FIC: Catalyst (part 14) (Harry Sinclair, Karl Urban, Orlando Bloom, Dave Wenham)

Jul 10, 2010 14:42

Title: "Catalyst" (Part Fourteen)
Authors: Brenda (azewewish) & Jo (idiosyncratic)
Series: Claimed Universe
Notes: Click here for full disclaimers and pairings.

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven | Part Twelve | Part Thirteen |

The sound of wild, unrestrained laughter drew Karl from the bedroom. He stopped in the door and drank in the sight before him. Harry and Josh were sprawled on the sofa and Orlando was on the floor, arms around his knees. As he watched, they all erupted into laughter again, and he could see Orlando leaning against Harry's thigh to remain upright. Then Karl's eye flicked to the television.

Ah, that explained it. They were watching some obscure British comedy. That would keep them busy for a while. And after, well... Harry was resourceful, so Karl had no doubt he'd come up with something.

//I'm going out.//


//I need to talk to Dave. Alone.//

//Perhaps I'll take the children sightseeing when the program is over. You could meet us after at that pub near Dave's flat.//

//Sounds perfect. And Harry...// The pause was enough to draw Harry's head around, just far enough to see Karl, and Karl knew that Harry couldn't miss the way his eyes flicked to Josh.

//With my life, old man. Both of them. You don't even need to ask.//

//I know. I just like hearing you say it.//

He turned and left the suite silently, to the tune of more laughter spilling from the room. The streets were pleasantly crowded this early hour of the evening, and Karl took his time walking over to Dave's flat, allowed his thoughts to drift. By the time he let himself in, it was full night, and the first stars were just starting to appear. He poured himself a drink and headed to the walled garden out back. Even out here, there were signs of neglect - but somehow seeing the wild state of the flowers and shrubs and vines didn't bother him. It was a good enough place to wait.

It wasn't long before Dave appeared on the patio, bottle and extra glass in hand. "Thought I'd find you here," Dave said. He stood there for a long moment, just watching Karl, and Karl finally lifted his glass in a silent salute.

"I'm glad you came."

"How could I not?" Familiar lips twisted in a wry smile. "The two of us...we still have unfinished business, don't we?"

Karl held out a hand, waited for Dave to take it and settle in the chair beside him. "Before we say anything else, I just want you to know that I am sorry for what I couldn't give you."


"Let me finish. I'm not sorry that I couldn't offer you Harry, whole and completely yours, because that would be a lie. But I am sorry that I didn't do my part to keep you with us - that I let you slip away. I may not be adept at showing what I'm feeling, but you were always cherished."

"I never doubted your feelings," Dave replied, soberly. "I just came to realize that they weren't what I needed."

"I can't help but think if we'd done more," Karl began, then went silent when Dave held up a hand.

"You both did everything right. The problem was with me." He looked down, turned Karl's hand over in his. "I had this idea of Harry, and that's what I fell in love with. I had this foolish thought that what he could give me would be enough, that it wouldn't matter that you, and then Orlando, held the greatest parts of him already. And for a while, it was enough."

"Distance change things, doesn't it?"

"Some," Dave admitted. "But time changes things even more. And when I reached that point...even though I wasn't admitting it to myself yet...Lawrence found me."

"I can feel how much you love him."

"I didn't realize myself until last night."

"I'm sure it helped not to have Harry and me complicating things," Karl replied softly, still wishing there was more he could do. He'd made more than his fair share of mistakes in his long life, but it didn't sit well that Dave should bear the brunt of this particular one. "If this Lawrence of yours can give you what Harry and I could not, then I'm thrilled for you both. I just hope that we haven't ruined what we've built. I would like us bound in friendship, if nothing else."

"I want that, too." Lifting Karl's hand, Dave pressed a soft kisses to his fingers before releasing it.

"Dave..." Karl paused, considering his next words, already knowing how Dave would react. "I'm going to speak to Viggo before he convenes the full Council."

"Karl, don't try -"

Karl held up a hand. "I won't try to take your punishment. I will make sure, however, that Viggo understands that you are not the only one at fault here. We all made mistakes. And I'm going to inform him of my decision to speak before the Council in your defense."

"I was sort of hoping to avoid a full Council vote," Dave admitted. "There are those on Council that never approved of Viggo giving me both the Gift and the position as his assistant so soon."

"He had permission, child," Karl reminded him. "The Council voted and the majority approved you. If there are those that had questions about what Viggo did, they've already had their chance to have their say."

"Still, as my Sire, my punishment should be his to carry out." Then Dave looked at him, eyes haunted. "I know I bitch about him all the time, but I hate the idea that I've done a disservice to him."

"After so many centuries dealing with me and Harry, he's well used to unconventional behavior," Karl said, trying to reassure him. In truth, however, he had no idea how Viggo would react

"Not from me, he isn't."

"No?" Karl arched an eyebrow. "How quickly you forget who it was who it was that gave Orlando the Gift without waiting for permission."

"Well, there is that." Dave said, "Still, for the most part..."

"Yes, I know. You were a model fledgling until we got our hands on you."

"And I wouldn't change it." In Dave's voice, Karl only heard conviction. "There are things I wish I'd done differently, but I don't regret the time we had together."

"I thank you for that. But I think that's something you need to tell Harry more than me," Karl replied, and poured himself another drink. A quick touch to his bond told him that Harry was fine and out with Orlando and Josh, showing them around his favorite haunts. "He blames himself for everything that's happened."

"I plan on talking to him again before Viggo arrives. I will make things right with him."

"He won't get over this easily, but I think hearing that from you will help," Karl said. "In his own way, he does love you, and he'd defend you with his life."

"I know," Dave said, smiling. "I would do the same for him. No questions asked."

"Good." It was no less than what Karl expected. "And I expect to meet your Lawrence very soon. Orlando tells us he owns a gaming company and has tattoos." Which just went to show Orlando's priorities, and bless him for his youth and enthusiasm.

Dave threw back his head and laughed. Karl smiled, enjoying the sound of it as it washed over him. "He really said that? No, nevermind, I believe it. And the answer is yes, to both. He owns the second largest gaming company in the world, and has a multitude of tattoos that all have stories behind them."

"Sounds like an interesting man," Karl said, and meant it. Dave deserved the best.

"He is. And I'd like all of you to come to dinner before you leave." Then Dave set his glass down and moved, straddling Karl's thighs as he settled in Karl's lap. The weight was familiar, welcome. "Tell long did it take Orli to try talking Harry into a tattoo?"

"About five seconds," Karl said, running his hands under Dave's shirt as he brought his lips to the hollow of Dave's throat. He inhaled, imprinting Dave's scent into his memory. He didn't need a bond or anything else to tell him that this would most likely be the last time he and Dave would be like this. "It took another five seconds for Harry to turn him down."

Dave smiled. His pulse throbbed beneath Karl's lips as he stretched and ran lazy fingers down Karl's spine. "Think the child has a chance of talking him into one?"

"I've been trying for centuries," Karl said, and raised his head for Dave's kiss. Warmth and love filtered through their bond, into Karl, and he relaxed into it, letting Dave have whatever he needed. "Feel like heading inside?" he asked, when Dave lifted his head, eyes closed in unmistakable pleasure.

"Best idea you've had since I got here." Dave slid from Karl's lap and pulled him from the chair, stepping in for another slow kiss.

"I manage to come up with a few." He put his hand in Dave's, allowed Dave to lead him into the flat. Pushing the door closed behind him, Karl tugged Dave to him, one arm snug around a lean waist, and relished the shiver that went across his skin at the contact.


"Hush, love." He could hear the regret in Dave's voice, and that was the last thing he wanted. "Only pleasure tonight." If tonight was all they had left for the long, foreseeable future, he didn't want it marred by the past.

"Who am I to say no to a night of pleasure with you?" Dave's smile warmed Karl, even as it sent a tiny stab of pain through him. The idea that they would lose this was staggering, but Karl would do everything he could to keep Dave in their lives, even if only in a small way.

"I knew you were smart," Karl said, just before he caught Dave's lips for another kiss.

(To Be Continued)

dominic monaghan, elijah wood, lawrence makoare, karl urban, dave wenham, sean bean, claimed 'verse, catalyst, viggo mortensen, harry sinclair, liv tyler, josh hartnett, co-written by brenda and jo, orlando bloom

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