FIC: Catalyst (part 48) (Harry Sinclair, Karl Urban, Orlando Bloom, Dave Wenham)

Sep 25, 2010 12:53

Title: "Catalyst" (Part Forty-Eight)
Authors: Brenda (azewewish) & Jo (idiosyncratic)
Series: Claimed Universe
Notes: Click here for full disclaimers and pairings.

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven | Part Twelve | Part Thirteen | Part Fourteen | Part Fifteen | Part Sixteen | Part Seventeen | Part Eighteen | Part Nineteen | Part Twenty | Part Twenty-One | Part Twenty-Two | Part Twenty-Three | Part Twenty-Four | Part Twenty-Five | Part Twenty-Six | Part Twenty-Seven | Part Twenty-Eight | Part Twenty-Nine | Part Thirty | Part Thirty-One | Part Thirty-Two | Part Thirty-Three | Part Thirty-Four | Part Thirty-Five | Part Thirty-Six | Part Thirty-Seven | Part Thirty-Eight | Part Thirty-Nine | Part Forty | Part Forty-One | Part Forty-Two | Part Forty-Three | Part Forty-Four | Part Forty-Five | Part Forty-Seven | Part Forty-Seven

"Here they come," Orlando muttered, gently nudging Josh with his elbow as Viggo and Sean strolled into the room.

Josh smiled. "Looks like it's show time."


"No," Josh said, then caught a good look at Orlando's expression. It was more than a little sympathetic, and that was all it took. Josh felt as if a few butterflies had lodged in his stomach and were flittering around. "Well...maybe a little."

Orlando's soft chuckle didn't help matters. "Thought so."

"I wasn't until you said something."

"Sorry." But Josh could tell Orlando didn't mean it. He opened his mouth to make some smart-ass retort, then promptly shut it when Harry, followed by Karl, stepped through the door. Instantly, heat and lust and love and a thousand other emotions slammed through him, leaving him shaking and winded.

Harry patted his shoulder and murmured "breathe" as he moved past and stood at Viggo's side. Josh wished he could obey, but he couldn't do anything other than stare into Karl's eyes and sink. They could have been the only two people in the world.

"He is so gone," Orlando muttered, as he stepped up on Viggo's other side.

"You weren't any better, child," Viggo rebuked.

"Ignore them," Karl said. Josh just nodded, not trusting himself to speak, barely aware of the rustling as everyone in the room settled into their seats.

Viggo looked at them both for a long moment, then nodded. "Karl Urban, what are your intentions here tonight?"

"I have claimed Josh Hartnett," Karl replied softly, "and wish to make him my pet, binding him to me."

"What will you give him?"

"Everything he asks for," and Josh's heart swelled at the conviction in Karl's voice. "All I have or will have is his."

"Will you cherish him?"


"Protect him?"

"With my life."

Viggo nodded and turned his attention to Josh. "Josh, you've heard what Karl offers. Is it your wish to become his pet?"

"Duh," Josh answered, then winced when everyone laughed.

"That's my boy," he heard his Aunt Kate say.

"Sorry," Josh muttered, feeling the heat in his cheeks as he fought the urge to duck his head. He smiled when Karl winked at him. "It is my wish, yes."

"Do you do this of your own free will?" Viggo's voice was soft, but Josh had no doubt that everyone heard him clearly.

"I do," Josh said, forcing the words through a throat that suddenly felt as dry as the desert.

"Look at me," Viggo said, the order in his voice unmistakable. Josh swallowed and turned his head.

Fucking Christ. Josh'd thought he'd had a good idea what to expect, what with Karl being in his mind and all, but he was pretty sure nothing on earth could have prepared anyone for Viggo's invasion. It felt like every part of his brain was being dissected by lasers, wicked sharp and twice as deadly.

As soon as he was slammed with the force of it, it stopped. He staggered back a step, and was grateful for Karl's steadying hand on his lower back. "Holy fuck." It was hard to make out the words through the roaring in his ears.

Viggo turned those ice blue eyes back to him, his smile genial. "What will you give Karl?"

Thankfully, brain function was coming back. "Um..." Josh shrugged, at a loss of what to say. What to give the vampire who literally had everything? "Myself? A great ride of it while we're together? Fantastic sex?"

Harry dropped his head and made a strangled sound. Even Viggo looked like he was biting his lip in order to keep a straight face.

"I think that any of the above will do."

"Or all of them," Karl said, with a wide grin. That grin told Josh that it was okay to be a little irreverent.

Viggo waved a hand. "You know what to do from here."

"I do." Karl turned back to Josh, eyes warm, lips still quirked in a grin. He held out his hand. In his palm, Josh could see a wide platinum band with a beautifully ribbon engraved across the top. Inside the ribbon, Josh could make out the name 'Urban'.

"I hope it's simple enough for you."

Josh nodded. This was it, man. He was really doing this. He held out his hand, allowed Karl to slide it on his ring finger. "It's perfect."

"I'm glad you like it."

Josh saw a flash of silver appear in Harry's hand a second before Karl's hands closed over his shoulders and pulled him close. "I love you," Karl whispered, then dropped his head and sharp fangs sank into Josh's throat.

Every time Karl drank from him, the entire bottom fell out of Josh's world, and this time was no different. But now, he could feel things differently. All of Karl's emotions were right on the surface - overwhelming love, overriding lust, genuine affection, and a powerful sense of protective possessiveness - and Josh keenly felt every one as if they were his own emotions. He gasped, head falling back as sensation after sensation pummeled his body.

When Karl finally lifted his head, and rubbed his tongue across the small wounds to close them, Josh felt about as weak as a newborn kitten. For the second time that night, he was grateful for Karl's arms around him. "Good Christ..."

"Mine," Karl whispered against his ear, a secret for them alone. Then he turned his head. "Harry?"

Josh blinked in confusion when Harry pressed a very pretty, and very deadly looking, silver dagger in his hand, even though he knew why he needed it. "You ready?" Karl asked gently, holding out his arm.

"Y-yeah." Josh cleared his throat. Tried again. "Yes." He could do this.

"Nice and easy," Karl instructed, and cupped the back of Josh's neck.

He was grateful for the light touch, for the way it steadied him. His hand only shook a little as he raised the knife and drew it across the inside of Karl's forearm. Karl's hiss barely reached his ears before Josh was entranced by the flow of crimson liquid welling up. He lifted his head, met Karl's gaze, and smiled.

"Mine," he said, softly, firmly, and ducked his head to fasten his lips over the cut.

He thought, after Viggo fucking with his head and the new sensations of Karl feeding from him, that he was prepared for this. He was wrong. Every one of Karl's emotions slammed into him with the force of a freight train. The world around them lurched to a halt. The bond dropped into place with an almost audible snap and only Karl's hand tightening on the back of his neck kept Josh upright and focused.

Karl tasted sharp, dark, dangerous, like the best sex he'd ever have in his life, like the greatest thrill, the most spectacular high. Clove and copper exploded along his tongue, twined together so deeply that Josh knew the scents and tastes of both would forever remind him of Karl. //Enough, love...enough.//

With a reluctance he wouldn't have believed possible only five minutes ago, Josh lifted his head, still seeking the taste of Karl on his tongue. "I love you," he stated, firm and clear, meaning the words with everything in him.

Karl's smile gleamed with dark promise. "Good," he replied, then pushed his tongue past Josh's teeth, stealing all breath and thought. Josh dropped the dagger and pulled Karl to him, surging into the kiss with equal need and want.

"Are we going to have to separate them?" he dimly heard Orlando ask over Harry's muffled laughter.

"Perhaps throw some water on them?" Sean suggested.

"Only if it's icy." That was Aunt Kate, and her voice trickling into his brain pulled Josh back to where they were. And to the fact that they had an audience. Partially consisting of his family.

"Fuck," he mumbled, pulling back, wondering if he looked as dazed as Karl.

"Fantastic idea."

"Not just yet," Viggo said, once again clearly struggling to contain his mirth. "Who is here to witness this?"

"I am," Harry said, not bothering to hide his grin. Karl just made a face at him and twirled his finger in a hurry up gesture.

"Geez, you'd think he'd never done this before," Orlando said, then smiled innocently. "I am."

"Truly?" Karl turned a surprised look to Orlando, then back to Josh.

"Well, I didn't ask him to stand up here for his wit," Josh answered, pleased that he and Orlando had managed to keep this a surprise.

"You truly are remarkable," Karl declared, then leaned in for another kiss.


"Fine, fine, I'll wait." Karl gave Viggo an expectant look. "Well?"

"The impatience of youth," Viggo replied, but it was clear he was more amused than anything. "The claim is declared, accepted, and witnessed."

So, that was it, then. Josh was now officially pet to a Council member. Jesus.

//Try not to dwell on it. I'm still just Karl.//

Josh shook his head, even as he brushed his lips against Karl's. //I highly doubt you've ever been just anything in your entire life.//

//Child, he's always been just Karl.//

The dry voice in his mind had Josh's head whipping around. Viggo just grinned as he reached out to shake Josh's hand. "Have Karl teach you to shield better."

"Someone should tell him that nobody can keep Viggo out if he wants in." From the corner of his eye, Josh could see that Orlando had moved over and slid his arm through Harry's. "You know it's true. Nosy old busybody is what he is."

"A nosy old busybody who happens to be your boss now," Viggo remarked, and Josh laughed at the pained look that crossed Orlando's face. "Karl, you're free to drag him away now."

"I wasn't aware I needed permission," Karl answered, with a perfect aristocratic lift of his eyebrow.

"And I have been. Getting Karl to teach me to shield," Josh clarified, not that he thought anyone was even listening to him.

"Clearly, we're going to have to work on it." Karl held out his hand, and Josh gratefully twined their fingers together. "Feel like working on it?"

"Not until after the screaming sex."

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see his mother shake her head and his sister groan and sink down into her chair like she was praying it would swallow her whole. Aunt Kate, on the other hand, gave him a thumbs up as Karl led him from the room and up the stairs.

"She approves of you," Josh observed as Karl tugged him into the bedroom and stripped off his jacket.

"Your aunt? Or your mother?"

"Both," Josh laughed. He shrugged out of the shirt, and batted Karl's hands away long enough to return the favor. Karl just shook his head when Josh gave up after three buttons and tore the shirt open.

"I lose more shirts that way," Karl said as the remaining buttons landed across the room.

"Luckily, you can afford them." Josh pushed Karl onto the bed. "Stay there," he warned, and started tugging at the zipper of Karl's slacks.

"Bossy, I like that." But Karl just folded his hands under his head and peered at Josh from beneath lowered lashes.

"Get used to it." First, the shoes and socks, then he slid Karl's trousers down muscled legs, baring him completely to Josh's gaze. //You are so fucking beautiful.//

//I'm pleased you think so.//

Josh knelt between Karl's legs, ran his hands along sleek skin. "Part of me still can't believe I'm here. That this is really happening."

"Believe it." Karl reached down to trace light fingertips along Josh's jaw. "I'm yours for the rest of your life."

"Nice thought," Josh whispered as he leaned up to brush his lips over Karl's. "And one of us over-dressed."

"We should fix that."

"I like the way you think."

Karl smiled, the expression so sinful that Josh was immediately, painfully hard. "Undress for me."

Josh wasn't sure he could move, let alone engage in anything that involved motor skills. But he dutifully stood on wobbly feet and moved his hand to his zipper. "You know I'm not good at this sort of thing."

Karl scooted up so he could prop his head on one of the pillows. "I don't want a show. I just want to look at you."

He could do simple. Feeling strangely shy, he toed off his shoes and quickly stripped off his slacks. He barely resisted the urge to fidget or cover himself under the weight of Karl's stare.

"You're nervous." It wasn't a question.

"A little," Josh admitted, tried to force himself to relax. This was Karl. "No clue why. Not like we haven't done all this before."

"Ah, but it's different now," Karl replied, then Josh felt him shove the bond wide open.

He gasped, trembling with the overwhelming force of everything he was feeling. He was himself and Karl, seeing his body through Karl's eyes, tasting the remnants of his kiss on Karl's tongue. It took him several minutes to get his breath back. "I don't look like that."

"To me, you do," Karl said gently, as he caught Josh's hand.

"You're biased."

"I am. But that doesn't mean it's not true."

"I do love you," Josh said, nuzzling at Karl's throat as he straddled Karl's lap. "I mean, I've known for weeks, but I wanted to wait to tell you until tonight. It seemed..."

"Important," Karl finished, and Josh was relieved that Karl got it. "I waited until the ceremony for the same reason."

"Yeah?" Pleased, Josh lifted his head. Karl wrapped strong arms around him, pulled him so close he could feel the slow, steady beat of Karl's heart. "I had no idea you were such a romantic."

"Oh, the stories others could tell," Karl said, as he fell back, carrying Josh with him.

Josh braced his hands on Karl's chest and pushed up, letting his fingertips linger along firm muscle and smooth skin. "This isn't quite what I expected."

"What isn't?"

"This." Josh waved a hand between them, smiled at Karl's confused expression. "From everything I've heard about other pet ceremonies, we should be pretty close to mindless with lust right now."

"Most of the time, a pet hasn't had the benefit of being a companion first. Had we followed tradition and waited, this would be like a proper honeymoon," Karl said, skimming his hands along Josh's back. "But since neither one of us was aware of the full nature of the bond until after we'd already had each other..."

"Got it." And it did make sense. Karl wouldn't have been looking for another pet, nor expected it from some random guy he'd just picked up in a bar. "And here I was thinking we were doing it wrong."

"Oh no." Karl's lips were soft as silk along his jaw as he cupped Josh's ass, pulled them flush against each other so Josh could feel how hard Karl was. "You're doing everything just right."

"Not yet," Josh countered, turning his head to smile into the slow kiss. Then he lifted his head, smiled down at Karl and reached for the lube. "Now," he continued, as he wrapped a slick hand around Karl's cock and started a slow stroke up, "I'm doing it just right."

//More than.//

Josh just straddled Karl's hips, inching up until the tip of Karl's cock brushed at his entrance. "You ready?" he asked, amazed at how calm he sounded, despite the need racing through him.

In answer, Karl just placed his hands on Josh's hips and guided him down. Josh shuddered, gasped at the stretch and burn, but pushed until Karl was seated completely inside him. Instantly, he was hit with a wave of love and want through the bond that stole his breath.

"Amazing, isn't it?"

"More than." He started to move. Karl held him steady, arched up to meet each descent of his body. Every slow glide sent fire licking across Josh's nerves, singing through his blood. It wasn't long before his head was thrown back and his movements erratic. Sweat slicked his skin, dripped on to Karl, and the bond was a loud clamor inside him, urging him to go higher, faster.

Then Karl sat up, whispered "now," and sharp fangs sank into Josh's throat just below his jaw.

Ohfuckohfuckohfuck... Sensation after sensation pummeled through him, each one gloriously bright and painful in its intensity. He could feel Karl through the bond - feel himself gripping Karl's cock, feel the fangs piercing his skin, taste the blood welling on Karl's tongue. He could feel Karl's love for him, could feel the instant Karl lost control. The scream of release welled in his throat, overwhelmed everything else, left him shattered and reborn.

He took heaving breaths as he slumped against Karl, and moaned weakly when Karl licked at the small wounds, then nuzzled his neck. "Jesus fuck..."

He could practically see Karl's smile. "Yeah, that sounds about right." Josh was pleased to notice that Karl sounded just as breathless and stunned.

"It's amazing that vampires ever let their pets out of bed, if it's always like this."

Karl laughed, the bright sound muffled against Josh's shoulder. "We do only because we know we can have it again whenever we want it."

"Explains why the bonded ones are so damn cheerful all the time." Josh flopped to the bed, cool air kissing his skin as Karl trailed light fingers along his stomach.

"Having a pet does have its merits." Karl grinned, leaning in to press a swift kiss to Josh's jaw. "How're you feeling?"

"Good," Josh said immediately, stretching with only a slight twinge in abused muscles. "Hungry."

"Of course you are."

"Hey, man, great sex takes a lot of energy."

"We could sneak to the kitchen," Karl mused. "Or I could have one of the staff bring something up."

"I vote for the bringing something up. That way we don’t have to get dressed."

"Excellent idea," Karl said, as he reached for the phone by the bed. "This way, we keep from scandalizing your family, too."

"They have enough ammunition."

"Exactly what I thought." Karl took a few minutes to speak into the phone in a low voice, and Josh just lay there, eyes closed, half-smile on his face as his body slowly came down from the afterglow. Once he regained his energy, he thought he'd see about fucking Karl into the mattress.

(To Be Continued)

dominic monaghan, elijah wood, lawrence makoare, karl urban, dave wenham, sean bean, claimed 'verse, catalyst, viggo mortensen, harry sinclair, liv tyler, josh hartnett, co-written by brenda and jo, orlando bloom

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