Episode reviews by
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5.19 Caps this week by
cybel , gifs by
*I know, this is insanely late.*
The Far Side of Hammer Of The Gods
We're in the home stretch, baby, and I have some stuff I'm gonna say, so BUCKLE UP.
First off, I feel I should inform everyone reading this that it will contain just about EVERY. SINGLE. CAP. of Sam CONTROLING HIS TEMPER, of which there are MANY, especially since everyone seems to be working so damn hard to PISS HIM OFF.
It didn't work. It pissed me off instead.
You've been warned.
Also, I shall yell at fandom a lot in this review. Understand that I'm not really including ... well, anyone that's on my flist, for one, in said yelling, but I feel the need to yell. This one's all about anger, and Imma vent some of mine.
Like so:
I've heard chit-chat that this episode was boring. DENIED. People are whiiiiiining that there was nooOooooo Caaaaaas, waaaaaaaaah, well GUESS. WHAT. Last year *I* thought episode 20 was boring except for the 3 Sam parts, SO THERE. Payback is a bitch, ain't it?
Cas will be back, keep your violently orange panties on. Let's try to focus on Sam and Dean for two seconds, hmmmmm?
\o/ Now that I've offended pretty much everyone - on to the review! \o/
This dude looks EXACTLY how my friend CJ would look, if he had a beard. And a syringe in his neck.
And also longer hair, a little. But I kid you not - I've SEEN him make that EXACT same face. Without the syringe.
I want to know how they get the blood to fling so fast.
I've tried it here at the house, and it just isn't working out the same.
Dean: Hey, check it out, I look like the King of Pop!
Sam: *throws arms*
Dean: Too soon? Too soon.
Me: LOLZ!!
I was a little confused why this Doctor was so bzuuh that the CDC would ask exactly what the symptoms were and if they included mood change. A lot of viruses do that. I was NOT confused why she was bzuuh over them connecting it to crying statues.
I suppose when it's the end of the world, subtlety goes out the window?
Dear Dean,
What do you mean you don't get why Pestilence is serving up Swine Flu? They just TOLD you they need more vaccine! I KNOW YOU'VE SEEN THE MOVIES!!!!
In disbelief,
PS - There had better be a Resident Evil or 28 Days reference somewhere in the next 2 episodes, or my world view will have been EXTREMELY shifted.
Dear Bobby,
You've probably never seen Resident Evil. You are excused.
*Pats on the hat*
Nice watching this part in retrospect knowing he was listening in on their conversation. He's been waiting, hearing about them following the trail in town after town after town, and he didn't pop up until they were totally out of leads. He KNEW they'd have to be desperate before they would trust him. He's not an idiot.
Fandom: Omgggggg, Sam's so aaaaaaaaaaaangry, HE TRIED TO KILL CROWLEY!
Me: Yeah, and Dean's first words were 'Did you get him?' So shaddap.
Angry!Sam is angry. For perfectly legit reasons. And he's YELLING, ZHOMFROG, SOMEBODY CALL THE STRAIGHTJACKET SQUAD, HE'S OUT OF CONTROL!!!
*extreme eyeroll*
Hey Fandom,
Instead of bitching that Sam yells a lot, maybe try remembering how badly you raked Sam over the coals for NOT BEING ANGRY ENOUGH about Jo and Ellen's deaths and APOLOGIZING TO HIM? How about THAT?
Go ahead, he's right here. Say you're sorry.
I'll wait.
Psh. Who am I kidding. Hell would freeze over by then. Fine, I'll move on, but I'm watching you.
Can we just take a second to totally love on Mark Sheppard?
"Call off your dog."
'Give me one good reason.'
"I can get you Pestilence."
So, here's a familiar conversation.
Sam: "Why are you here?"
Ruby: "Look, I can't bring Dean back. But I can get you something else you want."
Sam: "Heh. And what's that?"
Ruby: "Lilith."
And it's the exact REVERSE of ANOTHER familiar conversation.
Sam: "Demons - they get their power from demons."
Ruby: "Yeah. And there's one here, now."
Dean: "What, you mean besides you?"
Ruby: "Sam, it knows you're in town. It's gonna come after you and and it's way more than you can handle."
Dean: "Oh come on, what is this? Please tell me you're not listening to this crap!"
Ruby: "Put a leash on your brother, Sam, if you wanna keep him!"
Sam's days of trusting demons are over, which is just what everyone else wanted from him.
And ... they should be, right? RIGHT?
The real tragedy here is that no matter how many times this happens, no matter who pops up and offers assistance, no matter how often it ends badly - they have no choice but to take the risk every. single. time. Because if they don't, and they fail, they'll never know if they could have won if only they'd listened.
Put on the reeeeeed liiiight, put of the REeEed liiiight ...
Heheheh. Red light special? Everything must go? I amuse entertain myself.
There are sigils and signs and drawings ALL OVER THIS HOUSE. Needs moar caps.
More bars in more places. *snerk*
So, Crowley has been tracking the boys with a magic coin that doubles as a bug. My head immediately started racing trying to think of all the things Crowley must have HEARD since episode 10. OUCH.
"He's what you might call the horseman's stable boy. He handles their itineraries, their personal needs. He's who you want, believe me."
"That bitch can hide. But I finally have a lead on someone who can help us. You might call her a ... personal chef."
*leaves that there*
This cap rocks because it reminds me of the way Sam used to frame Ruby. It's LIKE THEY DID IT ON PURPOSE ZHOMG.
I don't think that nnnnnnnnnngh.....*gurgles*
The Niveus sign even LOOKS like the Umbrella Corporation sign!
Seriously, go play or watch Resident Evil, right now. We can wait.
It also looks like a 6 bullet revolver chamber. But whatever.
'Brady's' rant in the meeting sounded very corporate and asshole-ish. As a whole, I didn't find him creepy at all, I just kind of wanted to beat him over the head a bunch of times with a crowbar, threaten him with hellhounds and then shank him with the knife.
Awww. I love you, Show.
Dear Surgeon General,
Tell that to my boss.
Eyerollingly yours,
Just to freak out everyone watching this with me at the time, I pointed and flailed and said it was Meg. Heheheh.
Of course there is no chance this dude is, or was ever, Meg. But I'll go far enough as to say that he was in the same demonic echelon as Meg. I wonder if he was another of Azazel's demonic 'children'. I wonder if they all came from the 'other generations' of psychic kids and they all turned into demons as they used their powers. I wonder if it's Thursday yet.
blacklid , you ever feel like we're the balls in the middle? Shut up.
This speech just made me laugh. Crap rolls downhill even in demon land. LOL.
CGI FLIES. Approved.
This is the coolest shack thingy ever. It's right on the bay and it has an excellent city view. If they fixed it up a little, they could retire!! :D
So here we have Sam questioning Crowley. As well he should, since every single thing Crowley has said so far has been an exact replica of something he's heard Ruby say.
I liked how Crowley cut right across the issue and asked Dean, and Sam was so sure Dean would never agree, and he was right. Sadly, it only lasted about 2 seconds.
This sigil on the wall is the same one they later carve into Brady. I'm still trying to figure out what good it would do on a WALL. This whole house reminds me of Hell House, actually.
Dear Crowley,
Yer face is all red. I thought we already decided that you didn't HAVE to put on the red light tonight.
Confusedly yours,
Dean's explanation, 'What can I say, I believe the guy.' seems a little thin, but sometimes gut instinct is all you have to go on, and Dean's gut instinct has saved them more times than it's lead them wrong.
This house has a REALLY awesome tree in front of it. *shifty eyes*
*12 things at once*
I love that Sam can call up Bobby and have a drink over skype the phone and vent a little, and I love that Bobby gets both sides and tries to help Sam see, and I love that Sam's not really mad as much as he's just hurt by it, which is totally natural, and I love that Bobby lets him vent and gets it for what it is without accusing Sam of over or under reacting.
And I love Sam's emo!drinking face.
I love how tired and "Ehh, yeah, I guess" Bobby sounds. At SOME point you figure - maybe crazy's the only game in town. Hell, it's paid off for them plenty of times before. And sure, a few other times it didn't and that's how they got into this mess - but they're all still alive and they're all on the same team again and so what the heck - what else have they got to lose.
Bad question, Bobby. Baaaad.
This is the epitome of drinking for a little liquid courage. Opening with "Hey Bobby - remember that one time at band camp you got possessed?" was SO FUNNY. Poor Sam, he's trying to be all casual, but he knows this conversation isn't going to end well.
Hence the alcohol.
"Yeah, it rings a BELL."
"What if we lead him to the edge - and I jump in?"
*iz not here right nao on account of
As for the rest -
This is exact copypasta of my rant from immediately after watching the episode.
I'm sckNtired of everyone telling Sam he's sooOOoooo angry, he can't control his temper. SINCE WHEN? Name me a time that Sam did something out of impulse, besides yell (Which ALL people do when they are angry) because he was ANGRY.
The only times I can think of where Sam was out of control are times when he lost it because of the hunger.
Was he angry at Lilith or Alistair? Sure. But he was calm when he killed them, and he had perfectly good reasons both times. Also also, historically, he's always been the most level headed of the two of them.
So SHADDAP. *schmacks Bobby somewhat gently* THINK.
In FACT, Sam's biggest problem has always been bottling UP his anger, letting it burn over the long haul - like DEAN TOLD HIM. Just because when you finally get a chance to fight, you use that bottled rage to fight (5.11), doesn't mean you can't control your temper. Even just his confession at the end of that episode - "I AM Angry ..." is proof that he's been holding it all in.
So, yeah. SickNtired of THAT CRAP.
*drinks with Sam*
Since then I have decided that the ONLY time I could see where people could argue that Sam was angry and lost control is when he fought Dean in 4.21, but I disagree. Sam was in control during the entire fight, especially during the choking part. If he wasn't? Dean would have gotten killed.
So yeah. I get that he just scared the crap out of you, but don't you dare whip out the 'You ain't exactly Mr. Anger Management.'
Also - Bobby never answered the question. I think it's because he doesn't know the answer. John wouldn't have known the answer, either.
It's because of Dean, not because of the person doing the demon wrestling.
Meanwhile, at The Umbrella Corporation, Dean and Crowley are trying to figure out how to penetrate the Hive.
CrapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrapCRAP.... Lol.
I WOULD like to point out here that Ruby never would have pulled that stunt. Because Sam would have ditched her in a heartbeat, and she KNEW it. That was Before, though - desperate times, I guess. Still. Not cool.
Lol @ Dean's OMGWTFBBQ face.
Seriously though, I headdesked through this ENTIRE scene, because I have NEVER seen Dean go so long without pulling the car over in a rage and demanding to know the PLAN, DAMMIT, before he goes ONE step further. Never.
Also LOL @ Dean walking in and wiping off the knife on some random corporate guy's jacket.
*loves on Dean*
I mean - did he even LISTEN to what he was supposed to say? Since when would a Winchester sell out to demons for something as stupid as MONEY? Thinnest. Cover story. EVER.
I like the added little touch here that Brady's first question is how Sam is.
*whines and wants to be at part 3*
Yes, Dean. In case you were wondering, this DID just get very, very bad. RUN.
*dives behind couch*
Seriously though, does Dean have, like, adamantium ribs? He does, right? He's immortal enough to be Wolverine ...
Little details like Dean keeping his back to cover make me happy. It's the small stuff that underlines that yes, they do get their asses kicked, but they DO have training and they ARE still pros.
This guy is NUTS. The last time I remember anybody bashing someone in the head THAT many times, it was .... Dean. Crap.
Sam: "And you decided to tell me this just now."
Ruby: "Um - demon? Manipulative's kind of in the job description."
They're all always so up front about it; not sure why it comes as such a shock.
New sigil! It's a trident looking thing with a horizontal line across the staff part.
Also, If you lock something INTO a body, and the body takes control back ... do you get to spend the rest of your life being those two dudes from Soul Eater!? :D
It's much bigger and placed more centrally than the binding link Meg used on Sam before - that was a circle with a line through it. I wonder what the difference is, exactly, besides one being a brand and one being a carving.
Turns out, Crowley knew about this demon and Sam all along. Somehow that doesn't surprise me in the least.
The important thing to remember here, is that as soon as Dean finds out what that history IS, he told Crowley to stick it where the sun don't shine and headed back to Sam.
*cookies Dean*
Part Two