Restless Heart Syndrome Ch 27/?

Apr 04, 2015 20:07

Fic title: Restless Heart Syndrome
Genre: SPN Het
Pairing: Sam/ OFC, Dean/OFC (Lexi, played by Eliza Dushku)
Rating: M
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Summary: New town, new school for Sam. It's his fifth high school in three years but John promises it's going to be Sam' s last one. Dean and Sam settle into their new routine and enjoy being normal. A few months after school starts Sam meets Lexi. He could tell she was trouble the moment he laid eyes on her but it's the kind of trouble he's always wanted. Dean feels the same way about the new waitress at the diner.
*This is a prequel to Under Your Skin and Wayward Son.*

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 Chapter 25 Chapter 26

Chapter 27: Comedown

*Disclaimer: Any recognizable characters belong to kripke. It's his sandbox, I'm just playing with his characters.* This is a prequel to Under Your Skin and Wayward Son. I hope you like it!

“ 'Cause I don't want to come back down from this cloud. It's taken me all this time to find out what I need.”

New Years Eve 2001

It was way too easy for Sam to fall for Jackie. He didn't have any intention to but after seeing her for the past two weeks it just sort of happened. Sam did try to follow Dean's advice about not getting hung up on Jackie. It didn't work out though. It totally backfired on him. He found himself searching her out and they began hanging out without Dean and Lexi. It was great. They meshed so well together and if Sam was staying in New Orleans, none of this would be an issue. He was leaving in a few days time to head back to Stanford which for him, brought up questions he didn't know how to cope with. Dean of course, told him that there was nothing wrong with having a two week fling but for Sam it was wrong. It was wrong because he didn't want it to be a fling. It had even crossed his mind that he could transfer to a college here in New Orleans, but that was not an option. He had to be practical.

For now though, he was going to take a page out of his big brother's book and just ignore the issue at hand. He was going to enjoy the time he has left here. Sam stretched his long legs out as he leaned back against the love seat. He let slip out a self satisfied sigh. No one else noticed the sigh or the happy look on his face. Jackie was the phone making plans to meet up with some friends while Dean and Lexi were too wrapped up in each other to notice anyone else.

They were on the couch together with Lexi straddling his lap, the t-shirt she was wearing riding up and giving Sam a glimpse of her red lace panties. Dean took a hit off the joint they were sharing holding the smoke in his mouth. He pressed his lips against Lexi's, then opened his mouth while she sucked the smoke in. He lingered brushing his lips against hers as he slipped his tongue into her mouth. His tongue moved against hers while his kiss deepened. Lexi pulled away, tilted her head back and then exhaled a stream of smoke. Dean smirked at her and offered her the joint. They did this several times passing the joint back and forth between them while Sam watched. He couldn't take his eyes off of the pair of them. He was stunned but not because he's never seen any one smoke pot before but because it was his brother.

“Why are you staring, Sam?” Jackie asked as she sat next to him on the floor. “You never seen someone shot gun before or are you checking out Lexi's ass?”

“What? No. No to both.”

“You wanna try?” She questioned with a cocked eyebrow.

“No thank you.”

Dean looked over Lexi's shoulder with a lazy grin, “Don't take it personally Jackie. Sammy's a good boy. He doesn't do drugs. Do you Sammy?”

“Shut up Dean.”

“He always got bent outta shape when I'd come home with a dime bag. 'Dad's gonna kill you Dean.', 'You shouldn't do drugs Dean.', 'I'm gonna tell Dad, Dean.' You always were a nagging little bitch.”

“And you were always a jerk.” Sam snapped.

“Don't knock it till you tried it Sammy boy.” Dean drawled in response.

“Anyway,” Jackie interrupted, “are we going out or are you two just gonna dry hump each other on the couch all night?”

Dean peered over Lexi's shoulder his eyebrows raised. “Yeah, we're gonna go out. I wanna eat. OOH let's get some beignets. UH? YEAH?”

“Hmm, yeah.” Lexi mumbled. “Let me go get dressed...”

January 2002

About a week after New Year's Sam found himself in Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport waiting for his return flight to California. It had been delayed two hours due to severe weather in the area. So now, Sam was sitting in an uncomfortable chair with Dean next to him. He could hear the distance sounds of the Jazz band that was playing somewhere in the airport. He figured they played to welcome tourists to get them in a good mood but it was only making him depressed. He felt like he was coming down from a month long high. And Sam kind of was. He had never felt happier than he had this past month and now it was over.

Sam slouched in his chair and tried not to huff. He was heading back to Stanford but part of him wanted to stay. The holidays had flown by too fast for his liking and the reason for that was simple. The reason was Jackie. What started out as a fling with her had somehow turned into something serious. Sam was calling her his girlfriend which he knew weird-ed Jackie out but he couldn't help it. Despite that, he still managed to get her to make plans with him for spring break. Although, Jackie did add the stipulation that they could see other people while they were apart.

“You okay, Sammy?” Dean asked.

“Yeah, I dunno. I don't really wanna leave.”

“Told ya not to get attached to Jackie.”

“Yeah and Dad told you not to get attached to Lexi.”

“Touche.” Dean nudged Sam's arm saying, “You'll be okay. She likes you Sammy and you'll see her in a few weeks. Who knows maybe you can come down and spend the summer here with her.”

“You think Jackie would be ok with that?”

“Maybe if you play it cool and stop calling her your girlfriend. Then ya know you come on your summer break and see how things go.”


Dean stretched and glanced at the alarm clock. He usually hated getting up before the alarm went off but not today. Today is his twenty third birthday. It's not a big one but it is the first one he's going to celebrate like a normal person. He looked over at Lexi smiling. Yeah, today was going to be a good day and it was about time he got it started. He rolled on top of Lexi then began to kiss and nuzzle her neck to wake her up.

“Dean, what are you doing?” She mumbled.

“What do you think?”

“Trying to get some morning sex.”

He laughed against her neck while he moved his mouth to the spot behind her ear that drove her crazy. He licked and nipped at the sensitive flesh before asking, “Is it working?”

She shifted underneath him and pushed lightly on his chest. “I gotta get up...”


“Yes, I have to get ready for class.”

“It's my birthday, Lex.” he whined. “I want birthday sex.”

Lexi ran her hand up the back of Dean's neck smiling as she did so. She pulled him down towards her brushing her lips against his. “I promise you.” She said between kisses, “You'll get birthday sex but after my classes.”

Dean huffed out a breath rolling off of her, “Fine. I'm gonna jump in the shower.”

“Go ahead. I'll make us some coffee.”

“On second thought Lex,” Dean whispered against her ear, “why don't you go turn the coffee on and then meet me in the shower?”


John Winchester studied the building across the street with great interest. There was no doubt that this was the place he was looking for. The Impala was parked at the curb, washed and freshly waxed. 640 Royal Street looked like a typical building for the French Quarter except for it's size. It had the stereotypical wrought iron balconies and french shuttered windows, everything a tourist expects to see in New Orleans. Although this building had a name. It was known as the Pedesclaux-Lemonnier House and also as "Sieur George's" because of a George Washington Cable. John couldn't help but smirk. Leave it to Lexi to find a building with history to live in instead of a dorm room. He crossed the street, walked up to the third floor apartment and knocked on the door twice. John wasn't the bit surprised when Lexi answered the door in his eldest son's shirt. She looked up at him her eyes wide. “Hello, Lexi.”

“Mr. Winchester...”

“You can call me John, remember?” He said with a soft smile.

“Right.” She said with a gentle shake of her head before returning his smile. “Hi John.”

“Is my son here?”

“Dean? Um yeah, he's in the shower. You want to come inside and wait? I just made a pot of coffee.”

“Yeah, coffee sounds good.” John nodded.

“Well, come on in and I'll get ya a cup.” Lexi said while smiling up at him. “You like it black right?”


John stepped inside, his eyes sweeping around the apartment. He took notice of the salt line hidden under the throw rug in front of the door before following Lexi into the kitchen. His eyes darted around the small space taking inventory of what he saw. From the looks of things Bobby was right. Dean was definitely living in New Orleans.

“Hey, Lex why didn't you join in me in the show...” Dean stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes wide, the words dying on his lips when he saw his Dad sitting at the kitchen table. “Dad...”

“Hello Son.”

“Hi. Um what are you doing here?”

“I'm having coffee with Lexi.” John stated innocently.

“Right, I see that.” Dean stated before taking a seat across from his father. “So, why are you in New Orleans?”

“It's your birthday. I can't see my son on his birthday?”

“You drove all the way down here for my birthday? Yeah, I don't buy that.”

“Fine. I'll tell you why I'm here. You haven't returned any of my calls. Then I heard that you were hunting on your own. I came to check up on you. Make sure you were still alive.”

“How'd you know I was here?”

“I knew Lexi was going to school down here. Wasn't hard to put together Dean.”


Lexi looked between Dean and John before she stood up. “I'm gonna go get dressed. I have to get to class and I have a paper to work on.” She leaned down kissing Dean on the cheek. “So, I'll see you later. It was nice to see you again John.”

Dean got up from his seat, grabbed a mug and poured himself some coffee. He leaned against the counter taking a sip as he watched Lexi head to their bedroom. Once she was gone he looked at his father asking, “So, why are you really here Dad?”

“I told you, to check up on you. Make sure you were safe and I can see that you are.” John motioned to the salt lines along the window sill. “Does that mean Lexi knows what you do? What we do?”

“Yup and she's okay with it.”


“What? She's not going to tell anyone.”

“It's not that, Son. You know why we don't get close to people. And you know why we don't tell people what we do.”

“No. It's why YOU don't get close to people. These are your rules, not mine. And ya know what? Lexi's fine. I've kept her safe.”

“Dean, she'll never be safe as long as that demon is out there and she's with you.”

“Why do I have to give up having a life, uh? Why do I have to give her up? I've never asked for this. Maybe I don't want to be some kinda hero anymore.”

“Listen, I don't want to have to tell you these things. And I wish you could have a normal life, that you could settle down here with your girl but the truth is Dean you can't. You'll always be looking over your shoulder, you'll always be worried about her. Son, if something happened to Lexi...I don't want you to have to go through what I went through loosing your mom.”

“I'm not gonna let anything happen to her.”

“The only way to keep her safe is for us to kill that damned thing. But Dean, you can't stay here.”

“I ain't leaving Lexi.”

“Fine. Stay but think about what you're putting at risk. I know you don't want her blood on your hands.”

“I don't and I'm not going to.”

“Ok.” John nodded as he smiled at Dean. “Hey, since it's your birthday, do you have a few hours you can spend with your old man before I head out?”

“Sure. Let me just go finish getting dressed...”

Dean walked into the bedroom he shared with Lexi to find her standing in front of her dresser putting on make up. He walked up behind her wrapping his arms around her waist. He pulled her back against him pressing a kiss into her hair. “How much of that did you hear?”

“All of it.”

“Lex, I ain't...”

“Going to let anything happen to me. I know.” She stated simply. Lexi shifted in his arms so that she was now facing him. She tilted her head back and grinned. “I love you and I trust you. I know you'll never let anything happen to me.”

“I won't.”

“Well, now that that's settled, go have fun with your dad.”

Lexi cupped Dean's face in her hands, his stubble rough against her palms. Dean's eyes locked on to Lexi's as he took a step closer backing her into the dresser. Her breath hitched, the weight of his gaze making her heart pound in anticipation. He was standing so close to her that she could count the freckles that ran across the bridge of his nose. Her eyes drifted down to his perfect full mouth and it was at that moment Dean ran his tongue over his bottom lip. The gesture making his lips look x-rated to Lexi. Now more than anything, Lexi wanted to feel his lips against hers. Just as she thought she couldn't take the waiting anymore, Dean pressed his lips to hers. His kiss was soft, supple and yet firm. The way his mouth moved over hers sent shivers up her spine. Lexi slipped one hand behind his neck, the other sliding down to grip his arm while she let herself get lost in his kiss. And as suddenly as it happened it ended. Lexi looked up at Dean while he took a step back.

“I'd rather stay here and have fun with you.” Dean smirked.

“I have class. I can't miss it...”

“Of course not.” He said, his eyes lit up with mischief. “We'll just have to have some fun tonight. Maybe you can even dress up for me.”

“Maybe I will. It is your birthday after all.” She stated with a wicked grin before leaving for class.

john winchester, sam winchester, dean winchester, dean/lexi

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