FIC: "Catalyst" (Part Five) (Dave Wenham, Harry Sinclair, Karl Urban, Orlando Bloom)

Jun 22, 2010 08:59

Title: "Catalyst" (Part Five)
Authors: Brenda (azewewish) & Jo (idiosyncratic)
Series: Claimed Universe
Notes: Click here for full disclaimers and pairings.

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four |

The visceral kick slammed through him like a hurricane. Explosions of light danced behind Karl's eyes as Josh fed, the bond between them snapping into place with forceful jaws. Instantly, he could feel Josh - his curiosity and need and want - tangling with his own desires, and the sheer overload of emotion threatened to overwhelm him.

When Josh finally lifted his head, his lips were stained red. "Fuck," he whispered, touching his fingers to his mouth and staring at Karl in something like awe. "Is it always like this with companions?"

"No," Karl admitted, in a hoarse voice he barely recognized as his own, as he licked the wound closed, "it's not." Then he yanked on Josh's hand, sent him sprawling on top of Karl, and the full body to body contact was the final straw that smashed through the last of his vestiges of control.

The next kiss was a savage meeting of lips and tongue, voracious and greedy, as Karl buried his hands in Josh's hair, and took. His usual finesse was completely forgotten in his need to claim Josh as thoroughly and completely as possible. //Mine.//

//Goes both ways.// And the confidence, the possession, in Josh's reply, only fueled the flames higher.

//Yes.// To anything. To everything. Karl didn't care. He rolled them both over, pressed Josh into the mattress, flailed with one hand for the bottle of lube he knew was on the nearby nightstand. If he didn't get inside Josh in the next ten seconds, he wasn't sure he'd be responsible for his actions.

Josh took the lube, fumbled with it, reached down to wrap slick fingers around Karl's cock. "I want you inside me. Right now."

He hoped Josh was ready, because there was no way he could hold back, not after that. There was a shift, a slide, a low groan from Josh as he arched up, then Karl was buried deep inside welcoming heat. Every muscle trembled as he fought for control.

"Do it," Josh said, voice raspy, breathless, and he hooked his legs around Karl's, tilted his head back to expose his throat. "I won't fucking break."

Karl fastened his lips to Josh's neck, savored the salt-slick taste, and slid his fangs through delicate skin on the next thrust. The next moment, he was swept along in a vortex that scrambled his blood, lanced through every defense. The copper-sweet taste of Josh coated his tongue. Tight muscles clamped around his cock with every push home. Every one of Josh's harsh grunts was music to his ears.

//Mine.// It was his singular, overriding thought.

Blindly, he licked the wound closed and captured Josh's lips for an earth-shattering kiss. Slammed forward again and again, couldn't get deep enough, couldn't stop touching Josh, tasting him, thought he'd be content to stay here, just like this, for a few years at least.

//Please...// The plea felt like it was torn from Josh's soul.

"Anything," Karl whispered against flushed skin. //Everything.// He moved against Josh, with Josh, each new sensation wrapping them tighter, closer together. The end, when it came, was too soon, too sudden, too much.

As his orgasm crashed into him, Karl bit Josh again, losing himself in the explosion that was them together. Through it all, Josh gripped his shoulders tight, met his every thrust. Josh whispered in his ear, nonsense words, hands sliding down his body, over his hips, exploring as much skin as he could reach. The next time he lifted his head, lips still pulsing with the taste of Josh, it was to find dark eyes on him, full of longing and need and something unnamed that added another layer to the newly fragile bond between them.

Josh licked at dry lips. When he spoke, it was a cracked whisper. "I don't think I need to ask if that was normal for companions."

Karl couldn't have moved if his life had depended on it. "No. No, you don't." Because it wasn't, and they both knew it.

"This is...rare." Josh seemed to be searching for the right words. Karl held his breath and waited. " rare."

And there it was, laid out in the open between them. This was completely new territory, even for Karl. There was no blueprint for this, no one to ask for advice. Just him and the mortal beneath him, both of them sharing the same connection, and looking for answers. "I've claimed a pet," Karl finally admitted, each word dragged out of him slowly. "I don't remember it feeling quite like this."

"If..." Josh hesitated, as if he wasn't sure he should finish his question. Then he looked at Karl again, and Karl could feel the bond between them twisting, changing, settling into his bones and soul. "If it didn't feel like this...why'd you do it?"

"When you meet Orlando, you'll understand." He trailed his hands along Josh's spine, soothing them both. "He was absolutely perfect for me and Harry."

"For..." Josh's face cleared. "Ah, right. I remember hearing something a few years ago about you both...claiming a pet? Then turning him?"

"That's right."

"So...where does that leave us, then?"

"Winging it, I imagine," Karl replied. "I've gotten quite good at it over the last few years."

"And that's funny?"

"Well...yes," Karl said, with a tiny hiccup of laughter. This entire situation was off the reservation funny, to be truthful.

"And what about Orlando?" Josh asked. "How is he going to react to us? To this?"

"I imagine he'll react as a mortal at first," he said, thinking of a long ago time, when a young, fledgling Harry had been jealous of Sean, for a much more innocent reason. "And then I imagine we'll all find a way to make this work." He placed a light kiss to Josh's lips. "I will not give you up."

"I know," Josh replied, with another kiss. "I know what the bond means. I just don't want..."

"You won't." Karl knew, in his soul, that he was meant to find Josh. Meant to claim him. "But I would have their blessing before you and I...finalize anything."

This was the worst sort of insanity. But there was no way he was letting Josh go.

"I'm cool with that." Then Josh grinned - the same dimpled grin that had snared Karl's attention back at the club. "So, when do I get to meet them?"

"When I think I can speak to them again without another fight breaking out," Karl answered, honestly.

"Fight, huh? I take it that this is going to explain the incredibly bad mood you were in when you and your friend showed up at the club?"

"Was it that obvious?"

"Yeah, kinda." Josh's fingers slid up Karl's spine, then back down in a soothing motion. His lips brushed Karl's chin, the tip of his nose, his forehead. "Care to talk about it?"

"It will probably seem a little incongruous to you, in light of what we've just been doing."

"Try me."

"Alright." Another thing he'd learned over the centuries was that trust - real trust - took time. But it had to start somewhere. "About a year ago, Orlando took a companion. One that he shares with Harry."

"Sounds cozy. And slightly kinky." He dropped a quick kiss to Karl's lips. "So, why is this worth fighting over? Vampires don't do jealousy."

"Because I only found out about it tonight." The anger, hurt, and bitterness threatened to resurface, but he clamped down on it, forced it back under wraps.

"And you couldn't you feel it? In the bond, I mean?"

"Harry and I've both done a very good job teaching him to shield," Karl replied. "Mostly so we wouldn't overwhelm him all the time, but also for privacy's sake."

"Makes sense." Then Josh paused. "Can you teach it to me? The shielding thing?"

"Of course." He didn't mind admitting, if only to himself, that he found it refreshing that there were so many things about who he was that he didn't have to explain. Unlike how it had been with Orlando. "I'd be happy to."

" that you do know, how long do you think it'll be before you forgive him?"

"I'm happy he found someone of his own. I only wish he'd trusted me with it."

"Rather odd behavior for a pet to keep secrets, isn't it?"

"Orlando is unlike any pet you've probably ever met or even heard about," Karl answered, his tone wry. "He said he kept this Jake a secret because he was afraid I'd take over if I ever met him."

"Would you have?"

Karl's entire body tensed before he could stop it. Then he felt a tentative fumbling through the bond, as if Josh was trying to soothe him. //Hey, it's alright.// Josh lifted his head, met Karl's gaze. "And don't forget that in spite of all this, I don't really know you, so...were his fears justified?"

"I..." Karl stopped, unsure of what to say. He remembered what Sean had told him earlier that night - I can see where he might've got that impression. Even one of his best friends thought him capable of hijacking another's companion.

"I'm only asking," Josh continued, quietly, "because I think it's important. For you and him, and for us. The last thing I want is to end up clashing constantly with your other pet."

"He's not just mine." The words were automatic as Karl actually thought about what Josh was asking. Thought about his history with Orlando, about how the two of them had settled into certain roles, without even thinking about it. About how differently Orlando acted around Harry, even around Dave.

"It wouldn't have been on purpose," he said, testing each word. "But Orlando would have let me do it. He's a vampire now, yes, but it's like he never remembers that we're equals when he's around me."

"I suppose that makes sense. I mean, you were the first one to claim him, so you'd be the alpha. You're also the oldest, and Harry's Sire. To a mortal, that would make you top dog."

Karl had to smile at that, especially considering his pet name for Harry. "Possibly. But I wouldn't have done it consciously."

"I believe you," Josh said, as he leaned in for another kiss.

Karl was already addicted to Josh's flavor on his tongue. As soon as they were finished talking, he fully intended to find out how Josh tasted when he came. "There's a 'but' in there."

"But, you admit yourself that you probably would have. Doesn't excuse him not telling you, but it puts it in a different perspective, doesn't it?"

"It is something he and I are going to need to work on," Karl conceded, and nudged at Josh's lips for another kiss. //Give me your tongue.// Josh seemed only too happy to oblige, and Karl spent a few long moments gorging himself on Josh's moans.

Josh's lips were bruised, wet, when he lifted his head. "You could make a man forget his own name."

"That's the idea." Karl rolled Josh gently on his back, shifted so he was nestled between strong thighs. "Let's see if I can make you forget anything else, shall we?" he said, and started moving down, tracing Josh's body with his tongue.

"I think..." Josh gasped as Karl found a sensitive spot and lingered there, exploiting it until Josh was writhing on the sheets. "...doing...damn good job...fuck..."

//Not this time. Now I want to taste you.// Karl smiled when Josh just groaned and let his head fall to the pillow. He took that as permission to continue. Laved his tongue along each rib, slid his lips across sensitive nipples, drawing each one into his mouth, just to hear Josh make those beautiful moans again. Traversed a slow path down Josh's body, parting the springy hairs that led to Josh's groin, and nuzzling the crease of Josh's thigh and crotch. //Could spend a year right here.//

//Gonna kill me.// Long fingers tangled in the sheets as Josh arched up towards Karl's mouth.

"No," Karl replied, tongue tracing a path down to the inside of Josh's thigh. //I have plans for you.//

Josh's skin was salty sweet, and Karl lingered over every inch. He inhaled deeply, imprinting Josh's scent in his senses, before nuzzling his balls. He flicked his tongue over the sensitive skin just behind them, smiled when Josh bucked up violently. He was going to enjoy this, enjoy spending the next few centuries learning everything that made Josh moan and whimper and beg.

Only when he felt that he'd driven Josh close enough to the edge did Karl lift his head. He flashed a wicked look into dazed eyes and ran his tongue up the length of Josh's cock. Josh moaned, muttered something incoherent, as Karl flicked his tongue over the slit. Josh made a strangled noise from somewhere deep in his throat, and the bond between them crackled with energy and soul-deep need. Karl slid down slowly, savoring the slightly bitter taste, the way Josh's cock stretched his lips. With another moan, Josh slid shaking fingers through Karl's hair, gently encouraging him to continue.

//That's it. Guide me. Use me.//

The bond twisted between them again, coiling and shaping itself, as Josh took Karl at his word. His hips lifted as he started to fuck Karl's mouth, tightened his hold on Karl's hair to hold him in place. Not that Karl had any intentions of going anywhere. He created a tight suction, moved with Josh, angled his head to get more down his throat. He wanted to choke himself; he wanted bruises, marks, a physical reminder. //More. I won't break, either.//

He wanted this, wanted it all, wanted Josh to come apart for him, with him. He took everything Josh had, gagging a little as Josh slammed up with a particular brutal thrust, and was pleased when Josh didn't let up.

//Beautiful like this.//

Then Karl pushed the bond wide open, poured everything he was feeling into it.

//OhGodohGodohGod...// The refrain was a litany, broken and all the more beautiful for it. The bitter taste flooded Karl's mouth as he swallowed Josh's come, then started winding his slow way back up Josh's body.

When he finally got back to Josh's lips, he waited patiently for cloudy eyes to focus on his. Josh lifted a weak hand to pat at him, but otherwise didn't move. "Better than I imagined," Karl murmured, and ducked in to brush his lips across Josh's.

"What was?"

"Your taste."

"Oh." Faint spots of color appeared on Josh's cheeks; Karl was charmed all over again. "I normally get the 'ugh, swallowing sucks, I only do it to be polite' spiel after a blowjob."

Karl settled back by Josh's side. "I think you'll find I'm rarely polite."

"I'll keep that in mind." He lifted his head to press a kiss to Karl's jaw, then flopped back onto the pillows. "Fuck me, I'm starving."

"I could do with some food myself."


"Yeah." Karl tried to remember the last time he'd eaten, and couldn't. It had definitely been too long, then. "Do you feel up to getting dressed and going back out?"

Josh wrinkled his nose. "Not really. I don't suppose this joint's got a kitchen."

"Of course it does." Not that Karl spent much time there, but he knew where it was. Unlike Harry. "Fully stocked, even."

"Well, if you've got all the ingredients for stir fry, I could whip that up. It's simple, but I don't think I have the energy for something more complicated."

Gorgeous, self-assured, and knew his way around a kitchen. Oh yes, Karl was definitely smitten. "Stir fry, hmm? Sounds delicious. Anything I can do to help?"

"Well, first you can let me up. Then you can help chop the veggies."

"I could do that." After all, he'd spent centuries as a soldier, wielding a sword. Chopping vegetables couldn't be that difficult.

It was, however, considerably more difficult to let Josh out of the bed. It helped that he got an eyeful of Josh's very nice ass and thighs and equally nice back as he looked around for a moment, then back at Karl. "I don't suppose you have something I could borrow, shorts or sweats-wise?"

Karl walked to the dresser and tossed Josh a pair of pajama pants. "Those should fit. Although it does seem a shame to cover that ass."

"I could say the same thing about yours, but I wouldn't recommend cooking naked."

"I can see where that would be hazardous."

"After dinner, though, you can show me another one of the beds," Josh said, with a sober nod

"Count on it." Karl ran light fingers down the curve of Josh's hip and pressing a light kiss to the Celtic knot inked on his shoulder blade. Seemed he was destined to have pets with tattoos.

"I am," Josh replied, turning to press his body against Karl's. Karl made a mental note to call his assistant later and cancel all of his meetings for the next week. Possibly longer.

"Careful. I might not let you leave for awhile with talk like that."

"I don't mind. I freelance between gigs, so my time's my own."

Slowly, Karl pulled back. "You know this means you'll never have to work again."

Josh nodded. "Yeah, I know. But I'll pay my own way as long as I can. I like to work. But I imagine being your pet will certainly make booking studio time easier."

Karl's laugh was easy as he took Josh's hand and steered them both downstairs and towards the kitchen. "Perhaps I should just buy a studio and put it in your name."

"You wouldn't..." Josh stopped and let out a wry chuckle. "Never mind, of course you would. Probably richer than all The Beatles combined."

"I've got a little bit stashed away," Karl said, fighting a losing battle to keep a serious expression on his face. He knew he'd failed completely when Josh gave him a level look. "Hopefully it won't scare you as much as it did Orlando."

"It scared him?"

Understatement of the century, Karl thought. "You have no idea. Orlando was - and still is, really - innocent in many ways. Like I said, you'll -"

"Understand when I meet him, right," Josh laughed, following Karl to the kitchen. Once there, he stopped short and let out a whistle. "Damn. This room is bigger than my entire apartment."

"We'll have to do something about that, then," Karl replied, and nudged Josh until he was in the center. "It's your playground. I'm just here to assist."

"Somehow, I don't think you know the meaning of the word."

"You'd be surprised. It's not often that I get one over on Harry."

"Definitely can't wait to meet him," Josh said, then rubbed his hands together in glee. "Alright, let's do this. Find me some chicken or steak to thaw out, and whatever fresh vegetables are in the fridge. I'm going to explore your cabinets."

"Does this mean you'll be bending over?" Karl teased, avoiding Josh's swipe as he crossed over to the fridge and started rummaging through it.

"Only if you stay over there," Josh said, and pointed. "Otherwise, we'll never eat."

"That's doesn't seem like much fun." He pulled an armful of vegetables from the fridge and dropped them on the counter before returning for the meat. He'd forgotten how much fun it was to tease someone over something as mundane as housework.

"Do you want fun, or do you want food?"

"I can't have both?"

"One now," Josh said, pulling bottles from a cabinet, not bothering to look at Karl, "one later. And if you expect me to keep up with you, I need fuel."

"There's a lot to be said for sex in the kitchen." Setting the steak under running water to help it thaw, Karl pulled a knife from the block and studied the vegetables. Shouldn't be too hard.

"Yes, but for now, Donger need food," Josh said, then frowned when he looked at Karl. "Dude, what the hell are you doing?"

Karl waved the knife at the cutting block. "Chopping vegetables like you asked?"

"Uh, you're supposed to chop them in little pieces, not hack them like you would an opponent on the battlefield." Josh took the knife, and sliced a few mushrooms with an ease clearly born of long practice. "See, like this."

Karl tried to pay attention to what Josh was doing, and not just his hands. "Right, finesse the knife, no hacking."

"You really don't cook much, do you?"

"You're lucky I know where the kitchen is."

"I can see I have my work cut out for me." He watched as Karl resumed cutting the vegetables (properly this time), then started digging through cabinets again.

"Planning on giving me cooking lessons?"

"Life lessons. You got a wok around here somewhere?"

"Life...what?" Karl was so startled that he stopped, knife in mid-air.

"Aha!" Josh stood up, triumphantly holding the wok. "I mean life lessons. Dude, I know what vampires are like. You guys get too insular, too bored, there's this whole, been there, seen it mentality that's understandable, but you've got to let it go sometimes, live for the moment."

"I live for the moment," Karl argued. He lived for the moment all the time.

Josh found a bottle of sesame oil, and drizzled some into the pan, turning the stove on to let it heat. "You've got too much of a superiority complex for me to believe that you let go all that much. Unless it's around Harry, I'm guessing."

"Superiority complex?" Karl wondered if that was supposed to be an insult.

"You think you're better, smarter, stronger, faster, and sexier than the rest of the world, and you're probably right a lot of the time," Josh continued, not even bothering to look at Karl as he took the steak from the sink and started chopping it into chunks. "And you've got more money than God, I bet, so you haven't had to do much for yourself."

"I earn my money."

"I'm sure you do. But what do you do with it? With yourself?"

"I make more money." Where was Josh going with this? And why did he suddenly feel guilty for being rich? "Donate to charities, that sort of thing."

"Donating is a good start. But when's the last time you actually encountered someone those charities help?"

"I..." Karl stopped. That wasn't the point, was it? The point was helping people. He had several foundations run by very capable people all hand-picked by Karl, all with deep pockets, that supported very worthy causes. He didn't need to mire himself in the miseries of the world in order to know that it was his duty to aid those less fortunate and to give back.

"If you have to think about it, it's been too long." Josh came around the center island and pressed against Karl, arms wrapping around his waist. Karl leaned back into the warmth. "Have you had servants your whole life?"

"I can't help that I was born into nobility or with money."

"Neither can Paris Hilton," Josh pointed out, dropping a quick kiss on Karl's lips before returning to the wok. "And she's an incredible waste of air."

"Now I know I've been insulted."

"Not that I think you're a waste of air," Josh continued, acting as if Karl hadn't said a word, "but now I'm curious. Have you ever had to do your own laundry? Make a grocery list and do the shopping from it? Clean the bathroom?"

Karl made a face at Josh's back. "I feel certain that was a rhetorical question, but the answer is no."

"What would you do if you had to? Could you do it? Live like a normal person for a month, I mean."

"I have no idea what normal is," Karl replied, honestly, all thoughts of chopping forgotten. "But before you dismiss me as some soft, rich, lazy nobleman, I would let you know I have always earned my keep. I've been to the far corners of the world, gone through brutal campaigns, fought many battles, and I was always the first to do my time in the fields when it came time for harvest or to rebuild a house or stable after a storm or to do whatever else that needed to be done." He had no idea why he was defending himself to this child, when it came down to it.

"I wasn't disputing your work ethic." At Karl's disbelieving look, Josh shook his head. "I wasn't. I know things were different back in the day, but I'm guessing, even when you were soldiering, that you had a batman or squire or whatever to see to things like sewing your uniform and fetching you clean water, and that when you were running a barony or whatever it is rich landowners do, you had servants to see to the every day running of things."

"Of course," Karl replied, puzzled. "I always paid them a fair wage. I never beat them."

"I..." Josh sighed. "That's not the point. I'm just saying that maybe it's time to just be a normal guy for a little while."

"And cleaning bathrooms and doing laundry will help me in this?" He wasn't entirely sure what cleaning a bathroom entailed, but it didn't sound pleasant or why anyone would volunteer to do it if they didn't have to. Wasn't that the point of having money - so that one didn't have to worry about cleaning bathrooms? He wondered, too, why the opinion of a mortal he'd met just a few short hours ago - regardless of the intensity of their connection - should matter so much to him.

"Maybe. It's just that... Actually, it's hard to explain."

"Try me."

Josh slid the vegetables off the board and starting flipping them around in the wok. Karl couldn't help but be impressed with the skill involved. "It's just that sometimes I look at people like you," Josh said, "people with money, and I wonder if they understand what it's like to be someone like me."

"I'm not just a person with money," Karl answered, just as quietly. "I'm a vampire, and a born one. I have no idea what it's like to be mortal, let alone normal. But I can promise you that I will never disrespect you for what you are. And I want to be with you as long as you'll have me."

"No, I never thought you would."


"It's just that it's hard to understand why you would want anyone outside of whatever it is you have with Harry. Yet you chose two mortals, and there's no way you can understand us."

"Harry was mortal once, too," Karl reminded him. "And I don't know of any magic words to reassure you other than to tell you what I once told Orlando - the heart decides what it wants, regardless of what the head would say. If I'd followed my head, I'd have never even looked twice at Harry."

"Love rarely makes sense, this is true," Josh smiled, small, but genuine. Karl couldn't help but return it.

"And since you're a musician, you should be used to dealing with strong feelings that would otherwise make no sense. I'm not immune to that just because of what I am or the amount of zeros in my bank account."

"When I get strong emotions, I tend to just pour them out through my music." Josh said. "I suppose we'll just learn to deal with each other and get through this."

"Is there any other way to do it?"

"At least you've got recent experience with mortals," Josh said, then a startled look crossed his face. "It is recent, right? And not recent in the last fifty years recent?"

"Yes, it's definitely recent. In the last ten years, even. But I seem to remember someone promising to eat to gather their strength..."

"Sex, sex, sex, already I feel like I'm being used for my body."

Karl stepped back, roamed his gaze over Josh's bare shoulders and chest. "With a body like yours, do you blame me?"

"Flattery will definitely get you food. And sex. In that order, though." Josh turned back to the stove, tossing in what looked like random spices.

"So, I take it, if I did offer to partner with you in a studio or your own club, that you would turn me down out of some sense of...earning your way?"

"Could you get some plates?" Josh turned off the heat and started scooping up the stir fry, barely waiting for Karl to pull two plates from the cabinet. "Why would you say that?"

"Well, with everything we just -"

"I'm not stupid," Josh said, giving him a level look. "However, I wouldn't just take the money."

"Alright," Karl said, passing the plates to Josh so he could find the silverware and glasses. He waited until they were seated, knees bumping beneath the table, before continuing. "Should I ask what you had in mind, then?"

"Simple," Josh said as he blew on a piece of steak before popping it into his mouth. "I'd expect a contract. And that it would be a business loan."

"You'd want to pay me back?" Which wasn't all that surprising, considering Josh's earlier comments. "Done," he shrugged, and picked up his own fork. "Wow. This is truly delicious."

"Thanks. I watch a lot of cooking shows. Not that I claim to be a top chef or anything, but...anyway, what you do mean, done?"

"Done," Karl repeated. He'd have thought that would be perfectly obvious. "I'll get my lawyers to draw up a contract on the property - my interest rate on loans is 8.62%, by the way - and I'd either get royalties or a cut of the receipts, depending on which way you decided to go."

"That simple?"

"I don't believe in wasting my time when it comes to sound business investments." He had no doubt that Josh would accept the offer. He'd seen Josh's eyes when Karl had made the earlier suggestion of his own studio. The child had dreams, and Karl planned on nurturing every one of them.

"Alright," Josh finally said. "What if I said I'd be interested in well as possibly a production label?"

"I'd say you dream big," Karl smiled. "I take it you have a plan?"

"Not until just now. But I was thinking the label to sign good bands that won't have a chance with the current houses, the studio to keep their costs down, and a club to help them hone their skills and build up a following."

"Sounds like the makings of a solid empire," Karl said, and raised his glass to Josh's. "To your new endeavors and our new partnership."

Josh clinked his glass to Karl's. "To new endeavors and partnerships," he echoed. "I feel a little like Alice down the rabbit hole."

"Well, I promise not to scream for your head too much," Karl smiled.

"That's very comforting."

"I think there could be worse things than sleeping with your financial backer. After all, you could try to convince me to give you a better interest rate."

"Would it work?"

"Not at all," Karl replied, with an unrepentant grin. "But it'd still be fun if you tried."

"Well," Josh said, scooping up the last of his vegetables, "you did say something about other beds..."

"I did," Karl said. His body tightened at the husky sound of Josh's voice, the way those dark eyes managed to look so innocent. "And you said something about needing food to keep up with me."

Josh just smiled and tipped his empty plate in Karl's direction.

"Thank God," Karl fervently said, and wasted no time reaching for Josh. Once Josh was straddling his lap, he ran his hands along a strong back, nipped at the skin just under Josh's collarbone. "I don't think I can wait until we get to a bed," he said, and leaned in to claim one of Josh's nipples.

Josh fisted his hands in Karl's hair, the low moan music to Karl's ears. "We...could...uh...oh fuck..."

"I was hoping you'd say that," Karl replied, and tumbled them both to the floor.

(To Be Continued)

dominic monaghan, elijah wood, lawrence makoare, karl urban, dave wenham, sean bean, claimed 'verse, catalyst, viggo mortensen, harry sinclair, liv tyler, josh hartnett, co-written by brenda and jo, orlando bloom

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