FIC: Catalyst (part 4) (Harry Sinclair, Karl Urban, Orlando Bloom, Dave Wenham)

Jun 20, 2010 14:22

Title: "Catalyst" (Part Four)
Authors: Brenda (azewewish) & Jo (idiosyncratic)
Series: Claimed Universe
Notes: Click here for full disclaimers and pairings.

Part One | Part Two | Part Three |

When the set was over, Karl watched the band start to break down their equipment. More accurately, he watched the sax player, making note of the easy way he moved, the bright smile he flashed when one of his band mates said something. Without looking, he reached out to snag the arm of a passing server and quietly ordered a round of drinks for the band.

The minute the server dropped off the drinks to the stage, and pointed towards the booth, Karl raised his own glass in salute. The other members of the band did the same, and went back to the business of getting the equipment dealt with. However, he was pleased to notice that the sax player hopped off the stage, drink in hand, and stopped in front of Karl. This close, Karl could see that the mortal had the most ridiculously long lashes he'd ever seen on a man, and that his eyes were a deep, rich brown.

"Thanks for the drink." The voice was low, casually sensuous, and Karl's body tightened instinctively in response.

"I wasn't doing it to be charitable," he replied. "I'm Karl."

"No, somehow I didn't think you were." He sat down across from Karl without waiting for an invitation. "I'm Josh."

"Have a seat, Josh," Karl laughed. He cocked his head to study the mortal across from him. Karl's fangs hadn't yet fully retracted, a by-product of the high emotion still coursing through him, and there was no way Josh could have missed them. Yet he hadn't even blinked. Young, pretty, and not a stranger to their culture. Even better. "And since we're being cheesy, do you come here often?"

"As often as they'll let us play. Don't recall seeing you before, though."

"This isn't really my scene. Too much purple velvet for my tastes," Karl replied, with a small gesture to the stage curtain.

"Ah, right." Josh dropped his voice. "Isn't it the most hideous thing you've ever seen?"

The intimateness of the moment wrapped around Karl like silk. Christ, this child was quite unlike anyone he'd met in a very long time. "Absolutely," he replied. "But then, I blame the original owner for the décor."

"Actors, man. Can't trust a damn one of them to have taste."

"Is that disdain I hear in your voice?"

"Maybe a little." Josh slouched against the cushions of the booth like he and Karl were old friends. "As a friend of mine once put it, they get paid to memorize lines. They don't create anything."

"Whereas musicians...?" Karl trailed off, intrigued, and more than a little impressed with Josh's poise and passion.

"They create. We create, I should say. Even if it's not brilliant every time, at least it's ours."

"False modesty doesn't suit you. You have to be aware of your talent."

"Oh, I'm talented enough. I'm no Coltrane or Charlie Parker, but I make do."

"Neither were they at first. And Coltrane was far less than himself at times," Karl said.

"Yeah, but he got himself back on track," Josh said. "He did some of his best work after he got himself cleaned up."

"Yes, but you don't have that problem." At Josh's questioning look, Karl simply gestured. "You've dabbled with pot and X, but you've never done heroin or coke. Your blood's pure."

"I'd forgotten how much you guys can tell just from scent," Josh mused. "In any case, you're right. I sort of fail at the drugs part of it all."

"But not the sex and rock & roll?" Karl asked, even though all he really wanted to know about was Josh's previous run-in with a vampire. He'd never been a companion - his scent carried no trace of another vampire's mark - but it was more than apparent that Josh'd had intimate contact with one at some point in his life.

Those beautiful eyes flashed with humor. "What can I say, I like sex better than drugs."

"A wise choice," Karl replied, hardly aware he was speaking. The urge to lean in and devour was fast overriding everything else. He took a deep internal breath to compose himself, but couldn't resist ramping up the flirtation. "Sex is a lot more fun."

"Only if it's done well. If you don't walk away bruised and sore, then you're not doing it right."

"And do you?"

"As often as I can manage."

"Spoken like a true hedonist."

"I am. For the right incentive."

"Isn't the sheer sensory overload of the act done properly incentive enough?"

"A man after my own heart." Josh's voice was, if possible, huskier and deeper than when he'd first approached the table.

Karl's entire body sprang to attention. He curled one hand into a fist beneath the table. It had been decades since he'd been this close to losing control in public. "And what," he managed to say, pleased that his voice didn't betray him, "would you say if that wasn't all I was after?"

Leaning back against the cushions, Josh watched Karl for a long moment. Then he tilted his head, longish hair slipping over his skin, exposing the side of his neck, and smiled, displaying twin dimples.

"I'd say, my Lord, that I hope you're not just all talk and hot air."

Not only knew about vampires, but had studied them enough to recognize Karl's rank. The mystery was intriguing, and one that Karl intended to get to the bottom of. But after he'd managed to slake some of the overwhelming lust slamming through him.

"I believe that's my cue to settle my tab."

"Smart man." Josh studied Karl for another minute. "Shall I meet you at the front or side entrance?"

"Side," Karl replied, still speaking on autopilot. "I'll pull the car out and meet you."

"A Lord driving himself. You must be slumming."

Fuck, even Josh's teasing tone was making Karl ache with need. "I like being in control," was all he said, and slid out of the booth. He didn't reach for Josh. He didn't trust himself not to fuck the child right there on the dirty dance floor if he got his hands anywhere near him.

"Well." Josh also slid out, and stepped close. Close enough that Karl could feel the heavy, hot pounding of Josh's heart, could practically taste the pureness of his blood. "Guess we'll have to see what we can do about making you lose it."

Then, before Karl could react, Josh was back at the stage, presumably to collect his things. Karl took a half-step after him before he steadied himself. Soon. Soon, they would have all of the privacy they could need.

Karl intended to make full use of it.


Ten minutes later, Josh slid into the Viper and carefully stowed his saxophone case behind the seat. "Nice car."

Karl smiled, slammed the car into gear, and slid into traffic amidst the blaring of horns in their wake. "Do you have one that we need to be worried about?"

"I walked. I live not too far from the club."

"Good." He turned north on Laurel Canyon, heading up into the Hills, and listened to Josh breathe as the scenery whipped by. "So if you're not interested in being an actor, what brought you to L.A.?"

"Who said I'm not from here?"

Karl gave Josh a dry look. "No one with your confidence is native to this city."

Josh's bark of laughter sent a shockwave of lust through Karl's system. He had to focus for a moment to keep from wrecking the car. Harry would laugh himself sick if that happened. Harry... Karl yanked his thoughts back into line. He wasn't thinking about Harry tonight.

"Good point. I'm from Minnesota," Josh said, still grinning. "Music brought me out here."

"You're in the wrong city if you're into jazz. Should've gone to New Orleans."

"Maybe I wanted to inject a little more culture into the City of Angels."

"Good luck with that."

"What can I say, I'm an optimist."

"I like that about you." They hit a light, and Karl canted a sideways glance in Josh's direction. "Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?"

"Considering what we're hopefully getting ready to do to each other, I don't think personal is entirely out of line."

Karl found himself chuckling in spite of his best effort not to. Gorgeous, self-aware and quick-witted. Christ, this kid was a treasure. "You know a lot about us, yet you've never been with one of us."

"I was wondering when you'd ask me about that." Josh tapped out a beat against his thigh, the motion reflexive. "My great-aunt Kate is a vampire. Every year during my summer break from school, I'd go to visit her wherever she happened to be, and in between sight-seeing and getting into all sorts of adventures, she'd teach me all about vampires. The history of the race, how the Council worked, things to look out for in spotting one and their rank, how to arm myself against unwanted advances, that sort of thing."

A relative. That explained a lot. "She sounds like a wise woman."

Josh nodded. "Also not one I'd cross under any circumstances. Very formidable and very much family first."

"I'll keep that in mind." Another turn, and he started to twist the car along Mulholland.

"So tell me a little about you," Josh prompted, taking Karl's free hand to study the ring on his finger. "Born or made?"

"Born." So unafraid and open - every turn surprised Karl all over again.

"Really?" Josh looked properly awed for about thirty seconds. "I've never met a born vampire before."

"There aren't many of us." Twisting his hand, he managed to twine his fingers with Josh's. It surprised him a little to find that he was truly enjoying the conversation, and the company, beyond the pronounced physical reaction. "I'm a little over 900 years old, and took my place on the Council once I reached maturity, and became second once Viggo ascended to his position as Head of the Council. Harry and I moved to America about -"

"Harry...Sinclair?" Josh interrupted, eyes widening. "Holy shit, man, you're Lord Karl Urban?"

Karl didn't have to pretend his bafflement. "I take it you've heard of us?"

"Dude, I think everyone in the vampire world knows about the two of you. The infamous Lords Urban and Sinclair and their unheard-of bond... That's heavy shit right there. My great-aunt met your Harry once, at a party in Hong Kong. Said he was the most beautiful man she'd ever met."

"Beautiful isn't exactly the word I would choose for him, but I would agree with your great aunt that there is something about him."

"And yet here you are, trolling trendy Sunset Strip bars and picking up sleazy musicians instead of spending your evening with him," Josh teased, just as Karl turned into the drive of the house Dave had dubbed the 'adult's retreat' almost ten years ago.

He turned the car off and twisted in his seat, finally tracing light fingers along high cheekbones and a stubborn jaw. Christ, Josh had the softest skin. "I have no doubt you are many things, but I hardly think sleazy would be one of them."

"Oh, I can be sleazy with the best of them," Josh said, as he turned his head to nuzzle at Karl's palm.

The hot look in Josh's eyes sent all the blood in Karl's body scrambling for his crotch. When Josh parted his lips, darted his tongue along the length of Karl's index finger, then slowly drew the finger into his mouth, Karl was hard pressed to bite back a moan. "I think," he said, voice a trifle unsteady, "that you're starting to convince me."

"I'm going to have to try harder then. Especially since I doubt you brought me all the way up here for a quick blowjob."

Karl leaned in until his lips were the barest millimeter away from Josh's, felt the stammer in Josh's quick intake of breath. "I didn't bring you up here for a quick anything," he stated, painting the words with a dark promise. "I absolutely intend to take my time with you."

The first taste of Josh's mouth rocketed through him like a thunderbolt, had him growling in possession. //Mine// he thought to himself, the word a savage statement. Then Josh's tongue snaked out to curl around his, and even that small thought was lost. There was only the sweet, tart taste of Josh, the lush feel of his lips, the firm press of Josh's hand on his thigh as the kiss deepened, became something on a completely different scale.

Karl refused to think about the last time he'd been so affected by a mere kiss.

Josh's breath rasped in Karl's ears when he pulled back, hands trembling as they curled against Karl's chest. "Ease down, Ripley. No blood yet."

Good point. "Inside," Karl growled, and ripped off the seat belt.

Once inside the house, Karl spun, pinned Josh against the front door. He sniffed at Josh's neck, smiled to himself. "I'm going to familiarize myself with every single inch of you," he said, fangs cresting Josh's warm skin. "And then, I'm going to do it all over again."

"Looking forward to it," Josh rasped, but pushed at Karl's chest when he moved to bite his wrist to offer it to Josh. "Not like this."

"No?" It was the hardest thing he'd done in quite a long time, but Karl stepped back, allowed the both of them a little space. "Then how?"

"This joint got a bed?"

"Five," Karl replied, with a calmness he was far from feeling. "I was planning on introducing you to each of them in time."

"I'll settle for just one at the moment. And you naked on it."

Karl's nostrils flared as another sharp wave of desire slammed into him. "Naked sounds acceptable," he replied, then made a sharp turn for the stairs, carelessly leaving a trail of discarded clothing in his wake. He didn't bother to look back to see if Josh was following him to the nearest bedroom. He didn't have to.

"Fuck me," Josh breathed, once they got into the room. "You've got a gorgeous ass. I can't wait to get a shot at it."

"We've got plenty of time," Karl laughed. When he turned to face Josh, he saw that Josh was just as naked. And fuck if it wasn't one of the prettiest sights Karl had ever seen. "Now. I believe you said you wanted me on the bed?"

"Yes, please," Josh nodded.

Once he got settled, Karl looked his fill, gaze roaming across Josh's lean, muscled body - across strong shoulders and a nice chest, following the trail of dark hair to a very nice cock, thick and hard and curving proudly from a nest of curls. Karl could smell the pre-come beading at the tip. Nice to know he wasn't the only one that was incredibly aroused.

"Alright," Josh murmured, and crawled up the bed towards Karl. "Judging from your actions, I take it you would like for me to become your companion?"

"Yes," Karl said, voice low, eyes intent as he watched Josh straddle his hips. The heat of skin on skin was distracting as hell, and Karl had to force himself to focus through the waves of lust sweeping through him.

"Then I accept." Josh smiled, leaned down to just brush his lips over Karl's before sliding backwards, between Karl's thighs. "I accept," he repeated, catching Karl's gaze as he held up a hand and displayed the small knife there. "I want this."

Clever child, and then Karl lost his entire train of thought when the tip of the knife sliced into his wrist and Josh's warm lips covered the wound.

(To Be Continued)

dominic monaghan, elijah wood, lawrence makoare, karl urban, dave wenham, sean bean, claimed 'verse, catalyst, viggo mortensen, harry sinclair, liv tyler, josh hartnett, co-written by brenda and jo, orlando bloom

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