Restless Heart Syndrome Ch 6/?

Mar 16, 2014 21:14

Fic title: Restless Heart Syndrome
Genre: SPN Het
Pairing: Sam/ OFC, Dean/OFC (Lexi, played by Eliza Dushku)
Rating: R
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Summary: New town, new school for Sam. It's his fifth high school in three years but John promises it's going to be Sam' s last one. Dean and Sam settle into their new routine and enjoy being normal. A few months after school starts Sam meets Lexi. He could tell she was trouble the moment he laid eyes on her but it's the kind of trouble he's always wanted. Dean feels the same way about the new waitress at the diner.
*This is a prequel to Under Your Skin and Wayward Son.*

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5

*Disclaimer: Any recognizable characters belong to kripke. It's his sandbox, I'm just playing with his characters.*
This is a prequel to Under Your Skin and Wayward Son.

It Coulda Been Me

“You know these things that happen, that's just the way it's supposed to be. And I can't help but wonder, don't ya know it coulda been me.”

May 26, 2000

Sam woke up earlier than usual on Friday morning. He didn't sleep well. His stomach was all tied in knots. He felt like he was going to be sick. Sam was already worrying about taking Lexi to Prom that night. What made it worse was that he had to sit in classes until noon that day. For once in his life he really didn't want to go to school but if he didn't show, he wouldn't be allowed to go to Prom. Sam glanced at the alarm clocked and groaned. He had to get up. He took a deep breath before throwing off the covers and headed into the bathroom.

Dean was already seated at the kitchen table eating breakfast and dressed in his mechanic blues when Sam emerged from their bedroom. He raised an eyebrow at Sam gesturing to the plate on the table, “Made you breakfast. You okay little brother?”

Sam took the seat across from Dean as he picked at his food, “Yeah, I'm fine.”

“You sure? The big date's tonight.”

“I know.......”

“I'm picking you up at noon and taking you to pick up your tux right?”


“You order her a corsage?”


“A corsage for your date. You got her one right?”


“No worries, Sammy. I gotcha covered. I'll swing by the florist before work and charm them into having one ready for you this afternoon.”

By five o'clock Sam had passed nervous and was at full blown panic attack. Dean sat on his bed watching his little brother attempt to tie his bow tie for the umpteenth time. Dean rolled his eyes as he got off his bed and made his way over to where his brother stood. “Let me do it.”

“You know how to?”

“It's not rocket science, man.”

Sam nodded standing there awkwardly while Dean tied his bow tie. “There ya go, Sammy.”

“Thanks, Dean.”

Dean smiled at Sam smacking his shoulder. He sat back on his bed leaning back on his elbows while watching Sam fuss with his hair. “Stop worrying Sammy. Relax and everything will work out.”

Sam nodded turning to look at Dean, “Thanks for all this Dean. The tickets. The tux....”

Dean held up his hand smirking at Sam, “No chick flick moments little brother. Just go show that girl a good time.”

Prom After Party

Sam left Lexi sitting alone as he went to get them more drinks. He kept telling himself that he needed to just make his move. Confidence, that's what it was all about after all. Besides, he had won half the battle. He did get her to go to the prom with him but he had lost his nerve when she stated,'as friends'. He just couldn't work up the nerve to tell her that he wanted to be more than her friend. Sam was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't see Dean come through the back yard gate. Maybe if he had seen his brother his night wouldn't have taken the turn it did.

Dean walked through the party in search of Lexi and her date. He was curious to see if she was with who he thought she was with. He found her easily enough. She was sitting alone, beer in hand, in a short black lace strapless dress. He stood there, hands shoved in his jeans' pockets just watching her. Lexi suddenly turned her head in Dean's direction, her face breaking out into a huge smile before she walked over to him. “What are you doing here?” She asked all smiles and dimples.

“Got bored waiting around. Besides,” Dean shrugged, “I wanted to see who you were ditching me for.”

“I didn't ditch you. He's just a friend.” Lexi's eyes darted around the crowd in search of her 'date'. She nodded pointing to Sam. “He's over there.”

Dean looked over to Sam and couldn't help himself. He started laughing and couldn't stop. Lexi stared at him her eyebrows knotted in confusion. “Let's get outta here. He won't mind.”

“What? I just can't leave without telling him.”

“Sure you can. Trust me he'll be fine with it.” Dean looked down raising his eyebrows at her, “This belong to you Cinderella?”

She nodded her head as she glanced at the shoe he held in his hand. He knelt down helping her put her shoe back on. Dean stood up and just stared intently at her for a moment or two. He smirked at Lexi calling her 'Cinderella' again before turning serious. Dean suddenly wanted to kiss her. He licked his lips slowly before leaning in and pressing his mouth to hers. Dean's hands moved up to cup her face, his thumb rubbing slow circles against her cheek while deepening the kiss. Lexi pressed up against him opening her mouth to let his tongue slide against hers. Dean wanted her so bad but he didn't want Sammy to throw some huge fit when he realized he just came and stole his date right from under his nose. Dean pulled away resting his forehead against hers. Lexi stared up into Dean's gold flecked green eyes, her whole body tingling. That one kiss left her dazed and weak kneed. She exhaled slowly before whispering, “Wow......just like I imagined.”

Dean chuckled dropping his hands from her face to take Lexi's hand in his, “Let's go somewhere more private.”


“Hey Sam, isn't that your brother talking to Lexi?”

Sam turned in the direction that his friend was pointing in, his eyes wide in disbelief. Dean was pressed up against Lexi, his forehead resting on hers, his lips forming words that Sam could not hear. When Sam thought it couldn't get any worse, it did. He watched in shock while Dean smiled down at Lexi, then took her hand in his before turning around and leaving the party.

An Hour Later

Lake Superior

Dean and Lexi ended up at Lake Superior with a couple of bottles of Jack, a twelve pack and a blanket. They sat on the blanket Dean had placed on the hood of the Impala, the sounds of Led Zeppelin's IV drifting out from the open car windows as they sat in silence passing a bottle of Jack back and forth. Dean was nervous and no chick had ever made Dean Winchester nervous before. He didn't really understand why he was feeling like this. It wasn't like he had never talked to Lexi before. He had been talking and flirting with her at the diner for over two months now. All Dean knew was that there was something different about her. He felt it the first time he looked at her. Besides that, he actually gave a shit about what she thought of him. Dean sneaked a glance at Lexi, she was sitting on the edge of the blanket with her arms wrapped around herself shivering. Dean shrugged out of his leather jacket slipping it around her shoulders as her pulled her closer to himself. “That better, Lex?”

She nodded slightly clearing her throat, “So, um I heard you don't usually date.”

“I don't.”

“I know I've been giving you a hard time but I'm glad you asked me out.” Lexi whispered biting her lower lip, “I was about to give up on you.”

“Yeah, I know. You made it obvious with the cold shoulder bit.”

“Dean, what are you doing hanging out with me?”

“I dunno….” “

I'm total jail bait.” She smirked holding up her bottle of beer, “And you're so corrupting a minor.”

“You gonna blab about it, Lex? Cause I can be gone from the face of this planet in two seconds flat.”

“Of course not!”

“Alright then, shouldn't matter.”

“I'm not boring you am I? Cuz I tend to talk way too much and its okay ya know to tell me to be quiet…”

“Nah,” Dean smiled giving her shoulders a squeeze, “you talk enough for the both of us. And I think your rambling's kinda cute.”

She smirked slightly taking another swig from the bottle of Jack before handing it back to Dean. She tilted her head as she watched him take a long pull off the bottle. Dean raised his eyebrow at her as if asking 'What?' which caused her to blush furiously and turn her eyes away from him. Dean laughed as he slipped his arm around her waist to pull her up against him. He gave her squeeze, dipping his head down so his lips brushed against her ear, “You're cute when you blush, ya know that.”

“Um.....” She said softly her cheeks turning a deeper shade of red, “thanks, I guess. Where are you from? I know you're not from here the girls at the diner said you moved here about six months ago.”


She nodded sighing, “Same it totally sucks. I'm always the new kid, never around long enough to make any friends. I'm an only child too so yeah moving every six months bites. My dad finally retired from the Marines and decided to move to this wonderful place because apparently I get into too much trouble.”

Dean laughed raising his eyebrows as he looked at her, “Yeah I can see that. You look like trouble. You seem like one of those crazy ass kids, gives their parents hell, and comes home with hickeys all over the place.” Lexi opened her mouth to protest but Dean raised his hand stopping whatever she was about to say. He leaned in close, his mouth inches from hers. He wanted to kiss her again but instead he tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear whispering, “You know you don't have to try so hard, all this shit about getting into trouble. I don't care about that.”

“I can't help it if trouble finds me. And you Dean,”Lexi laughed poking his arm, “are trouble. Ya know I don't know your last name.”

“I'm lots of things and it's Winchester by the way. Dean Winchester.”

She pulled away from him suddenly. Her green eyes were wide while she stared at him. Lexi didn't say anything for a few minutes, she just shook her head. Dean could tell she had connected the dots, he had to admit this wasn't the reaction he was hoping for. “Please tell me you don't have a brother named Sam.”

“I do.”

“Oh, this is bad. I was his date for prom and I left with his older brother. I mean I told him strictly as friends but......”

“Hey, you didn't know I was his brother. Did Sam ever mention my name? Did I ever mention his? No. So, it's not your fault. Besides, you didn't go on a real date with him.”

She nodded while pushing her hair off of her face. She inched closer to Dean determined to let him know what she wanted. She had her hand on his knee, trailing her fingers slowly up towards his thigh. “Are you ever gonna make a move?” She questioned him her eyebrow raised as she began to rub his inner thigh in slow circles.

“Not right now.”

He caught her off guard grabbing her suddenly while tangling his hands in her hair. Dean pressed his lips to hers greedily while pulling her onto his lap, never once breaking the kiss . She had one hand in his hair and the other was rubbing the back of his neck while Dean ran his hands to her hips pulling her even closer against himself. Things heated up between them quickly. He wanted her so bad, he wanted to fuck her right then and there but he didn't want it like this. He didn't want to when she was drunk. Dean never cared about whether some chick was drunk before but he actually liked Lexi. He didn't know what it was about her. All he knew was that he didn't wanna fuck and run this time. That right there scared the shit out of Dean.

The Next Morning

8 AM

Sam hardly slept that night, he had laid in bed staring at the ceiling replaying the events of the night over and over again in his head. He still couldn't believe what had happened. Out of all the girls in this town why did his brother have to go after the one he liked? It just wasn't fair. Dean could go out with anyone which made Sam wonder why was his brother at the after party anyway? Dean didn't have to stoop to trolling high school girls. Sam turned to look at the alarm clock, he rubbed his face and huffed. What made it worse was that Dean still hadn't come home and it made Sam think of all the things his brother was doing with Lexi. Things Sam was sure he couldn't compete with.

Dean had stayed out all night with Lexi. They just hung out by the lake drinking, talking and doing other stuff. They sat on the hood of the Impala, Lexi in his leather jacket and Dean with his arm around her waist, watching the sun come up. Never once did he think of Sam and the shit he was gonna have to deal with when he got home. Dean knew what he did was fucked up but really he didn't care. They clicked and Sam was gonna have to get over the fact that Lexi didn't want him.

Dean was relieved to see his dad wasn't home yet from his latest hunt. That meant that he wasn't going to have to hear him go on and on about how he disobeyed a direct order by leaving Sammy alone. What his father didn't get was that Sammy could handle himself. Yes, protecting his little brother was Dean's job but sometimes he need to have some fun. He hoped Sam was still asleep as Dean tiptoed into the apartment. He didn't feel like listening to him bitch about what a horrible brother he was. He knew he was not the best brother in the world but Dean's never been an angel either.

Sam turned to face the bedroom door when it creaked open. Dean was tiptoeing into their bedroom and when he noticed that Sam was still awake a huge ass smile broke out on his face. Sam's anger flared up and it took all his self control not to tackle his asshole brother to the floor. Instead, Sam huffed turning his back on Dean. “What crawled up your ass Sammy? Your date didn't go well?”


“Yeah, date. Thought you took that chick to Prom.”

“Oh! You mean LEXI.” Dean blinked at Sam but didn't say anything. “Yeah, Dean, that's right. The girl you took off with. She's sixteen man, fuck's sake you're TWENTY ONE can't you find some chick your own age?”

Dean ran a hand through his short hair before tossing his keys on his dresser. He shrugged out of his jacket and began undressing before he answered his younger brother. He turned looking at Sam, who got a good view of the hickeys running down his older brother's neck. “I didn't know it was the same girl. I've been talking to her for months now. Besides Sammy, she's way outta your league and I didn't force her to leave with me. I asked her if she wanted to go somewhere more private. Obviously she did. I'll tell ya one thing man, that girl's got a talented mouth. Hands down, best fucking blow job I've ever got.”

Sam stared at his older brother. He didn't think it was possible but he hated him so much at the moment that he couldn't even form words. He turned on his side facing the wall. Sam wished he was anywhere but there at the moment. He told himself in a year everything would be different. He would be in college, he'd finally be free of his father and brother. Sam couldn't wait.

Later that night

Dean let Sammy get his shots in while he got ready to take Lexi out. Sam snickered and laughed at the fact that his older brother had shaved, put gel in his hair and was wearing his good clothes, accusing Dean that he was trying to look presentable for a girl. Maybe he was. Dean had never actually taken a chick out on a date unless dragging them into the men's bathroom in some dive bar counted as a one. Hell, he even kept his mouth shut when Sammy asked if he was meeting the parents tonight. After all, Dean knew deserved it and more.

"You really like her, don't you, Dean?" Sam teased following him outside.

"SHUT UP SAMMY!" Dean snapped slamming the Impala's door and giving his little brother the stink eye for good measure.

Brennan Residence

1642 Maple Street

Dean sighed looking up at the black shuttered white house praying Sam was wrong about the meeting the parent's thing. For one, parents don't like him and two her father probably had a bullet with his name on it all ready for him. Dean grumbled to himself as he made his way up the walk. Why did he say he would pick her up? He could've just met her at the diner for Christ's sake. Damn he was an idiot. Before Dean even got half way up the walk Lexi came bursting out the front door in his direction her long brown hair flying behind her.

“BYE!” She yelled hooking her arm through his before smiling up at him. “Hey. Come on lets go.”

“Why you in such a hurry?”

“Um you don't need to meet my parents.”

“Your parents are here?” Dean questioned as his eyes drifted over her, “They let you dress like this?”

“Shut up.” Her eyes suddenly went wide dragging Dean towards the Impala, “Oh, shit.”

Dean looked from Lexi to the older man that was heading their way and back again, “Who's that?”

“Dad...Dean. Dean...Dad.”

“Hey.” Dean stated holding out his hand to shake her father's. Lexi's father just stood there glaring at him. Dean pulled his hand back squaring his shoulders. He was not going to let this dickhead think he could intimidate him. Dean raised his eyebrows giving him the 'What's your problem.' look.

“How old are you?”

“Twenty one, Sir.”

“Isn't she a little young for you, Son?” Her father sneered not bothering to hide his dislike for Dean.

“No, Sir.” Dean smirked and leaned closer to her father, “She doesn't seem like she's sixteen.”

“Lexi get in the house!”


Dean threw his hands up in mock defense smirking at Mr. Brennan the whole time, “Whoa! Hey that's a compliment, Sir.”

“You're sixteen years old, Lexi! He's way too old for you!”

“Dad stop it!”

“If you knew half the crap those kids in that school got up to you wouldn't be worried about my age.” Dean smirked at him wiggling his eyebrows slightly, “Don't worry I'll take good care of her and have her back by twelve.”


“Eleven?! Dad, my curfew isn't until two!”

“It's eleven if you're with him, young lady!”

“Yeah Dad, because me being home by eleven doesn't mean I'm not gonna screw him at ten!” Lexi snapped folding her arms in front of her chest.

“You lay one finger on her….”

“Yeah, yeah.” Dean snorted rolling his eyes. Like he was really afraid of this guy. “You'll have me dead in a ditch. I know how it goes.”

“Just bring her home at a decent hour.”

“Twelve good for you?”


“Alright then.”

“I better not get another call that you're at the police station young lady.”

“Whatever.” Lexi sighed as she tugged Dean's arm signaling it was time to go. "Sorry about that. He's still under the impression that I'm an innocent little girl.”

“Please, after living with my dad no one scares me. He's like John Winchester light.”

“Oh he was being nice.”

“I figured as much.” Dean said simply holding open the passenger door for her.

She stopped turning to him her eyebrow raised, “You're not seriously bringing me back by twelve are you?”

“I dunno, depends on how well this whole thing goes.”

“So we're we going?”

“This place that's too shitty to card.”


Tommy's Bar

9:00 p.m.

Dean was having a good time with Lexi. She was funny and a damn good pool player. The little bitch even hustled him. Pulling the old, 'How do I hold this stick thingy' before kicking his ass and taking his money. It was all good though; Dean got my money back playing darts. She wasn't a very skilled darts player. Hell, who cares dressed the way she was in a pair of tight black pants and semi-sheer top with a black lace bra underneath. Dean was just enjoying the view. Things got even better about an hour and a few shots of tequila later.

“Easy.” He laughed holding Lexi arms length away.

She giggled pressing herself up against him. She snaked her hands up under his shirt and nibbled on the shell of his ear purring, “Dean, take me somewhere...”


“Hmm mmm, come on.”

“Where do you wanna go?” Dean whispered leaning down to suck the spot on her neck behind her ear knowing full well that one spot drove her crazy, “Hmm?”

“Anywhere, back seat of your car will do.”

“Not the car, I don't have a blanket or anything to put on the seat. The car's my baby. I don't want her getting dirty.”

“Your place?”

“Can't do my place.”

“Why not?”

“Sam's there. I don't have a problem fucking with him in the apartment but you know, you two know each other.”

“Where we going then?”

“I dunno.”

Shore Point Motel

10:30 p.m.

They barely got in the room before they began tugging at each other's clothes. The room was dank and smelled like mold, your typical motel six but it would have to do for tonight. Dean pushed Lexi down on to the bed kissing and nibbling on her neck. If last night's blow job was an indication of how tonight was going to be he was about to have some of the best sex he's ever had. Lexi pulled back slightly chewing on her bottom lip, “I've never done it before…”

“Uh? Nah, no, no way.”

“Never.” She whispered looking away from him, “I've done other things just not THAT.”

“Huh. You sure? You're not fucking with me?”

Lexi pulled Dean closer to her looking up at him with wide innocent eyes, “I'm not fucking with you.”

Dean just shrugged and began kissing her again. 'So, what she's a virgin.' he thought. 'A hot willing virgin.' He smiled to himself before helping her pull her sheer top over her head. He leaned forward kissing her throat before running his tongue along her collarbone. She started moaning softly as Dean took his time kissing down to her chest. He loved foreplay and he was going to enjoy every minute of getting her all worked up. Dean moved back up to kiss her some more but she was out cold. He shook her gently trying to wake her up, “Lex?”Dean tried a few more times but she was passed out cold. Truthfully, he was sort of relieved. He didn't want to do her while she was shit faced especially now that Dean knew she was a virgin. He wasn't that big of a scumbag.

sam winchester, dean winchester, dean/lexi

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