FIC: Catalyst (part 8) (Harry Sinclair, Karl Urban, Orlando Bloom, Dave Wenham)

Jun 28, 2010 08:59

Title: "Catalyst" (Part 8)
Authors: Brenda (azewewish) & Jo (idiosyncratic)
Series: Claimed Universe
Notes: Click here for full disclaimers and pairings.

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven |

"Are they dressed?" Josh asked, looking at the house with some trepidation when they pulled into the drive and Harry cut the engine.

"Probably not. Will that bother you?"

"Uh, no, as long as they're not still..." He winced when Harry grinned. "I just don't think Orlando's going to want to be naked around me."

"He's been a vampire for a decade now. There are very few inhibitions left, not that Orlando had many in the first place."

"So, um, I guess we should go in then?"

"No time like the present."

When Josh just stopped at the front door, Harry put a reassuring hand on the small of his back. "I know Karl will want to make sure you're alright, but if you don't want to stick around for the rest, you can take the Viper and go home."

"Thanks," Josh replied, then took a deep breath. "I think I might try to tough it out as long as I can."

"Good man." Harry stepped inside without bothering to knock, like he owned the place - and then Josh remembered Karl telling him that all of the property he owned was held jointly by himself and Harry, so he really did own the place...

And now he was babbling to himself. Fantastic.

Harry walked into the library and Josh stepped in beside him, stopping short when he was at the threshold. Karl and Orlando were both definitely still naked, alright. Naked and curled together on the rug in front of the sofa, clothing strewn everywhere. In fact, the entire room looked like a bomb had gone off - books were littered on the floor, a chair was overturned, and a couple of plants had been uprooted from their pots.

"I hope you didn't damage the first editions," Harry remarked as he stepped over to the small bar and poured two glasses of something amber-colored. When he came back to Josh, he pressed one glass in Josh's hand.

"It was a close call," Karl said, showing no inclination of moving. But the smile he gave Josh was warm and welcoming. "I take it you two had a nice chat?"

"You could say that," Josh said, as Orlando stirred, stretched, and lifted his head. "You two, um, get things straightened out?"

"You could say that."

"Sorry for earlier," Orlando mumbled to Josh. He rubbed his eyes and reached for his jeans. "I was a bit of a prat."

"It's cool." Josh found a chair, taking note of how perfect Karl and Orlando looked together and how Harry's eyes lingered on both of them. "Can't imagine I'd've reacted any better in your position."

"Thanks." Dragging his jeans on, Orlando looked up and flashed Josh a bright smile. Right then, Josh could see what Karl saw in Orlando. And Josh couldn't help but wonder how things were going to change between all of them now that he was involved.

"So..." Harry sprawled out on the sofa, unabashedly watching as Karl rolled to his feet and went searching for his pajama pants. "What did you talk about?"

"Us," Orlando replied. Josh watched with interest as Orlando curled right next to Harry, like he'd been doing it forever. Harry placed an arm around Orlando's shoulder to pull him closer, then tilted his head back to accept Karl's soft kiss.

"What part of us are you talking about?"

"Where we stand, what it all means, the two of you," Karl said, gesturing down at Orlando and Harry.

"What about us?"

"Apparently Karl," Orlando said as he closed his eyes and dropped his head on Harry's shoulder, "has come to the conclusion that I should have been solely yours."

"Is that so?" Harry shot Josh a guarded look, and Josh responded by looking into his empty glass. Interesting how Orlando's and Karl's conversation seemed to have mirrored theirs in certain aspects. He wondered if he should leave, give them some time alone, but then Karl came and sat on the arm of his chair.

"Hey, it was his decision." Orlando waved a hand in Karl's direction. "Of course, I'm not sure he's forgiven me yet for suggesting that he might've wanted to have that particular discussion with Viggo."

Harry pinned Karl with a level stare. "Discussion?"

Karl's shrug was casual, but Josh could feel the nerves thrumming through their bond. And if he could feel it, then Harry totally had to be aware of it. "Orlando seemed to think that I might want to break my bond with him because of Josh."

"Not just Josh," Orlando countered, giving Josh an apologetic smile before continuing. "I thought maybe all that talk of me being Harry's meant you didn't want me."

"I hope you know now how ridiculous that is."

"I do," Orlando replied, then he glanced up at Harry. "You don't seem surprised. That Karl said that, I mean."

"It's something Karl and I have talked about from time to time," Harry said. "I don't think it's a shock how fast you and I bonded."

"It was at first."

"And now?"

"Now I don't think about it any more." Reaching for Harry's hand, Orlando traced a faint scar that ran across the back of it. "I mean, it's part of who we are, right? There's no explanation for it, according to Viggo."

"Viggo doesn't know everything," Harry replied, and brushed his lips across Orlando's forehead. "I think..." He paused, looked at Karl, and they seemed to have some sort of silent communication. "I think that a lot of things were fucked up where you and I were concerned, and that if I had truly met you under normal circumstances, I wouldn't have let Karl go through with the ceremony."

"Well, of course you...what?" Orlando sat up so fast he almost slammed his head into Harry's chin. "The hell is that supposed to mean, you wouldn't have let him claim me?"

Harry didn't look away, didn't even move. He and Orlando might've been the only two people in the room. "I meant that you're mine and I think you were always meant to be mine, and you know it. It doesn't mean you don't love Karl or that he doesn't love you."

Orlando paused, narrowed his eyes as he studied Harry. "You're saying have been the one to...?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying."

"And Karl?" Dark eyes darted towards Karl, then back to Harry. "Would he have -?"

There was another silence as Harry lifted his head and looked at Karl once more. Finally, Karl shrugged in a movement so faint that Josh would have missed if he hadn't been sitting so close to him. Then Harry looked back to Orlando and managed a tired smile. "No, little one, he wouldn't have."

Orlando opened his mouth, closed it. If the situation hadn't been so serious, it would have been comical. "So, why..." Orlando said, after a long pause, "I mean, if I was truly meant to be yours, why did you tell me I had to ask Dave for the Gift? Why not you? Why not strengthen what we already have?"

Harry sighed, the sound heartfelt. He squeezed tight on Orlando's hand. "I was trying to be fair."

"To whom?"

"To Dave," Karl said, softly, and exchanged another look with Harry. "Orlando, let me ask you something. Do you miss him?"

"Dave?" Orlando's forehead wrinkled, and he looked from Karl to Harry and back again. "Of course I do. He's my best friend, aside from Lij."

"Not what he meant."

"Oh. Well, yes. I guess I do, sure."

And the way he said it told Josh everything he needed to know. Apparently, Harry and Karl felt the same way, because they just stared at each other for a moment, then back at Orlando.

"You guess you do?" Harry's voice was gentle.

"Yeah, I mean...he is my Sire. And, y'know, yours and Karl's pet."

"And if we were to tell you that claiming him that way really was a mistake on our part, what would you say then?"

Josh was glad he wasn't in Orlando's shoes, because Orlando looked miserable. "I'd say you should probably correct your mistake," Orlando said, his voice small. "And then I'd ask where that leaves me."

"Right where you were always meant to be," Harry replied. "With us."

Karl gave Josh's hand a tight squeeze, then he let it go, and stood, crossing the room to drop in front of Orlando. "I know you love him," he said. "We all love him. But I think it's been obvious for years that we're not what he wants and he..."

"He was something I needed at the time," Harry continued. "But I made a mistake in trying to make it permanent."

"Maybe this is the conversation you need to be having with Viggo," Orlando said, with a wry smile.

Karl laughed, sounding so relieved that Josh couldn't help smiling. "Maybe it is. I think we need to talk to Dave first, though, don't you?"

Orlando's smile faded. "Probably a good idea. I don't think he'll mind, though. I mean, if it ends between the three of you."

"Why do you say that?"

"Been a long time since he's been home, hasn't it?" Orlando shrugged, then grimaced faintly as he leaned against Harry. "It's gonna be awkward still having him as a Sire, isn't it? I mean, if, y'know, you guys end things."

"It wouldn't be awkward from our end," Karl assured him.

"And your Sire bond with Dave is something else we can bring up with Viggo," Harry added. "If you wanted to change it."

"Holy fuck, you can do that? I thought that was a myth." The minute Josh said the words, he realized that the three of them had more or less forgotten he was in the room.

"No, unmaking isn't a myth. But it's not to be used lightly or on a whim."

"Viggo's only unmade a vampire a handful of times in the 600 years he's been Head of Council," Karl continued. "And, before him, Marton only did it three times in the 1000 years he reigned."

Orlando's eyes went round at unmaking and just got bigger the more Harry and Karl talked. Josh couldn't recall ever seeing a vampire look more, well, dead. "Are you saying that Viggo could...?"

"If I'm remembering correctly, you offered to let Viggo unmake you," Karl said, giving Orlando a small smile. "You remember the night he threw me and Harry off the Council?"

Threw them off the Council? Forget making and unmaking for a minute. Viggo had thrown his two most senior Council members off the fucking Council? What the ever-living fuck had happened?

"Not like I could forget," Orlando grumbled, still visibly shaken. "But I didn't think he could...y'know. Really do it."

"Well, he can. But it's a painful, messy process, and I don't know of any instance in our history where an unmade vampire has been remade. Which is what I'm assuming you would want," Harry said gently, then turned to Josh. "Perhaps you would be more comfortable over here with us, child."

"Good idea." In fact, it was the best idea Josh had heard all night. He scooted across to sit beside Karl on the floor, arms wrapped around his knees. "So, um, if Orlando wanted to call a mulligan on him and Dave, once he was unmade, you're saying he'd be forced to just be a pet? You couldn't turn him again?"

"I really don't know," Karl said, catching Josh's hand before reaching out with his free hand to take Orlando's. "As Harry said, there are no documented cases of it happening."

"Would Viggo know?"

"That's a good question." Harry wrapped both arms around Orlando and started rubbing his back. Orlando was still wide-eyed, but seemed to be calming down.

"Liv would know," Karl said. "If we wanted to ask."

"When's the last time you even saw her?" Harry asked.

"It's been a few decades, but we still keep in touch."

"Who's Liv?" Orlando wanted to know.

"The Elder," Josh replied, without thinking, then looked around as everyone stared at him. "What?"

"Nothing," Harry replied, with a smile. "Let's just say you're a breath of fresh air."

"What's an Elder?" Orlando asked.

"That's not funny."

"I'm not laughing."

"I thought Dave was supposed to be teaching you our history and culture," Karl frowned.

"He, um..." Orlando swallowed, and looked down at their joined hands. "Guess I wasn't a very good student."

Josh didn't need a bond with Orlando to know he wasn't being completely honest. Apparently, Harry and Karl thought the same thing, because the words were barely out of Orlando's mouth before Harry gripped his chin in a firm grip and forced his head up. "Orlando."

Orlando sighed, but didn't attempt to pull away. "He's been in Europe for the last five years, Harry. We haven't had much time together. And when we do...we've had other things to talk about."

"And the five years before that?" The way Orlando wilted beneath Harry's frown was answer enough. "Fucking cocksmoking..."

"Sire abandonment could be a good excuse, should we need one," Karl mused.

Harry nodded. "It could." Then his look softened. "It's not your fault, Orlando. And to answer your question, The Elder is the oldest of our kind, and the keeper of our history. Her name is Liv. Karl's a little more of an expert on her, however," he said, giving Karl a look that Josh couldn't quite decipher.

"If there's an answer, she would have it," Karl shrugged, seemingly not bothered by Harry's glance.

"Of course, in order to consult with her on this, we'd need to go through Viggo. We can't do a runaround on this one," Harry said. He didn't sound pleased at the thought. "And we'd have to tell him that Dave's abandoned his duties to Orlando."

"That would be bad for Dave, wouldn't it?" Orlando's soft voice put into words exactly what Josh was thinking.

"Sire abandonment is a serious issue," Karl said. "You already know that we don't make new vampires lightly. And it's important that fledglings be taught our laws and history and culture and how to control themselves. If a fledgling's Sire fails to do that..."

"Then there's no discipline," Harry continued. "And you're left with beings that can kill you before you're even aware they're close."

"At the very least," Karl added, thumb rubbing over the back of Orlando's knuckles, "Dave stands to lose his job as Viggo's assistant. And he'll most likely be removed from all Council related duties."

"And if Viggo's in a bad mood?" Josh couldn't resist asking, knowing they were mentioning the lightest punishments.

"He could be banished or unmade," Harry answered quietly, sounding troubled. "Or killed."

"Killed?" Orlando's eyes grew saucer-wide. "Viggo could kill him?"

"It is one possibility," Karl said, and ran a soothing hand across Orlando's back. "We wouldn't let that happen. The Council would have to vote on a punishment that severe, and Harry and I would never allow it to stand. He's still ours."

"Dave would have to know, though, I mean...right?" Josh looked from Harry to Orlando to Karl. "That what he was doing is against your laws?"

"He definitely knows." Once again, Harry and Karl seemed to have another silent conversation. "I suppose this means we're going to London."

(To Be Continued)

dominic monaghan, elijah wood, lawrence makoare, karl urban, dave wenham, sean bean, claimed 'verse, catalyst, viggo mortensen, harry sinclair, liv tyler, josh hartnett, co-written by brenda and jo, orlando bloom

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