FIC: Catalyst (part 10) (Harry Sinclair, Karl Urban, Orlando Bloom, Dave Wenham)

Jul 02, 2010 13:31

Title: "Catalyst" (Part Ten)
Authors: Brenda (azewewish) & Jo (idiosyncratic)
Series: Claimed Universe
Notes: Click here for full disclaimers and pairings.

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine |

Orlando stared out his window as their driver made his way along the winding, crowded streets. He hadn't said a word since getting into the car. When Josh cleared his throat, Orlando dragged his eyes from the passing scenery and looked at him.

"So, um, you okay?"

"Just peachy," Orlando said, voice flat, face carefully neutral. The last thing he wanted right now was a heart to heart with Karl's new pet. Karl's new pet... He wondered how long it would take him to get used to it.

"No offense or anything, but you don't exactly look peachy."

"I suppose you're an expert now?" Orlando knew he sounded like the worst sort of snobbish dick, but he couldn't help himself. Call him selfish.

"Not on you, no, but I think I've been pissed off enough in my life to know what it looks like," Josh shrugged. "I'm not saying we have to be BFF or anything like that, but if you wanted to vent, I've got your back."

Fine, if Josh wanted to talk, then Orlando would talk. "They're blocking me."

"What? Oh, you mean, Karl and Harry?"

"Yes." His answer was short, but Orlando wasn't going to apologize. He was still too hurt and angry. "He's my Sire, goddamn it."

"And their pet," Josh pointed out, then held up his hands when Orlando glared at him. "Look, I'm not saying you don't have a right to be pissed, but you're gonna get a chance to talk to him. Or is it just that you feel left out?"

"They're discussing my future, too," Orlando muttered, and went back to looking out the window. Damn it, he should be there. And fuck Harry. Arrogant bastard.

"Maybe they're not," Josh said. "Maybe they're discussing their future with him, and they'll leave you to discuss your future with him. It doesn't all have to be about you, you know."

"I know that."

"Dude, from right here, it sort of looks like you've got your panties in a twist because they're doing something without you. You must not get told no a lot."

"Look, I get told no more than you think," Orlando said, turning his full attention back on Josh. "You have no idea what Harry's like. And all you know about me is what you've heard from Karl. Who's totally biased. Just ask anyone who knows him."

"So tell me about yourself, then."


"It's true, the only things I know about you are what Karl's told me. So I'm asking you to fill me in on Orlando Bloom, wunderkind of the vampire world. I'm obviously not going anywhere, so now's your chance to have a captive audience."

"Wunderkind? Seriously, mate, fuck you."

"You have no idea how much other vampires talk about you, do you?" Josh asked, with what sounded like genuine curiosity. "My great-aunt Kate talked about you for a solid month after all the shit with you and Karl and Harry went down back in the day."

"I, uh, wait. She did?" People really talked about him? Orlando'd always thought that Viggo had made that up just to annoy him.

"Yeah, man, you were the rarest of the rare. A bonded pet to two bonded vampires."

"It was nothing," Orlando said, and felt the tell-tale blush creep into his cheeks. Damn it. "Just, you know, happened. Not like I set out to be the freak."

"Hey." Josh reached across the seat and touched Orlando's hand. "I've been around a few vampires, and I've never heard any of them describe you as a freak. They...I dunno how to put it, but it's like they revere your uniqueness."

"Unique, freak, it's all one and the same, innit?"

"It's not the same thing at all. You act like you're ashamed of what you've got with them."

"I'm not!" Orlando was horrified that Josh would even think that. "I could never..."

"Then why call yourself a freak? Fuck, if I had the protection and love and the bond of the two most senior members of the Council, I would shout that shit from every rooftop as often as I could."

"You do," Orlando reminded him. Reminded himself. Josh was a pet now. Mostly. Karl's pet. "I mean, you're not sleeping with Harry -"

"And thank God that's not in the job description."

Orlando was certain his eyes had to be popping out of his head, but really, who could blame him? "Are you blind or something?"

"Nope," Josh replied cheerfully. "Got two eyes and I can see just fine. Harry is, without a doubt, the most breath-taking man I have ever seen in my life and he does not do a goddamn thing for me."

"There must be something wrong with you."

"Nope, just my bond with Karl in action. I'm not supposed to feel an attraction to Harry or any other vampire that's not Karl."

His words brought a frown to Orlando's face. The bond. "Which just proves I am a freak."

"I dunno. Can't imagine Harry falling in love with a freak."

"Fell for Karl, didn't he?"

"Yeah, well, Karl's unique," Josh shrugged, then looked out the window when their car stopped. "Is this us?"

"Suppose so," Orlando replied, looking at the hotel. "Karl and Harry have a house we normally stay at when we're here on business, but I guess they felt like slumming it."

"Slumming it?" Josh gave Orlando a disbelieving look as the valet opened their door and ushered them to the ornately furnished foyer. "I didn't think you'd been a vampire all that long."

"Ten years next month," Orlando said, with more than a little pride in his voice. He gave his name to the girl at the front desk, then nodded as she handed him the keys and motioned a bellhop over with instructions to escort them to the penthouse.

"So you're still an infant."

Orlando gave Josh a flat look, unable to tell if he was sincere or taking the piss. "I am, yes," he finally said, "but I'm learning."

"Yeah, yeah, I don't doubt that," Josh said, with a wave of his hand. "But you're still really young, and you're already used to all of this?" He opened his arms, made a huge circle.

"What's wrong with this?" Orlando asked with a frown. "It's a nice hotel. I've stayed here before."

Josh stepped with him into the elevator. "It's a penthouse in a five-star hotel in the middle of one of the most expensive cities in the world and you're calling it slumming, that's what's wrong with this."

"That's because you," Orlando said, with a sly grin, "haven't seen their house here. It's a bloody estate."

"Estate?" Josh's eyes widened, and Orlando laughed. Guess Karl hadn't told him everything.

"Estate. Complete with stables, fields, servant cottages, and more land than a small city." Removing his jacket and tossing it aside, Orlando stretched, then tipped the bellhop. "Seriously, mate, Karl and Harry both have more money than the entire Catholic Church. And once Karl's taken you shopping for a new wardrobe, you'll start to get a sense of what you can start to expect from all of this."

"Wardrobe?" Josh looked down at his jeans, t-shirt and hoodie, then back up at Orlando. "What's wrong with the way I dress?"

"Nothing." Suddenly, he was having more fun than he could remember in weeks. "You look very comfortable. But you're moving in different circles now."

"I am?"

"Well, yeah, as you said, you're pet to the second highest ranking member on the Council. There are obligations that go along with that."

Josh narrowed his eyes. It looked sort of cute. "You're fucking with my head. I don't need to be involved in that part of his life. He's got you and Harry for escorting duties."

Orlando laughed. Josh looked like he really believed what he was saying, too. "I hate to break it to you, but you are going to be his escort for a lot of parties and functions. It's all part of being a pet. What did you think you were going to do once you accepted the bond? It's not just sex."

"I'm aware of that. If it was just sex, I'd be a companion. I just didn't think I'd have to be a part of the politics."

Dropping into a chair, one leg tucked up beneath his body, Orlando grinned. "You get used to it. But make him take you to see Trivinia for your wardrobe. Trust me."

"No, I don't think I will trust you," Josh decided, and dropped into the chair across from Orlando. "And, in any case, I'm not very good at high society parties. My aunt used to drag me to some of them. They're really boring."

"This aunt of yours? You said she's a vampire?"

Josh nodded. "Yeah. I mean, she's got more greats in front of her name than I can count, but we're related."

"Must be nice," Orlando mused. "Having someone who could teach you all about their ways. I didn't know dick when I met Karl."

"Seriously? Nothing?"

I mean, I knew a few basics, but that was it. Poor Karl didn't have the first clue what to do with me, and then Harry came along at my introductory party, and that was all before it got really complicated."

"Sounds like a story."

"You have no idea."

"Well, come on." Josh stood, gestured to the door. "I've never been to London, so you can keep me company while I wander around and tell me everything I need to know now that I'm mixed up with you guys."

Maybe Josh wouldn't be so bad to have around after all. "Deal."

(To Be Continued)

dominic monaghan, elijah wood, lawrence makoare, karl urban, dave wenham, sean bean, claimed 'verse, catalyst, viggo mortensen, harry sinclair, liv tyler, josh hartnett, co-written by brenda and jo, orlando bloom

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