FIC: "Catalyst" (Part Twenty-Seven) (Dave Wenham, Harry Sinclair, Karl Urban, Orlando Bloom)

Aug 09, 2010 09:52

Title: "Catalyst" (Part Twenty-Seven)
Authors: Brenda (azewewish) & Jo (idiosyncratic)
Series: Claimed Universe
Notes: Click here for full disclaimers and pairings.

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven | Part Twelve | Part Thirteen | Part Fourteen | Part Fifteen | Part Sixteen | Part Seventeen | Part Eighteen | Part Nineteen | Part Twenty | Part Twenty-One | Part Twenty-Two | Part Twenty-Three | Part Twenty-Four | Part Twenty-Five | Part Twenty-Six

"Nope," Sean called back, voice echoing off the tiles. "Figured you'd be getting Josh settled in and your rooms are closer. You did tell me not to track dirt."

"Remind me why I put up with you again?" Harry asked, and starting to pull off his jeans. He may as well be naked if he couldn't get clean right away.

The shower door opened just enough for Sean's head to peek out. His hair was plastered to his skull and water dripped down his face, but he flashed Harry a wide grin. "Because you love me. Offer to scrub my back is still open, by the way."

"You are kidding."

Sean looked Harry up and down, then waggled his eyebrows. "C'mon, Harry, stop being such a prude. It's not like we've never showered together before. You managed to keep your hands off me then."

"That was a hundred years ago," Harry grumbled, but stepped into the shower and shut the door behind him. Instantly, he was surrounded by steam.

"Well, I doubt much has changed," Sean replied, and pushed at Harry's shoulders until he was under the spray. The water was just this side of unbearably hot. Felt fucking perfect. Harry let out a soft groan of pleasure as he stood there, letting the jets get rid of the dirt and grime.

"Turn around."

Harry opened his eyes just enough to see a bottle of shower gel in Sean's hand. "Aren't I supposed to be scrubbing your back?"

"You're dirtier than I am," Sean pointed out as he started to run his hands along Harry's shoulders. "Already rinsed most of the dirt off, now didn't I?"

"Good point," Harry conceded, and braced his hands on the tiles as he let his head drop forward. Sean resumed scrubbing his back, and Harry groaned again, this time in appreciation. "Fuck, you've got great hands."

"Best in the business," Sean joked, but there was an oddly breathless tone to his voice.

"You alright?"

"Yeah, just..." Sean cleared his throat, and Harry could feel him step back. "All done." Harry blinked the water out of his eyes when he turned back around. "Make yourself useful and return the favor?"

"You know," Harry said, squirting some of the fragrant gel into his palms and starting to work on Sean's back, "you're almost as demanding as Karl."

Sean grinned over his shoulder. "Who do you think I learned it from?" He leaned against the tiles, dropped his head, and let out an appreciative noise as Harry's fingers dug into the muscles along his spine. "Feels good."

"You've got fucking rocks under your skin," Harry observed, working on a particularly vicious knot just under Sean's shoulderblade.

"No, just...Jesus, Harry." Sean was definitely stressed about something. His muscles were bunched to hell and back.

"Everything been okay while we've been gone?"

"Mmhmm...just busy" Sean let out another strangled moan. The sound bounced off the tiles, and the echo seemed to go straight to Harry's cock. His hands slowed, then stilled. What the hell was wrong with him?

Sean stood there for a moment. Then he grunted softly and shook his head, wet hair sticking to his neck and cheeks. "That was amazing," he said, that odd, breathless note back in his voice.

"Thanks," Harry said, not really paying attention. He started on Sean's back again, but the touch was different, no longer businesslike, no longer brusque. Now, he let his hands linger along golden skin, let himself feel the muscle and strength underneath. "Can I...can I ask you a question?"


"Were you serious back there? About not forgetting our kiss?" He had no fucking idea where the question was coming from. But it seemed of vital importance that Sean answer him. "It happened centuries ago."

Sean was silent for so long that Harry started to think he wasn't going to answer. "Told you," Sean finally mumbled, leaning in to rest his forehead against the tile. "Man doesn't forget a kiss like that."

"Sean -"

"Did I ever tell you that it was, hands down, the best kiss I've ever had?"

Suddenly, Harry was afraid to move. "It was?"

Sean nodded. Harry watched as he took a deep breath, then turned. When he opened his eyes, the green of them slammed into Harry with the force of a freight train. "I think I was in love with you for a good two centuries after."

Definitely paralyzed. Harry didn't think he could move if his life depended on it. "In love?" he whispered in disbelief.

"I knew it was doomed from that first night. You never noticed any man that wasn't Karl, and I got over it," Sean shrugged, water sluicing over him in soft waves. "I knew I never had a chance with you."

"Christ, Sean, I'm sorry..."

Sean stopped him with a finger to his lips. "Don't be. I don't regret it," he said, softly. "And I did get over it. I still love you, but I'm not in love with you. Haven't been for a very long time."

Harry fumbled for the right words - for any words - and came up empty. "I don't know what to say," he admitted, still stunned at Sean's confession. In love? For centuries? And all over a kiss?

"You don't have to say anything." Sean's smile was crooked, but warm, friendly in the way it had always been. There was a fleeting touch of warm skin against his, of soft lips brushing over his, and then Sean stepped back and out of the shower.


Harry stood there under the spray, stock still, thoughts tumbling over themselves too fast to count. Sean, who really was his best friend aside from Karl. Sean, who made him laugh and forced him to think and pissed him off when he needed to let go and who'd had his back for centuries. Who was still one of the sexiest people he'd ever met, and who'd been in love with him from the start and had helped him get back together with Karl anyway...

And they had unfinished business.

Harry jerked at the faucets, turning off the water, and opened the door, still dripping wet. Sean was drying himself off, hair spiked in all directions, naked and sleek and perfect. He looked up when Harry stepped up to him.

"You alright?"

"You never asked me why I asked you about the kiss," Harry said, as he crowded Sean's space. He couldn't help his pleasure when Sean stood his ground.

"Why?" The question was barely a thought between them.

"Because, aside from the first time I kissed Karl, I had never been kissed like I was vital to anyone. Like the way you kissed me," Harry replied, and flicked his tongue between Sean's open lips before grabbing the back of Sean's neck so he could plunder.

He could taste Sean's surprise, and it was almost comical the way Sean stood completely still for a second, like he was paralyzed. Then strong hands closed over Harry's shoulders. Sean growled into the kiss as he yanked Harry towards him until their chests were pressed together. Sean started to fight for control of the kiss, which was just about perfect. Because he'd be damned if he wanted Sean to just lie down and take it.

Whatever it ended up being.

It had been centuries, but Sean still tasted the same - there was still the same tart undercurrent on Harry's tongue, the same dark hunger when Sean kissed him back. Sean rubbed against him, sleek and dangerous, and swallowed Harry's moan with another kiss. He couldn't believe he was doing this. He couldn't believe it had taken them so long.

By the time they came up for air, they were both rock hard and pressed so close together that Harry doubted molecules could have fit between them. Sean's eyes were so bright it almost hurt to look at him.

"Are we really doing this?" Sean asked, more an affirmation than a question.

"Unless you have any objections," Harry replied, running his hands along the expanse of Sean's back, testing muscle and strength.

"Does this," Sean said, shifting his hips to drag his cock along Harry's, "feel like I'm objecting?"

Harry hissed at the sensation, nostrils flaring as he bumped against Sean, shoving him back until Sean was pinned between him and the wall. "I'm not going to stop." He felt the warning was only fair.

"I wasn't planning on asking you to." His fingers spasmed on Harry's hips. "But I am going to ask you to move this to a bed. I've waited 600 years for this. I think I can wait another few minutes for us to get comfortable so we can enjoy it."

Harry cocked an eyebrow. "What makes you think we're only doing this the once?" he asked, and started nibbling on Sean's throat. Fuck, but Sean had the softest skin.

Sean's head thunked against the wall as his hands slid along Harry's sides. "Good point..."

"As you say, 600 years." Harry kept his eyes on Sean's as he stepped back, took one of Sean's hands in his own. "If we're going to do this, then we're going to fucking well gorge ourselves." He started walking backwards out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, letting memory guide his way. "I might not let you out of my bed for a week."

"Is that so?" Sean arched an eyebrow. "Maybe it'll be me not letting you out of bed for a week."

"Think you're up to the task?" Harry asked, crowding Sean until a gentle push sent him sprawling on the bed.

Sean just slid up the sheets, propped himself on an elbow, and curled his hand around his cock. "Oh, I think I'm more than up to it," he said, eyes raking Harry with so much hunger that Harry felt completely devoured. "Hope you've got plenty of lube in this room. I don't plan on letting you out of this bed until neither one of us can walk."

"Actually, I've got an idea about that." Harry crawled on top of Sean, settled between muscled thighs as he braced his hands on either side of Sean's head.

"I'm listening." Sean slid his hands across Harry's ass to grind against him. Harry's vision blurred. Thinking was definitely an effort. Everything in him wanted nothing more than to drive himself deep inside Sean's body and pound him into next month.

"Retreat's got a lot of room," he managed to get out. His fangs raked along the side of Sean's neck. He could practically taste Sean's blood. "Lots of privacy. Lots of flat surfaces..."

Sean shuddered as Harry pressed deeper, scratching delicate skin. Then he hooked a leg around Harry's thigh, fisted a hand in his hair, and looked up at him. "I bloody well hope you're not suggesting we wait to do anything until we get to your bloody retreat."

"I've got you naked and underneath me. What do you think?" Harry said, with a snort of laughter as he rolled his hips against Sean's. The resulting friction drew a moan from both of them.

"Then the retreat sounds brilliant," Sean growled, fingers digging into firm muscle while he arched against Harry. "Later."

Harry was all for the idea of moving later. He was more into the idea of right now, however, and getting inside Sean and all of that heat. He reached for the bottle of lube on the nightstand, and unsnapped the cap. "Later," he promised, and bent his head to get at Sean's lips as he slicked his cock.

Sean arched into the kiss, nails raking across Harry's shoulders, tongue dueling with his for dominance. Fuck foreplay. They'd had over six centuries of it. He had a feeling Sean would kill him if he tried to go slow, anyway. Without breaking the kiss, Harry hooked his hands under Sean's thighs and started to push inside. Sean hissed out an intelligible moan, and clawed at Harry's skin hard enough to draw blood. He was so tight that Harry wasn't sure he'd fit, although it sure as fuck wasn't going to keep him from trying.

Once Harry was all the way in, he paused, trembling with the effort of holding still. Fuck, but Sean was tight. Harry couldn't help wondering just how often he bottomed. Then Sean flexed, and all thought vanished out the window. "Move, damn you," Sean commanded, locking his legs around Harry's hips. "C'mon."

Whatever the fuck Sean wanted. Harry pulled out, slid back in with a slow thrust, and shuddered. He buried his face against Sean's neck, tasting salt against his tongue, and breathed in until Sean grabbed his hair and yanked his head up. Harry wasn't the least surprised to see Sean's fangs fully extended.

"That all you got?" Sean asked, smile at once filthy and inviting and challenging.

Yeah, he was definitely going to enjoy this. "Just getting started," he vowed, just before he slammed forward, the bed shaking with the force of his thrusts.

Sean reached up, braced his hands on the headboard, and met each thrust head-on, the muscles in his arms flexing with each movement. It was a gorgeous sight - Sean all splayed out and open under him, gripping him tight - but Harry didn't stop to appreciate it. He was too intent on giving Sean exactly what he wanted. What they both wanted. Hard and fast and brutal, no holding back.

"That's it," Sean groaned. "Fuck..."

"You wanted this," Harry goaded, catching Sean's legs behind the knees and shoving them up, practically folding him in half. It gave Harry all the leverage he needed to drive in hard and deep, grasping tight to sweat-slicked skin. Everything was hazy and bright, unreal, but when he saw Sean's eyes close, his head back, throat bare, an idea started to form in Harry's mind. He wondered just how far he could push things. And whether this would be something Sean would even want.

//Not made of glass, but you are a pretty thing like this.// Harry's gaze narrowed to the flutter of Sean's pulse as he continued to move, angled himself to draw forth more of those gorgeously needy moans. //Fucking love it, don't you? Being at my mercy. Being my bitch.// The involuntary hitch of Sean's breath told Harry everything he needed to know. Fuck, but this was going to be fun. //Yeah, you do love it.// Each taunt was full of authority, dominance, and Sean responded to it like he was starving. //Pretty little plaything, my toy to mold and break as I please.//

Long lashes fluttered, lifted, and Harry was rocked by the sheer need in Sean's eyes. A savage thrill shot through him at the knowledge that he was doing this to Sean. That Sean wanted this.

//Harry...please...// Sean groaned, arching up as Harry slammed into him. The way he responded to just this little bit of domination was intoxicating.

He slowed his tempo, still hard, but measured, as he put a hand around Sean's throat and just held it there. //Gonna collar you, keep you on a leash and on your knees at my side.// With each word, he squeezed ever-so-slightly, started to speed back up. Sean's throat worked as he wheezed in each breath, eyes wide with lust and need.

Harry wanted more. This definitely wasn't going to be the end of it. //Let go, that's it. Come for me.// The command was soft, but brooked no disobedience.

Sean's hands wrapped tight around Harry's biceps, and Harry smiled, releasing the pressure around Sean's neck as he angled his hips and thrust deep. That was all it took. Sean bowed up with a wordless shout, come spattering his skin, Harry's skin. Harry could practically taste his orgasm, sharp and hot and so fucking sweet.

He didn't know if it was the asphyxiation or the threat of the leash and collar that pushed Sean over the edge, and he really didn't care. If that was what Sean wanted, then he was happy to provide it. He let go of his own control, and it felt like all of the air had been sucked out of his lungs, the room, hell, the entire universe. Sparks danced all along his spine as he emptied himself deep inside Sean's body, shuddering under the force of his orgasm. The rush was unlike anything else he'd ever felt.

He flopped back on his haunches, muscles trembling, taking in deep breaths, trying to restore his heart rate to normal. He watched as Sean stretched under him, lazy and satisfied, body slick with sweat and spattered drops of come.

"Enjoying the view?"

(To Be Continued)

dominic monaghan, elijah wood, lawrence makoare, karl urban, dave wenham, sean bean, claimed 'verse, catalyst, viggo mortensen, harry sinclair, liv tyler, josh hartnett, co-written by brenda and jo, orlando bloom

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