FIC: Catalyst (part 44) (Harry Sinclair, Karl Urban, Orlando Bloom, Dave Wenham)

Sep 17, 2010 21:06

Title: "Catalyst" (Part Forty-Four)
Authors: Brenda (azewewish) & Jo (idiosyncratic)
Series: Claimed Universe
Notes: Click here for full disclaimers and pairings.

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven | Part Twelve | Part Thirteen | Part Fourteen | Part Fifteen | Part Sixteen | Part Seventeen | Part Eighteen | Part Nineteen | Part Twenty | Part Twenty-One | Part Twenty-Two | Part Twenty-Three | Part Twenty-Four | Part Twenty-Five | Part Twenty-Six | Part Twenty-Seven | Part Twenty-Eight | Part Twenty-Nine | Part Thirty | Part Thirty-One | Part Thirty-Two | Part Thirty-Three | Part Thirty-Four | Part Thirty-Five | Part Thirty-Six | Part Thirty-Seven | Part Thirty-Eight | Part Thirty-Nine | Part Forty | Part Forty-One | Part Forty-Two | Part Forty-Three

"Yes," Karl replied, over Josh's hoot of laughter, "it is." He pulled up into the lot behind 'Sophistication' and gave Josh a smile. "C'mon."

" not a restaurant."

"Clever boy."

"I thought we were on a schedule."

"We are."

"Then what is this?" Josh gestured around as Karl pulled him through the front door. Then Josh got his first look at Trivinia - petite, blonde, and dressed in her usual severe black - waiting for them, and Karl had to look at the ceiling to keep from laughing.

"Trivinia, lovely to see you again. Josh, meet Trivinia."

Josh gave a bemused wave. "Hey."

In answer, Trivinia took Josh's hands and spread his arms out, holding them there as she looked him up and down. Karl noticed her expertly styled pageboy didn't move by so much as a hair. "Karl, he's gorgeous," she said, at length, dropping Josh's hands and putting an expertly manicured finger to ruby red lips. "Look at those lines."

"I'm sorry, what the hell are you talking about? Who are you?"

Trivinia spoke over Josh like he hadn't said a word. "John Varvatos, definitely. And Armani. He was made to wear Armani."

"I agree," Karl replied, even though he knew his opinion wasn't needed, or particularly wanted.

Her eyes slanted to Karl and a tiny smile curled her lips. "Classic for the suits. Bold dark over white or pale green shirts," she said, eyes shifting back to study Josh once more. "And earth tones to offset the bold." She nodded again and took Josh's hand. "He'll be exquisite."

"But...who...what -"

"Don't fight it," Karl said, giving in to the laughter. "Even Harry knows better than to tell her no."

"Speaking of, tell him it's been too long since his last fitting," Trivinia said, and turned sharply on one heel. "Come along, Josh."

Josh flashed Karl an irritated glare. "Seriously, what the hell?"

"Just get everything she tells you," Karl smiled, enjoying himself. "It'll all go on my tab, and I don't trust anyone else in this city to dress me or those close to me."

"Yeah, yeah, alright, I get it, I'm a human mannequin," Josh shrugged, and took a step after her. "But you so owe me for ambushing me."

"I'll make it up to you. Oh, and tell her you want one of the Armanis to wear out tonight."

Josh's head popped back into view. "You said where we were going wasn't coat and tie!"

"It's not," Karl said, smiling as he settled into a chair to wait. "Just indulge me. I've never seen you in a suit."

"Seriously owe me," Josh grumbled as he vanished again.

Karl sat back to wait, humming softly. He had no doubt that Trivinia would surpass his expectations. He bided his time, taking a few calls and getting the ball rolling on a complicated merger that would strengthen the hospitality end of his holdings. He was in the middle of an email when Trivinia came back out, followed by Josh. Karl's smile of welcome died as he got a good look at Josh, who was now in an impeccably cut slate grey suit and crisp white shirt that was offset by a discreetly patterned tie.


Josh spread his hands wide. "I take it you approve."

"Very much." Karl circled Josh, ruthlessly tamping down his body's immediate reaction, until he faced Josh's small smile with one of his own. "You clean up well."

"Thanks," Josh mumbled, flushing a little, and Karl was pleased to see the spark of defiance still lurking in his eyes. It looked like Josh hadn't yet forgiven him for springing Trivinia on him like that.

"The rest will be delivered the end of the week," Trivinia said brusquely, and Karl smiled, used to her abrupt, no nonsense demeanor. "When will you need his clothes for the ceremony and party?"

"End of the week is fine," Karl said, fingers lightly circling Josh's wrist. "I trust your judgment on the details."

"After all this time, I would hope so." She looked Karl up and down, then transferred her gaze to Josh and smiled. "He's just as pretty as Orlando."

With that, she disappeared into the back again, and Karl gently pulled Josh towards the door.

"Seriously, what the fuck was that about?"

"I'd apologize, but -"

"I wouldn't believe it," Josh said, giving Karl a look as they got into the car.

"No, I didn't think you would," Karl replied, with an unrepentant grin. "If it makes you feel better, I did the same for Orlando when I first claimed him. Besides, she's responsible for the wardrobe of the entire Council."

"Of course she is," Josh said, as Karl turned onto Burton.

"It wasn't that bad, was it?"

"Not really, but now I know what male models must feel like. Or Ken dolls."

Karl smoothly slid a hand to cup Josh's crotch, then grinned when Josh jumped. "Definitely not a Ken doll."

"Stop that." Josh managed to capture Karl's hand just as they pulled up to the valet. "Behave."

"Where's the fun in that?" Karl leered as the valet opened his door, and Josh just shook his head.

As Karl came around the front of the car, Josh looked at the restaurant and let out a low whistle. "Il Cielo? Nice."

Karl repeated the name, giving it the correct pronunciation. "Have you been here before?"

"No." Josh looked around as Karl gave his name to the maître d'. "It's a little out of my price range."

"Not anymore."

"Still," Josh argued, as the maître d' led them to one of the private garden tables and handed Karl the wine list. "I haven't earned anything yet."

Karl frowned. "You know what the pet ceremony entails. What's mine will be yours."

"And I appreciate it, but I don't want your money. This is nice, don't get me wrong, and so was your credit card in redoing the house, but it's not...I don't care about any of it."

"Now you sound like Harry. I think he'd be just as happy living in a tent somewhere in the middle of nowhere in the desert."

"I think he'd live on Mars if you were there."

"Be hard to breathe on Mars, even for a vampire." He grinned when Josh made a face at him. "Look, consider the money as a bonus. Icing on the cake."

"That's not the point."

"No," Karl said, softly, reaching across the table to take Josh's hand. "I know what the point is, and I appreciate knowing you're in this for more than money. But that doesn't change the fact that the money is yours now. It's part of the package. I'll make you earn it, just as Orlando does. You'll find out he's hardly a kept boy."

"Well, I didn't think you'd put a fucktoy in charge of some of your companies, nor take one as a pet, for that matter," Josh shrugged. "Just because I think he's spoiled doesn't mean I don't think he's smart. Viggo wouldn't have tapped him for his assistant otherwise."

"Fair enough." He handed Josh the wine list. "Pick something."

"Shouldn't you be more of an expert on wine than me?" Josh asked, but took the list and scanned it. "The 2004 Cogno Baralo Rivera is fine," he told their waiter, who nodded, then left.

Karl raised an eyebrow. "A man who knows his wines." He didn't know why he was so surprised. But then, he supposed, there was a lot about Josh he didn't know.

"Thank Aunt Kate," Josh grinned. "I spent a lot of time with her in Italy and France traipsing about vineyards on my summer breaks. Why, was this a test? What'd I win?"

"That's a secret."

"Why am I not surprised? So, what do you recommend, food-wise?"

"Well..." Karl perused the menu, then closed it with a snap as the sommelier appeared with their bottle. After Karl tasted the wine, he allowed the sommelier to pour them each a glass. "Do you trust me?"

"Um, yes," Josh said, but looked skeptical. Karl just snagged the menu from in front of him.

"Good," he said, handing the menus to the waiter, his eyes focused on Josh. "He'll have the Scialatielli Sorrentini con Astice e Pomodoretti, and I'll have the Zuppa di Pesce. And I think we'll start with the Antipasto Il Cielo."

"Very good, sir," the waiter said, bowing slightly before whisking himself off.

"So it was a test, then?"

"I didn't say that," Karl said, with a small smile, fingers toying with the stem of his wineglass as he watched Josh.

Josh saluted him with his own glass. "I may not have your considerable experience, but I'm not some green kid."

"I haven't thought that since the night we met," Karl answered honestly.

"Good." Josh nodded his approval once he tasted the wine. "Just as good as I remember."

"You really don't think I'd think less of you for your lack of knowledge in certain areas, do you?" Karl asked, genuinely curious.

(To Be Continued)

dominic monaghan, elijah wood, lawrence makoare, karl urban, dave wenham, sean bean, claimed 'verse, catalyst, viggo mortensen, harry sinclair, liv tyler, josh hartnett, co-written by brenda and jo, orlando bloom

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