Restless Heart Syndrome Ch 24/?

Dec 26, 2014 17:00

Fic title: Restless Heart Syndrome
Genre: SPN Het
Pairing: Sam/ OFC, Dean/OFC (Lexi, played by Eliza Dushku)
Rating: M
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Summary: New town, new school for Sam. It's his fifth high school in three years but John promises it's going to be Sam' s last one. Dean and Sam settle into their new routine and enjoy being normal. A few months after school starts Sam meets Lexi. He could tell she was trouble the moment he laid eyes on her but it's the kind of trouble he's always wanted. Dean feels the same way about the new waitress at the diner.
*This is a prequel to Under Your Skin and Wayward Son.*

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23

Chapter 24: Supernova

“I have looked all over the place but you have got my favorite face. Your eyelashes sparkle like gilded grass and your lips are sweet and slippery like a cherub's bare wet ass. 'Cause you're a human supernova. A solar superman. You're an angel with wings of fire. A flying, giant friction blast. You walk in clouds of glitter and the sun reflects your eyes. And every time the wind blows I can smell you in the sky. Your kisses are as wicked as an F-16 and you fuck like a volcano and you're everything to me...”

November 14, 2001

Cafe Du Monde

Dean grabs the last beignet off the plate while raising his eyebrows at Lexi. She shakes her head no as she sips her cafe au lait. Dean smiles at her then takes a huge bite. He moans around the still warm pastry causing her to laugh. Dean can't help himself. He loves beignets. Hell, he loves New Orleans, loves everything about this city. What he loves most is that he's here with Lexi. He loves that here, with her, he has the freedom to just be himself. He isn't Dean Winchester, John Winchester's son, Sammy's protector, or hunter. He is just Dean. He leans back in his chair licking the remaining powdered sugar from his fingers while his eyes dart around the crowded coffee stand. “Lex, you'll be ok if I take off?”

“Yeah. Jackie should be here any second.”

“Ok.” He leans forward in his chair pressing a quick kiss to her lips before saying, “I'm gonna go down to the farmer's market. Gonna see what kinda produce they got today.”

“Why are you going to check out produce?”

“So I can fix us something good for dinner.”

“Really? Uh, thought you were the king of t.v. Dinners.”

“Me? Nah. Who do you think kept Sammy fed all these years?” Dean stands up, stretches and throws her a huge smile. He gestures to the empty plate on the table before he heads for the door, “Don't be filling up on beignets either now. I'm making you dinner.”

“Yes, dad.” She calls after him. Dean turns to look at her pulling a face then disappears into the crowd of tourists without a snarky comeback.

About a half an hour later, Jackie drops into the green chair across from Lexi looking very annoyed. She's over a half an hour late thanks to her room mates. There's one thing that Jackie hates above all else and that is being late. She pulls her American Folklore Text book and her notes out of her bag then looks around the coffee stand. “Sorry, I'm late. Landlord stopped me on the stairs to bitch me out. Did you order yet?”

“Don't worry about it, Jackie. Yeah, I ordered a few minutes ago. I got you a black coffee and a plate of beignets.”

“Awesome. Thanks for helping me studying for this test.”

“No problem. So what was your landlord bitching about?”

“Too many noise complaints and shit. He wants us all out by the first of the year. How am I supposed to find something that quick that I can afford on my own that's not all the way out in the ninth ward?”

“Maybe you don't have to. My apartment's two bedrooms and we're not using the second one. Let me talk to Dean to see if he's cool with it but I'm sure he won't have a problem with you moving in.”

“Seriously? That would be awesome!”

They study for an hour and a half before Jackie looses interest and gives up. She figures if she doesn't know the material by now she's not going to know it by tomorrow morning. Jackie closes her text book then picks up her cup of coffee as she eyes Lexi over the brim. “What are you doing for Thanksgiving?”

“Me and Dean are going to my Granny's up in the Garden District. What about you?”

“Going home to L.A. My mom took a total shit fit when I told her I wasn't coming home for Christmas. This is my comprise.”

“That's not so bad.”

Jackie nods and then says casually, “Ya know, I was wrong about Dean. I like him, he's cool.”

“I told you. Dean's a great guy.”

“Bet he's great in bed...” Jackie smirks suggestively.

“Yeah he is but it's more than sex. He's everything to me, my best friend.” Lexi whispers while she stares off into space lost in her thoughts.

She'd be lying if she said his looks had nothing to do with her attraction to him. No one could say Dean Winchester wasn't handsome because he is. She absolutely loves the crow's feet that appear when he laughs or smiles, the freckles that run along his cheeks and the bridge of his nose, his big green gold flecked eyes, and of course his lips. She loves his lips, they're just so perfect and kissable. Always soft, supple and yet firm. Dean knows exactly how to use them to make her whimper and always leaves her wanting more. Then there's the sex. At times he'll fuck her slow and tender, others quick and rough. But it's always exactly what she wants in that moment. She never has to tell him, Dean just seems to know. She loves that he can read her so well and he actually cares about giving her what she needs. Even if he doesn't always say it, she knows he loves her. “He's the first guy I've ever...”

“Seriously? You haven't been with anyone else?”

“I've dated a lot of other guys before Dean but I never slept with any of them.”

“Wow. Well, now I get why you didn't go through with hooking up with anyone that night.” Jackie raises her eyebrow and stares at Lexi before asking, “Don't you ever wonder what it'd be like with another guy?”

“No, not really. I mean I got friends telling me how their boyfriends don't get them off and they're faking it. Here I am having multiples. Jackie, I came four times last night. Why would I want another guy?”

“Uh, Ace got skills. Must be those duck lips of his. He goes down doesn't he?”

Lexi blushes despite the shit eating grin that now graces her face. She looks down and whispers, “All the time. He loves it.”

“I knew he had an oral fixation. You're a lucky girl.”

“Don't I know it but it's more than sex with us. Dean's my best friend, I love just hanging out with him.”

December 1, 2001

Lexi returns from the laundromat to find a empty apartment. She shrugs and brings the laundry basket into the bedroom. Dean did tell her that he was going down to Jackie's shop to get a tattoo and then he was going to go get them some groceries today. She didn't think any thing of it to find he isn't back yet. Lexi places the basket at the foot of the bed and walks over to the stereo. She picks up the cd that's on top of the pile and turns on her cd player. She sings along to The Beatles as she sorts their clothes and begins to put them away.

Dean comes back to the apartment about twenty minutes after Lexi. He drops the bags of groceries on the kitchen table calling her name. When he doesn't get an answer he follows the sound of music to the bedroom. He opens the door his breath hitching as the sound of the opening chords of 'Hey Jude' hit his ears.

Lexi turns towards him her smile faltering when she sees the stricken look on his face. “Dean, what's wrong?”

“My mom used to sing that to me...” He mutters softly.

Lexi immediately walks over to the cd player and shuts it off. “I'm so sorry...”

“It's ok, Lex. It's not like I told you.”

Dean crosses the room, restarts the song and opens his arms. “C'mere Lex, dance with me.”

Lexi makes her way over to him looking up at him through her lashes not sure if she should refuse or not. Dean pulls her close taking her right hand in his left while laying his right hand on the small of her back. Lexi closes her eyes resting her head against his shoulder as they sway in time to the music.

“This was my mom's favorite Beatles song. She used to sing it to me as a lullaby. Sometimes we'd dance around the living room to it. We used to do that a lot. I'd have my feet on top of hers and she'd hold my hands...”

“Dean, it's ok you don't have to tell me...”

“I know. I want to though.” Dean sighs and tugs Lexi closer to him. “You remind me of her, ya know. I mean not looks wise, just how you are, your personality. Always smiling and laughing, kind. She would've loved you for sure.”

Lexi steps back as the song ends, tears welling up in her eyes, “You think so?”

“I know so. Hey, no crying, Lex.” Dean whispers before smiling slightly. “You wanna see the tatt Jackie did?”

Lexi nods while Dean holds out his right arm and carefully pulls off the bandage covering his wrist. Inked there were two intricate playing cards. One's the King of Hearts, the other the Ace of Spades. Lexi smirks up at him her eyebrow arched, “Hmm Black Jack. That's really cool looking but people are gonna think you're a card shark.”

Dean shrugs then covers his tattoo. “But I am a card shark. Oh hey, I'm thinking it's about time I start hunting again. Not with my dad, though, by myself. Nothing too big either. Thought I stay close to the city.”

“Whatever you wanna do Dean, it's up to you. I'll be here waiting for you. Just to be clear though, if you disappear on me again...”

“I won't, Lex, I swear.”

“Ok, then. When are you leaving?”

“Tomorrow. Found a case just outside of Baton Rouge. There's been a ton of disappearances.”

December 11, 2001

Dean throws his duffel into the Impala's trunk and sighs. He's just finished his first case on his own and he couldn't be more relieved. It was just his luck that his first solo case was a coven of witches. He hated witches more than any other form of supernatural cockroach that he's ever come up against. They were vile in his opinion. The lowest form of human being you could be; pimping your soul out to a demon for a little bit of power. And there was the fact that they were always spewing bodily fluids around and spilling innocent blood. To say he would be glad when this town was in his rear view was an understatement.

Dean slides behind the wheel, starts the engine and gets on the highway. When he's been on the road about a half an hour he pulls out his cell and calls Lexi. He smiles when she picks up the house phone saying, “Hey, baby girl, how's everything going?”

“Are you okay?” she asks not bothering to hide the panic in her voice.

“Yeah, I'm ok. I finished the case up early. I'll be home soon. I'm about two hours out.”

She sighs in relief before whispering, “I was starting to worry...”

“I'm fine, Lex. I'll see you in a couple of hours.”

“Ok. Be careful.”


A little over two hours later, Dean drops his duffel by the door and takes a deep breath. The smell of something baking fills their little apartment. Whatever it is it smells delicious but he hopes it's a pie. He finds Lexi in their small kitchen wearing one of his black t-shirts and a lacy pair of boy shorts while humming along to the radio.

“Hey, Lex, whatcha making?” Lexi turns around and smiles, her dimples on full display. She has flour on her cheek and hands, the way she's looking at him makes him feel all warm, content. For a second he can pretend that he's just a normal guy coming home from work instead of a hunt. It makes him want to sweep her up in his arms and squeeze her tight. Instead he throws her a lopsided grin as he asks, “Is that pie I'm smelling?”

“Yup. Pecan.”

Dean crosses the room to where Lexi's standing and gives her a quick hello kiss on her cheek. He smirks down at her, hands moving down to grip her hips. Before she can say anything, Dean lifts her up onto the kitchen counter. He steps closer to the counter licking his lips while pulling Lexi to the edge of it. His hands slid off her hips and rests on her legs. He smiles playfully at her as he runs his hands over her bare thighs. “My favorite.”

“I know.” Lexi hooks her fingers into his belt loops, tugs him closer then wraps her legs around his waist. She tilts her head before she says with a wicked grin, “You love my pie.”

Dean laughs while he leans in for a kiss. Her lips are soft, yield under his and taste like cherries. He cups her face in his hands, his thumb rubbing her cheek as he licks into her mouth. She returns the kiss parting her lips and moaning softly when his tongue slides against hers. She melts against him letting him set the pace. Dean's hands slide up into her hair, his kisses becoming more urgent while his tongue explores every inch of her mouth until they're both panting. Just as things are beginning to really heat up, the oven timer begins to beep. Lexi breaks the kiss and groans, “Let me down Dean the pie's done.”

“Hm, don't want to.”

“It's gonna burn.” She pushes lightly against his chest until Dean steps back.

She jumps down from the counter, gets the pie out of the oven and places it on a rack to cool. Dean's behind her the instance the pie hits the rack. He's tight against her, his hands slipping under her t-shirt. “You look so fucking sexy in my shirt.” Dean says low and husky.

He bites along the length of her neck, his hands sliding up to cup her breasts. He smirks against her skin when he finds that she's braless. He pinches Lexi's nipples at the same time that he sinks his teeth into her neck causing her to make that desperate little moan he loves so much. Lexi turns around and pushes him up against the wall. Dean grins down at her and wiggles his eyebrows. The suggestive remark he's about to make dies in his throat as Lexi starts palming his dick through his jeans. She pulls his Henley off, presses up against him and grinds her hips into his. Dean swallows, leans his head back against the wall closing his eyes. He tries to steady his breathing but it's difficult to say the least when she's licking his nipples and grinding against him. Lexi steps back pulling off the t-shirt she's wearing and Dean's suddenly very aware that it's been almost two weeks since he's last touched her.

Dean surges forward, grabs her and turns them around so she's now backed into the wall. His hands are in her hair pulling her in for a searing kiss. He drops his hands from her hair and begins tracing her curves. Dean runs his hands slowly over her breasts, her stomach, her thighs then back up to her waist. He hooks his fingers in the boy shorts she's wearing and begins sliding them off. Dean moves down with them placing open mouth kisses to her breasts, stomach, and legs before he's on his knees. He lifts each of her legs in turn to step her out of her panties. Dean leans forward, licks a broad strip along the length of her slit then moans low and dirty. He looks up at her with a smirk saying, “Ya know, I haven't fucked you in the kitchen yet.”

Lexi swallows hard, her breath hitching as she whispers, “I know...”

“Do you want me to?”


Dean stands up, toes off his boots and begins to undo his belt. He shimmies his jeans and boxer briefs off his hips then kicks them off before he shoves her back flat against the wall growling in her ear, “I want you so fucking bad.”

His hands move down to her hips, fingers digging into the soft flesh. Dean's hands slide behind her grabbing her ass and tightening his grip on her as he lifts her up against him. She wraps her legs around his waist, the press of his cock against her making her tingle all over. He presses his lips to hers, biting down on her lip when he pushes into her. Lexi's breath hitches, the feel of Dean filling her up still catching her by surprise. “Oh fuck…”

She grabs onto his shoulders to steady herself while he fucks into her nice and slow. She rocks her hips against his, digging her nails into his back and whispers, “Harder, Dean.”

Dean gives Lexi exactly what she asks for. He tightens his grip on her hips and thrusts up into her as if it has been years since he's last seen her instead of only two weeks. She cries out on every push in, her nails raking down his back. Lexi slides her hand up the back of Dean's neck, her fingers gripping his short hair. She pulls him down for a kiss slipping her tongue into his mouth to slide against his. She sucks his bottom lip into her mouth then bites down causing Dean to growl low in his throat. He breaks the kiss, presses his forehead to hers as he hisses, “Jesus, Lexi.”

She digs her heels into his ass pulling him deeper inside her and smirks. “Harder, baby. Fuck me harder.”

Dean looks at her and groans. She's going to be the death of him but he figures at least he'll die a happy man. His strong hands tighten around her hips and pulls her against him. He begins to move faster, each thrust now hard and deep. Lexi meets him thrust for thrust as she clutches him tight. Neither one says a word. The only sound in the kitchen is their heavy breathing and the slap of skin on skin. Dean bites down on his lip pushing roughly into her while he slides his left hand down to rock against her clit.

Lexi closes her eyes and whimpers making desperate little noises. Dean knows she's close. He can always tell by the way her muscles tense and the noise's she makes. He wants to feel her come, needs to. “That’s my girl. Come for me, I wanna feel you come.”

She's so close. Lexi can feel the tension building and building. Dean picks up the pace, braces one hand against the wall, the other rubbing fast circles against her clit. “Dean. Oh my God, Dean…Fuck..”

Dean rolls his hips faster, pulls all the way out and slams back inside her. He pounds into her, his breath coming in short pants. He mutters under his breath as she arches her back and writhes against him. A few seconds later she's screaming his name, her muscles clenching tight all around his dick. His hips begin to loose rhythm, his body jerking. He can't take the feeling of her muscles contracting all around him. Dean comes hard and slams into her one last time before moaning her name.

He leans his forehead against hers and grins. Her eyes are brighter than normal and they're both trying to catch their breath. Dean leans in and kisses her softly before he pulls out and sets her back down on the ground. She's a little unsteady on her feet but Dean reaches for her before she falls. He grabs her elbow and smiles while whispering, “Damn, Lex. I think I should go hunting more often.”

Lexi just smiles, walks around him and starts heading towards the back of the apartment. Dean raises his eyebrow as he calls out to her, “Hey, where you going?”

“To take a shower.” She stops glancing over her shoulder at him with a mischievous look in her eyes, “Ya know Dean we haven't had shower sex in this apartment yet either. Are you up for it?”

“Hell, yeah.”

A couple hours after their shower, Dean rolls off Lexi smiling like the proverbial cat who ate the canary. He's going to have to go hunting more often if this is the kind of welcome back he's gonna get. He stretches his arms above his head then glances over at Lexi. He nudges her foot with his to get her attention then asks “You hungry?”

“I could eat.”

“Chinese good? I'll go pick us up some.”
“Yeah, that sounds great.”

“You want a pint of Kung Pao Chicken or the dinner?”

“Pint. Oh and get some of those cheese wontons and egg rolls.”

“Ok, sweetheart. We still got beer?”

“Yeah there's a six pack in the fridge.”

Dean presses a quick kiss to her cheek before getting out of bed to get dressed. “I'll be back. Call me if you think of anything else we need while I'm out.”

“Ok.” She grins, “Hurry back.”

Dean gets back to the apartment with their dinner to find Lexi sitting on the couch in his Henley. He can't help but smile. He doesn't know why but it makes him happy to see her sitting there in his shirt. He goes to the fridge and grabs the six pack then crosses the room to where Lexi is. Dean puts the bag of Chinese and the beer on the coffee table before joining her on the couch. He takes two beers, opens one for Lexi and the other for himself as he says casually. “Your birthday's in a few days. It's a big one too. Eighteen.”

“I know.”

“What do you wanna do? You wanna do something special?”

“No nothing special. I just wanna go out to a bar. Ya know, somewhere we can dance.”

“So, you want me to take you dancing?” Dean questions around a mouthful of sweet and sour chicken.

Lexi smiles at him sweetly while she looks at him with wide green eyes, “Yes and you're gonna dance with me Dean Winchester.”

“Ok, babe, whatever you want. You just gotta let me get a few drinks in me first.”

“Deal.” She nods then kisses his cheek. “The Shining's about to come on. You wanna watch?”

“Sure. Hey, when's Jackie moving in again?”

“January first. You're still ok with it, right?”


dean winchester, dean/lexi

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