FIC: Catalyst (part 18) (Harry Sinclair, Karl Urban, Orlando Bloom, Dave Wenham)

Jul 18, 2010 16:44

Title: "Catalyst" (Part Eighteen)
Authors: Brenda (azewewish) & Jo (idiosyncratic)
Series: Claimed Universe
Notes: Click here for full disclaimers and pairings.

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven | Part Twelve | Part Thirteen | Part Fourteen | Part Fifteen | Part Sixteen | Part Seventeen

Harry's mental chuckle reverberated through Orlando's body when he answered Karl. //As if you'd leave us alone.//

Karl lifted a shoulder in a slight shrug. //What can I say, I'm a greedy man.//

An impulse struck Orlando, and he couldn't resist. //That your way of saying you want both of us tonight? Planning on inviting your new pet, or does he like to watch? I'm okay with it if he does. Might be educational for him.//

Karl looked at Harry, who just looked back and shrugged. //You know I'm never going to say no to you in my bed.//

//Likewise.// Karl cast a quick glance to Josh, then looked back at Orlando. //As far as Josh goes...//

//He has a true bond with Karl.// At Orlando's questioning look, Harry explained. //He's not interested in any other vampires. As it should be.//

//But he might be curious as far as watching the three of us together.// Karl flashed Orlando a wicked grin. //You should ask him.//

Orlando smirked. //Think I won't?// He stood up, fingers brushing the back of Harry's hand, and started across the floor. "Josh, mate, can I have a sec?"

"Uh, sure." Josh's forehead wrinkled in a tiny frown of confusion, and he looked over at Karl. Who simply smiled that smooth smile that always made Orlando think of hot sex on silk sheets. It probably did nothing to reassure Josh, but it made Orlando feel a lot better.

Taking Josh's arm, Orlando tugged him off to the side and leaned up to whisper in his ear. He took care to keep his voice very low, trusting the others not to eavesdrop. "So, Harry and Karl and I were having a chat and we were wondering if you wanted to watch the three of us tonight. Does that sound like something you'd be interested in?"

When he was done, he rocked back on his heels, hands in his pockets, and grinned at Josh's expression. The poor guy looked shell-shocked, eyes wide and darting, and he licked his lips as he looked from Harry to Karl and back.

"I don't have to do anything?"

"Nope," Orlando said, and flashed Karl a triumphant smile. "Just watch."

"And I get to see..."



Viggo cleared his throat and did his best to keep a straight face. Orlando had a pretty good idea that he, for one, had definitely eavesdropped. Nosy bastard.

"If the four of you could stop conspiring," Viggo said, giving them each a level look, "we have two ceremonies I'd like to perform tonight."

"Two?" Orlando looked around. "Karl, you and Josh planning to...?"

Karl shook his head. Orlando noticed that Karl hadn't moved from Harry's side. "Not tonight, no. Josh wants his family at the ceremony."

"Besides, my aunt Kate would kill me if she wasn't there," Josh added.

"Breaking pet bonds is a ceremony of sorts," Viggo explained. "I know the words have been spoken, but just for form's sake, they'll need to be repeated before I can proceed."

"Think that's our cue to get out of the way," Orlando said to Josh. It was a little surprising when Lawrence joined them, patting Orlando's shoulder.

"He doesn't need me for this part."

Dave stepped forward, expression calm, and faced Viggo. "I am here," he said, voice soft, but clear, "as the pet of Harry Sinclair and Karl Urban. It is my wish to set them free, and I ask that they release me from my bonds."

"Short and to the point, but it should do," Lawrence whispered, and Orlando was grateful for the extra knowledge.

Orlando watched as both Karl and Harry stepped on either side of Dave to face Viggo. "I will be speaking for both Karl and myself," Harry said, and continued when Viggo nodded. "Karl and I accept Dave's decision with a heavy heart and our sincere regret in having failed in our sacred duty to him. We wish nothing more than his future happiness, whatever that may entail. And, for myself," Harry added, catching and holding Dave's gaze, "know that you will always have my undying love and support, no matter where your path takes you."

"The same goes for me," Karl said, brushing his hand against Dave's.

"I'm honored," Dave replied, smiling a little as he caught their hands and gave each a gentle squeeze. Then his smile faded, and he faced Viggo once more. "I ask for their forgiveness for any offenses I may have given them, and I will accept any punishment deemed fit for those offenses."

He took a deep breath. "I'm ready."

"I promise to make it as painless as possible," Viggo said. The next instant, his eyes seemed to glow blue fire as they locked with Dave's. A low-level throb ebbed in Orlando's bond with Dave, and he groaned slightly in sympathy. He could only imagine how it must feel for Dave.

Then Viggo turned to Harry and Karl in turn, giving them the same treatment, with Orlando once again getting a small taste through the bonds. By the time Viggo's eyes cleared, Lawrence had slipped an arm around Orlando's waist to steady him.

"Your bonds are broken," Viggo pronounced, in a solemn voice. "May your future days bring you better fortune."

"Thank you," Dave said, voice shaking, and remained standing with a visible effort. He was clearly shaken.

Orlando tried to push Lawrence towards Dave, but Lawrence wouldn't budge at first. It was only when Harry finally turned and nodded that Lawrence moved.

"Harry," he said, with a small smile of sympathy, before moving to stand beside Dave. Harry took his place beside Orlando.

"Little one?"

"Feedback in the bond."

"Sorry," Harry murmured, his face practically ashen.

"We tried to shield you as best we could," Karl added, coming to stand next to Harry. He looked almost as pale.

"Do you need a minute?" Viggo asked Dave.

Dave shook his head quickly, then winced. "Uh, no. No, I'm good." But Orlando noticed that he had a white-knuckled grip on Lawrence's hand.

"Are you ready, then?"

"Yeah...wait!" Dave had a sudden, frantic look, and fumbled to untangle his hand from Lawrence's. "Before we go any further..."

He turned to face Harry and Karl, then lifted his hands to his throat. Seconds later, he pulled a silver chain and charm from around his neck and held them out to Karl. "This belongs to you. And these," he said, voice thick with emotion as he reached up to remove his earring before unstrapping the leather band from his left wrist, "belong to you." He stepped in to brush a light kiss across first Karl's lips and then Harry's, his words for both of them too low for Orlando to hear. Then he turned to face Viggo again. "Now I'm ready."

Orlando caught Harry tightening his fist around the items in his hand, his head bowed. Karl was staring blankly at the chain, like he wasn't entirely sure where it came from. His heart went out to both of them, but he didn't move to join them. Right now, he thought they probably needed to cling to each other a little more.

Besides, he had to admit he was pretty curious to witness this whole vampire marriage thing.

"As everyone here knows, Lawrence and Dave have asked me to officiate the iunctum ceremony," Viggo started, with a warm look for the couple in question. "Do you accept these witnesses on your behalf?"

"We do," Dave replied.

Viggo turned his attention to Lawrence. "Lawrence Makoare, is it your intention to bind yourself to David Wenham, to protect him with your life, to welcome him into your heart and home, and to cherish the gift of his love?"

"It is," Lawrence replied, without any hesitation.

"Good." Viggo then turned to Dave. "David Wenham, is it your intention to bind yourself to Lawrence Makoare, to protect him with your life, to welcome him into your heart and home, and to cherish the gift of his love?"

"Yes, to all of it," Dave said, so rapidly he practically slurred the words.

"Impatient much?" Josh whispered, and Orlando had to bite his lip to keep from laughing.

"Think he wants to get to the after," Orlando whispered back, then his eyes fell on Harry and Karl again. He immediately sobered, face grave as he watched them clutching the symbols they had given Dave a decade ago. "Think you might be up to hanging out with me for the rest of the night?"

"Sure," Josh shrugged, looking confused until he followed Orlando's gaze to Harry and Karl. "Ah, nevermind, I get it. You think..."

"I think they'll need each other tonight. Besides," Orlando said, injecting a bright note into his voice, and swinging an arm around Josh's shoulders, "it'll mean you get a reprieve from watching them fuck me through the mattress."

"Um, yaye?"

Orlando stifled the laughter just as Viggo looked over. "Are you quite finished?"


"May you have a long and blessed union together," Viggo said to Dave and Lawrence, and smiled.

"Is that it?" Dave asked.

"It's a simple ceremony," Viggo explained. "Unless you'd like me to add more to it..."

"No," Dave said, quickly, and shook his head. "No, that's alright. Simple is good."

"Simple is fucking beautiful," Lawrence rumbled, eyes hot as he focused on Dave.

"And this," Orlando said, with a wide grin, "is the after."

"And our cue to leave?"

Josh had a decent head on his shoulders. The more Orlando was around him, the more he rather liked the guy. Not that he was actually going to admit it to anyone. "That's exactly what it means," he said as he stepped away from Josh. "I'm just going to say my goodbyes, then we can head back to that pub Harry took us to the other night."

"Feel like company?"

Viggo's voice brought Orlando to a halt. "You want to come out"

"It's not like I plan on keeping those two company," Viggo said, with a gesture towards Harry and Karl, who were still standing there, not touching or moving. "Besides, you need someone to keep you out of trouble."

"That doesn't sound like much fun."

"I don't mind," Josh shrugged. "Besides, I've got a few questions."

"Such as?"

Josh shook his head, glancing at Harry and Karl. When he returned his gaze to Viggo, he looked vaguely troubled. "Not here."

"Fair enough."

Dave and Lawrence walked up, still holding hands. They both looked a lot more relaxed. Orlando was glad some of them were. "Thank you all for coming over," Dave said, giving Orlando a small, private smile.

"You couldn't have kept me away," Orlando said, and stepped forward to wrap Dave in a tight hug. His face buried in the curve of Dave's neck, Orlando inhaled and squeezed his eyes closed at the familiar scent. //Love you. So much.//

//Love you, too.// Dave hugged him tight, as if he didn't want to let go, and then pulled back just a little. "Take care of them for me, would you?" he said, with a smile, and brushed a soft kiss over Orlando's lips.

"I will," Orlando promised. He managed to return the smile, even though he knew his eyes were bright. Then he turned to Lawrence. "And you take care of this one."

"For eternity, if he'll have me." The reply was lightly said, but Orlando could tell Lawrence meant every word.

"I didn't just do all this on a whim, you know," Dave replied, rolling his eyes good-naturedly.

"One would hope not," Harry said, finally walking up to their group with Karl. Orlando noticed the charms had vanished and that both of them were gripping the other's hand. Definitely, leaving the two of them to themselves was a good idea, even if part of him was balking at the thought of not being there to make sure they were alright.

Harry leaned in, placed a butterfly-light kiss to Dave's cheek. "Congratulations, love."

"Thank you," Dave said, smiling up at Harry. He included Karl in that smile as he reached out to lightly touch their joined hands. "You're both welcome in our home any time."

Lawrence nodded. "We would be honored. Even if it's nothing more than a simple dinner." He looked around, broad smile taking in the small group. "That goes for all of you. Especially you."

"Me?" Orlando blinked, pointed to himself as Lawrence laughed.

"Gaming, bra. It's been years since I had any decent competition, and Dave says you're quite good."

"Well, in that case...". He reached out to shake Lawrence's hand before giving Dave another tight hug. "We should be going, though. Josh and I promised Viggo we'd hang with him tonight."

"You did?" Dave blinked.

"You did?" Karl repeated.

"What can I say, I've got a desire to get to know my new future boss better," Orlando smiled brightly, then glanced at Karl from under his lashes. //And you two could use the time.//

Karl's small, simple smile was his only acknowledgement of Orlando's statement. Harry simply reached out and hauled Orlando into a hug so tight he couldn't breathe. When they parted, Orlando was pleased to see a little of the grief and guilt were gone from Harry's eyes. "Now you two don't do anything I wouldn't do," he said, ignoring Viggo's muffled laughter. "And try to leave the hotel suite in one piece, alright?"

"No promises," Harry said.

"Dude, I'm new here and I can tell you that'd be impossible," Josh laughed.

"You really are going to fit in just fine," Dave commented, with a shake of his head.

"Yeah, well, us newbies have to stick together." Lawrence just nodded and gave Josh a high five.

"And, on that note, we'll be taking our leave now," Viggo said. "Enjoy your evening. I'll be in touch in the next few days."

Dave nodded, expression sober once again. "Thanks, Vig."

"Come along, Orlando," Viggo said, halfway to the door.

"Gotta run. The new master calls." He brushed quick kisses across Harry's cheek and then Karl's, before darting off to join Viggo and Josh as they disappeared through the door.

"Enjoy the rest of your evening," Harry said, with a quick wink in Dave's direction and a handshake for Lawrence. Then he and Karl also walked out, leaving Dave and Lawrence alone.

Lawrence wasted no time pulling Dave to him in a loose hug. "You alright? Big night, after all."

"I' know, I'm not sure how I am." Dave laughed softly, and leaned against Lawrence, arms wrapped around his waist. "Well, I do know I love you, and I'm glad we did this tonight, with all of them here."


"But," Dave continued, with a wry smile for how well Lawrence knew him, "I just closed the chapter on a very large part of my life. Gonna take some getting used to, not having them in my head and all."

"How does that feel? I couldn't help but notice that Harry and Karl didn't seem to be dealing with it all that well."

"It's weird. A little empty, too, y'know. I mean, they were there for ten years. You ever have a pet?" Lawrence shook his head, hair falling around his shoulders. Dave sighed. "Even when they weren't around physically, I could always feel them. Got used to it, the never really being alone. And now, there's just...Orli. And he won't be there for long."

"Well, I'm sorry I can't give you that sort of bond, but you'll never be alone," Lawrence replied, with a soft kiss.

"I know." Already, he could feel some of the empty spaces inside him start to fill with Lawrence's love and unconditional support.

"I am glad I finally met them," Lawrence said. He turned in the direction of the stairs, arm still wrapped around Dave's waist. "They all seem like men who would be worthy of you."

"They're some of the most amazing men in the world." Glancing up at Lawrence, admiring the way the light and shadows played over his features as they climbed the stairs, Dave smiled. "And I can honestly say you impressed them."

"I aim to impress." Lawrence immediately started tugging at Dave's clothes once they got to the bedroom.

"Not wasting any time, are you?" Dave teased, or tried to. It was sort of hard when his skin kept pebbling under Lawrence's touch.

Lawrence's gaze was all business. "It's just the two of us now."

"So it is. And, just to let you know, I want to remember tonight."

"And every night from here on," Lawrence promised, then bent his head to capture Dave's lips in a blistering kiss.

By the time Dave's back hit the bed, he was completely naked, and so was Lawrence. He didn't even have a chance to marvel at how the hell it had happened before slick fingers were pressing inside him. //Can't wait.// Even Lawrence's inner voice was thick, filled with love and lust and need.

Dave arched up, reached for Lawrence as his fingers pressed deeper, twisting and turning. //Then don't.// Growling low in his throat, Dave leaned up to nip at Lawrence's bottom lip. He smiled at the look Lawrence gave him. "Want you."

"All of me," Lawrence vowed, then replaced his fingers with his cock, pushing deep inside Dave in one smooth motion. Dave's back instantly bowed up, legs wrapping around Lawrence's waist as pinpricks of too-sharp sensations pummeled every nerve ending he'd ever had. Everything was too bright, too much. Everything he ever was had led him to this moment. Finally, he was complete.

//Just getting started.// And then Lawrence slammed into him, lips crashing down on his for a hot, insistent kiss that stole what little was left of his brain and reason. All that was left was Lawrence.

(To Be Continued)

dominic monaghan, elijah wood, lawrence makoare, karl urban, dave wenham, sean bean, claimed 'verse, catalyst, viggo mortensen, harry sinclair, liv tyler, josh hartnett, co-written by brenda and jo, orlando bloom

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