleness threatened by my own admission. And the bags are much too heavy in my insecure condition. My pregnant mind is fat full with envy again. But I still love to wash in your old bathwater. Love to think that you couldn't love another. I can't help it, you're my kind of man.”


June 7, 2000

Unlike most of the students at Ashland High, Sam was dreading the last day of school. The last day of school for Sam didn't hold the promise of lazy days of sleeping in till noon or hanging out with friends like it did for his classmates. No, for Sam Winchester, it meant a family road trip from hell, literally. In a matter of days his father was going to drag him through dusty back roads to go hunting. The only bright spot was the fact that he knew he wouldn't be switching schools next fall. Still, Sam wished that he could spend the summer like any other normal teenager.

Once the final bell of the school year rang, Sam decided to walk the two miles back to the apartment instead of taking the bus. It was a bright sunny day and he knew in the very near future he would not be allowed to go for a walk on his own. His father would make his older brother Dean go with him. His father would tell him it wasn't safe for him to go out alone like he was some kindergartner that couldn't cross the street. Sam clenched his hands in frustration. The freedom he had become accustomed to this school year was about to be ripped away from him and there was nothing he could do about it. This time next year though, he would be going off to college. Sam Winchester was going to be free.

Sam came home to find Dean on the couch with a bottle of whiskey in his hand. By the amount of liquid left in the bottle it looked like his brother had been drinking for awhile. Sam sat next to him nudging Dean with his foot, “Kinda early for whiskey Dean.”

Dean shrugged bringing the bottle to his lips and took a long pull before stating miserably, “Dad called. He'll be home in two days and then we're hitting the road. Had to quit my job today but my boss was cool about it. Said I can come back in September.”

“That's good. So, why are you bummed? Thought you loved hunting.”

“What am I supposed to tell Lex?” Dean asked turning towards Sam and giving his younger brother the most pathetic look Sam's ever seen. “I don't wanna lie to her.”

“You have to. You can't tell her the truth.”

“I know that Sammy but what am I supposed to say, uh?”

“You tell her we're going on a road trip with dad.”

Dean rubbed his face. Sam didn't get it. Hell, Dean wasn't sure he even got why he cared about telling Lexi the truth. All Dean did know was that he didn't want to lie to her. He sighed as he placed the bottle of whiskey on the coffee table before turning his attention to his younger brother. “Ok, sure that's fine for the first time we leave. Then what am I supposed to say the second time and the third time and the time after that?”

“You tell her the same thing.”

Later that night

Lexi smiled to herself, closed her cell phone and continued packing her suitcase. She had just gotten off the phone with Dean, who had asked her to go out with him tomorrow night. She was suddenly in a good mood. The thought of seeing him again before she left for Louisiana made her feel all warm and tingly. Her good mood continued while she finished up her packing until she heard the soft knock on her bedroom door. Lexi groaned inwardly and flopped on her bed while calling out, “Yeah?”

Lexi's mother opened the door a crack peering inside at her asking, “Can I come in?”


Her mother entered her bedroom, eyes sweeping the room before settling on her daughter's half open dresser drawer. She walked over to the dresser gazing down into what appeared to be a drawer filled with Victoria's Secret lingerie. She turned around, eyes settling on her daughter, “Lexi, are you having sex with that boy you're seeing?”

Lexi blinked at her mother not quite believing what she just heard. She shook her head composing herself before she looked her mother in the eye stating,“No, I'm not having sex with Dean. And it's not any of your business if I was.”

“Then why do you need all of this?” She asked gesturing to the half opened drawer, “You're sixteen years old. You don't need a drawer full of sexy underwear.”

“Ugh.” Lexi flopped on her bed groaning, her good mood vanishing just as quick as it came. She did not want to have this talk with her mom again. Once was more than enough and possibly scarred her for life. “Tell me we're not going to have the sex talk again. Mom, I like the way it looks on and just because I bought it, with my own money by the way, doesn't mean I'm screwing Dean.”

“Lexi Elizabeth Brennan, don't get smart with me!”

“I'm not being smart! You asked me a question and I answered you!”

“Your father doesn't want you seeing this boy. He told me he's twenty one. I think your father's right, this boy is too old for you.”

“MOM! You haven't even met him!”

“Exactly! Why is that Lexi? When we come back from your Aunt's I want him here for dinner. I want to meet him.” Lexi sat up about to argue but one look at her mother's face and the argument died on her lips. Instead, Lexi nodded her head in agreement. “Are you packed?”


“Good. Your father and I are leaving tomorrow morning. We will be gone before you wake up. A shuttle van is picking you up Saturday morning. I had a hard time convincing your father to let you stay here by yourself for a few days so you better get off that plane in New Orleans when we go to pick you up. One more thing, Dean is not allowed in this house while me and your father are gone. Do I make myself clear young lady?”

“Yes, mom.”

The next night Dean took Lexi back to Tommy's bar. He figured they could shoot some pool, throw darts and he could tell her about his “road trip”. Every time he attempted to bring the subject up, he faltered, the words dying on his lips. He didn't want to lie to her or tell her half truths. For the first time in his adult life, Dean Winchester, wanted to be completely honest with a chick. He had to keep reminding himself of their number one rule, 'We do what we do and we keep quiet about it.' Dean looked at his half empty beer bottle and pushed it aside. He was afraid if he kept drinking all his secrets would come tumbling out in a drunken confession. He stepped up behind Lexi as she threw her last dart. Dean wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her against him. He leaned down, nipped at her ear whispering huskily, “Why don't we get outta here?”

They ended up back at Lexi's house since her parents were out of town. He watched her turn on the lights that were strung around the patio with his eyebrow quirked. Dean leaned against the patio door holding a six pack and feeling a little uneasy about being there alone with Lexi. He cleared his throat before asking again, “You sure your parents aren't coming back soon? Cuz I got a feeling your dad will shoot me full of buck shot if he catches me here alone with his little girl.”

“Yeah, I'm sure. They left to visit my Aunt down in Louisiana last night. They won't be back till next Sunday.”

“Ok, good.”

Dean walked out onto the patio his eyes sweeping the back yard. His gaze fell to the in ground pool and the light that it was reflecting off the surface as he dropped into one of the lounge chairs. Dean cracked open two beers placing Lexi's on the little glass table between the chairs. “Hey Lex, come have some beers with me.” She smiled at him turning the radio on low then took the chair next to Dean's. He was grateful she had turned on some music, he didn't want to be sitting in an awkward silence once he told Lexi he was leaving. Dean shifted towards Lexi on the lounge chair, the chair creaking under his weight. “Lex, I need to talk to you.”

Her eyes widened and she began to chew on her bottom lip, “Are you breaking up with me already?”

Dean reached for her hand interlacing his fingers with hers. “No, Lex, nothing like that......”

“There's a but coming, right?”

He nodded, cleared his throat continuing. “but I'm going away for a couple of weeks.”

“Where are you going?”

“On a road trip with Sammy and my dad. We're leaving tomorrow.”

“Oh. You don't seem to happy about it.”

“I'm not really. Sammy and my dad will be at each others throats within the first hour. Plus, I won't be able to do this for two weeks.” Dean tangled his hand into her long brown hair while he gently pulled her mouth closer to his. He pressed his mouth to hers, his tongue slipping between her lips to slide against her own.

Lexi moaned into his kiss, sliding her hands down his chest. Suddenly she was out of her chair pushing him back against his own while she straddled him. Lexi settled in his lap, one hand going to the back of his neck, the other sliding between them to palm him through his jeans. She broke the kiss nipping along his jaw up to his earlobe at the same time she continued to rub him. Dean growled low in his throat when she deftly undid his jeans; her fingers sliding underneath his boxers. She rubbed her thumb in slow circles over the head of his cock causing him to jerk his hips upward groaning, “Damn Lex......”

“You have way too many clothes on.” She whispered, teeth grazing his ear, “The shirts need to go.”

Dean shrugged out of his button down as she removed her hand from the inside of his jeans to grasp the hem of his t-shirt. She pulled it up over his head before leaning forward kissing down his throat to his collar bone. She places feather light kisses along her way down Dean's chest to his stomach. His breath hitching while she continued to trail her tongue down, following the strip of hair under his jeans. He groaned pushing his hips up, “Lex, you....God you're killing me here.....”

Lexi stops kissing his abs long enough to smirk up at him before she shimmies off his jeans and boxers. “Wow, you're big.” She whispers, her eyes wide as she drinks in the sight of him. “No wonder you're such a cocky son of a bitch.”

Dean can't help the smug grin that now graces his face or the puffed up ego boast her words have given him. He pushed her hair off her cheek, his eyebrow quirked, “Lex, you saw it the other night when you blew me.”

“You mean Prom night? Dean, I was so wasted that I don't really remember what we did at the lake.” She said all the while trailing her fingers up the length of his shaft. She knew he was bigger than most of the guys that she had dated by the feel of him through his jeans but seeing it close up left her somewhat intimidated and incredibly turned on. She bit down on her bottom lip shyly then gazed up at him through her lashes, “I won't forget this time.”

Lexi nipped his inner thigh getting a whine out of Dean. She slid off the lounge chair settling herself between his legs before she flicked her tongue against the tip of his cock. Dean growled arching up as he gripped the sides of the chair. Lexi ran her tongue from base to tip slowly, enjoying the sounds she was pulling out of Dean. She made sure to lick every inch of him. She dragged her tongue over the head of his cock and then turned her attention to the underside running her tongue up and down his length.

Dean breathes in sharply when she finally takes him into her warm mouth. She draws him into her mouth at a deliberately slow pace; her teeth brushing against the head. Dean lets go of the lounge chair, slides his hands into her hair and swears under his breath. It's taking all his self control to not thrust up into her mouth. She swirls her tongue around him working him in deeper and deeper, down to the base, her fingers now gently rolling back and forth over his balls until she has him grunting and his breath hitching.

“Lexi....” Dean whines as he closes his eyes and bites down on his bottom lip when he feels himself hit the back of her throat. Lexi relaxes her throat and swallows. Her muscles contract and tense around him causing Dean's brain to short circuit. He can feel the tension in his body building quickly, he can't think straight while her mouth is doing these wicked things to him. And Holy fuck did she know what she was doing, at this rate he wasn't going to last much longer.

“Lex.....” He whispers in a strained voice, “slow down baby girl......”

Dean makes the mistake of opening his eyes to watch her. He moans low in his throat; the sight of her lips moving over him, her mouth full of his cock is almost enough to send him over the edge. He fists his hand in her hair thrusting upwards into her mouth. She welcomes the motion, hollows out her cheeks sucking harder and taking him in deeper with every thrust. Dean can feel himself teetering on the edge now. He nudges her in warning but she doesn't move. “Lex....” He thrusts faster, tightens his grip and moans her name as he explodes in her mouth hard and fast. He lets go of her hair dropping back down against the lounge chair as she swallows and runs her tongue over the head of his cock one final time. “Fuck, baby girl,” Dean drawls, “you got a talented mouth.”

Lexi moves back up his body and settles into his lap. She kisses him slow, slides her tongue into his mouth letting him taste himself on her lips and tongue. Dean pulls back slightly gripping the hem of Lexi's tank top and peels it off her. He nips at her throat making his way down to her collarbone and runs his tongue along it. “Dean, you have a condom?”

Dean peers up at Lexi and nods. “Yeah, but I'm not gonna need it tonight. Thought we decided to take things slow.”

“I.....we.....” she flounders before blurting out, “Is there something wrong with me?”

“What?” Dean pulls back to look at her not bothering to hide his confusion. He runs his fingertips down her spine and shakes his head, “No, baby girl, there's nothing wrong with you. You're perfect.”

“Then why won't you sleep with me?”

“Why are you in such a rush to give it up to me?”

“You slept with all those skanks at the diner.......”

“Lex, they were just hooks up. That's it. I remember you telling me you didn't want us to be just a hook up. And I....” Dean scratched the back of his head dropping his gaze from her's, “shit, Lex, I don't wanna just hook up with you. I want you to be MY girl. I can wait till you're ready to sleep with me.....”

Lexi drapes her arms around Dean's neck, her fingers sliding up into his hair as she holds his gaze. “Dean, I am your girl and I am ready to sleep with you. I know what I want.”

Dean pulls her closer to him and stares into her deep green eyes. Truth is, he wants her. He wants her badly but he's got this little voice in the back of his head telling him to take it slow. The voice keeps reminding him that she's only sixteen and a virgin. Dean knows that if they're going to go down this road he has to be the responsible one. That they need to have this conversation even if he doesn't want to have it. He arches his eyebrow and sighs, “Really? Ok, then tell me what kinda birth control you're on. I know you're not stupid Lexi. Sammy keeps bitching about how he's now number two in your class since you transferred here and how you've beaten him in every test. So then you would know that if I just use a condom it's only like eighty something percent effective but if you're on some kinda birth control and I use condoms then its like ninety seven percent effective.”

“I'm not on anything yet.....”

“Well until you are, there's plenty of other things we can do.......”

Lexi nods, shifts in his lap and then asks, “Can you stay tonight?”

“I wish I could baby but if my dad comes back and finds Sammy alone, I'm toast.” Lexi stares at him with innocent green bambi eyes. It's so much worse than Sammy's puppy eyes and makes Dean want to agree. Instead, he averts his eyes and whispers, “Lex don't look at me like that.”

“Like what?”

“You know what. Like that! With those big eyes.....” Dean looks at her again and feels his resolve completely crumble. He huffs out a breath, pointing his finger at her, “Fine if I stay I gotta get outta here by like four am. You cool with that? You're not gonna get pissed at me for leaving while you're still asleep?”

“I won't get mad, it's cool.”

After finishing off the beer Dean had brought with him he found himself in Lexi's bed room. It wasn't what he was expecting at all. He expected to walk into a pink room with lots of girlie stuff like stuffed animals and rainbows. Instead, he found himself in a room with light gray walls. One of which, had a large book case crammed full of books and her record collection. His eyes swept the room in search of the girlie things he had expected but the only items in the room that let him know he was indeed in a girl's room was the purple bedding. “This is not what I expected.”

“What were you expecting, Barbie pink?” She asked while stripping off her clothes and getting into bed.

“Yeah, something along those lines.” Dean nodded before following her lead and stripping down to his boxers. He got in next to her, Lexi immediately snuggling up to his side, her face nuzzling into the crook of his neck. Dean closed his eyes trying not to notice how right it felt to lay there with her. Or, how her body seemed to perfectly mold to his own. He wrapped his arms around her while the words, 'No attachments.' ran through his head over and over. How could he possibly heed his father's words when it felt like she was made to fit in his arms?

sam winchester, dean winchester, dean/lexi

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