5.03 Review, Part 1

Oct 01, 2009 20:01

I know I wasn't my usual first-responder type self last week with the talking and the thinking and whatnot - but it's only because Show ATE MY HEART FOR DINNER. However, I DID make up a new word - Omniversitudinal - which should tell you something, at least.

At any rate, here is my incredibly late and probably not nearly coherent enough review, in all new picspam format.
blacklid and I are switching off.)

Supernatural 5.3 - Free to be You and Me
(This review is brought to you by the letter C and the number 113.)

To see previous episodes, click.



I'd like to start this very srs review with an important script-to-screen difference. Luckily there is visual evidence of the changes they made. Dear Jared Sam Jared; you are HOT. Love, T.

Now that we got that out of the way ...

Here we see Sam, sleeping in bed with no shirt for perfectly legit reasons.

Seemingly restless, he wakes suddenly to find he is in bed with none other than Jessica, his One True and Tragically Lost Love. I love the callbacks to the Pilot not once but both times he sees her.

He is quite obviously surprised, with perfectly good reason. This next part prompted a very deep conversation with blacklid.

Tahiri: The way he STARES at her like he forgot what she looked like just kills me.
Lid: Or like he's afraid she's going to disappear if he blinks.
Tahiri: Oh GOD. *dies*

Even while telling him there is no escape from the cycle of Hell his life has become, she truly looks sympathetic. And she calls him Baby a lot. And I know it's not her but I MISS THAT FOR HIM OH GOD. *cries some more*

The first thing he says is how much he misses her. It makes me wonder how many times he's dreamed about her, and if he tells her how much he misses her every time - and how many times she's berated him for her death in his dreams for him to not notice that she isn't exactly being loving.

To summarize, Oh, Sam. *sobs*

Of course it seems obvious that it would be Lucifer NOW, but they did a good job faking us out with making us think those sigils were a good thing and not a Supernatural GPS,  and of course we still don't know for sure they aren't no matter how unconvinced we are, so naturally the first thing you are supposed to think is AWWWW, JESS!!!


Hello, Shiny New Title Card of Awesome! \o/

Show: *shiny new title card of awesome*
Tahiri: I thought this season was supposed to be metal ...
YED: "He's gonna tear you apart. He's gonna taste the IRON in your BLOOD"
Tahiri: Heh heh heh ..


Show opens this episode with the 'The More Things Change the More They Stay the Same' montage.

According to exhaustive research done by blacklid, Ford started the Apocalypse. (See 'The Road So Far' link.) And it is age-old knowledge that Pontiacs are the Jedi and Fords are the Sith, (See Transformers and Knight Rider) and so I am somewhat comforted by the fact that, Impala or no, Sam is still riding around in a Chevy.

On the other hand ..... IMPALA! *sobs and clings some more*

Seeing Sam burn his IDs HURTS, you guys. HOWEVER - while it could be taken as a sign that Sam sees himself as done for good, (something that he definitely did NOT say to his brother) my first impression was that he was removing the temptation to hunt. Can't do the job right without IDs, so it's just more motivation to stay put. Also, he can always make new ones.

Still - I wonder if the 'Bikini inspector' one is in there, and ..... *sobs and clings*

Having spent the last year watching his brother turn into a whole new breed of vampire, the first thing Dean does, naturally, is go hunting for vampires. I mean - I would, wouldn't you?


Dear Dean;
I do not approve of this new knife. It looks cheap, such as that what you'd find in a pawn shop. I miss the Machette. Fix. It.
Love, T.

PS - Although I do love you forever for the twilight reference joke.

Sam, meanwhile, is adhering to the age-old adage that when life hands you lemons, you make lemonade.

Or shots. Y'know, whatever.

I love that the first thing Sam does is to take a job, get a place to stay and try to fit in like a functioning member of society. Especially in light of his earlier later dream-conversation with Jess, when he says last time he wanted to be normal but this time he knows he's a freak. One wonders if he 'knew he was a freak' BEFORE the blood incident in the bar, and he was just now realizing that grasping for normalcy was a mistake, or if he knew it all along, in which case ... why would he get a job at a bar?


In the spirit of being true blood brothers, SamnDean have both decided to slice up
Things With Stuff Inside Them that You Wouldn't Like Inside You.

~*~Musical Interlude~*~
(Barenaked Ladies - "It's all been done before")

Oh hai, Bloodlust. Everyone saw you there.
Don't worry - Imma them everywhere ELSE you are. *evil glee*

They both feel the need to make things clean, and while there have been insane amounts of past meta on the cleanliness and state of the Impala reflecting how Dean feels inside, this is the first time in canon we've seen Dean wash her. And he knows it, too, 'cos look at him - he's totally watching for rabid fangirls.

(Plus maybe there was blood on the hood and a skeleton body in the closet trunk.)

Dean driving alone is maybe one of the worst things ever... but it's not like he hasn't done it before. Maybe a small part of him would feel better if Sam had taken the Impala - because then Sam would have been safe - but it had to be this way. The Impala was all Sam had of Dean when Dean was gone and the amulet was all Dean had of Sam when Sam was gone and now they literally have nothing but their memories and oh God, here comes the sobbing and the clinging again.

*sobs and clings*

Dean honey - no matter how many times you look, he's not going to be there.

Yeah, that's what we thought, too. *hugs*


And now we'd like to begin our recap of the Dean'n'Cas show, a testamant to the power of whiny loudmouth fans everywhere! Or, as it is sometimes called, the How I Tried to Make an Angel My new Little Brother show.

No really, y'all need to watch it. It's GOOD. O.O

It opens with Dean, staring wearily into yet ANOTHER mirror. They seem to be everywhere, all the time.
(You know what doesn't show up in a mirror? A VAMPIRE!)

It hurts when the people you love get lost into the mirror world.

My favorite thing this entire episode ok not really but it's kind of cool, and I'll probably say that about a trillion more times so get used to it is the way Dean is colored. He's so WASHED OUT, pale blues and greens and tans and just blanched, like he's literally lost his vitality. Oh, Dean. *hugs some more*

Personal space - a very large part of this ep. It's what the boys need the most, and so naturally neither of them get any. *sigh*

"You got iced by a Teenage Mutant Ninja Angel?"

Posted to Fandom Secrets on July 17.

Conclusion? LOL.

I love Dean's reluctance to follow along with Castiel even as much as I love Castiel's perseverence, and how he insists that Dean is the only one who WILL HELP HIM. Although someone on my flist begged the question - Why? If the angels that on purposed the Apocalypse are the rebellion, then how come Cas can't find others who are still on God's side? Why would they cut him off from Heaven's power? And doesn't Heaven's power come from God in the first place, and not from boss angels? And doesn't that mean God is still out there?

Ok, so I added a few more questions. Sue me.


Dear Dean,

Did you really not poop for a week or did you want to drive with SOMEONE ELSE IN THE CAR because you driving alone is the SADDEST THING EVER?

Just curious,


ps - Covering your pain with jokes is working so well. Good to see you've learned how to manage. *sigh*


Dear everyone who is busy not liking Lindsay very much for being nosey: Have you SEEN Sam? What is WRONG with you people?! I'd have had him over to meet my mother for dinner the first time I laid eyes on him. ANGST. TORTURED SILENCE. HOTNESS.

She's just a human, you guys. With eyeballs.

*sips freezing water*


See, she thinks so, too. And who can blame her.

Oh Sam, Just because there is fire and brimstone and there will soon be blood doesn't mean it was all your fault.
Dark times ahead, yes.

You just need to find your light, that's all.


Castiel's utter confusion and cluelessness is comedy CHROME, here.
(It would be gold, but that doesn't start with a 'C'.)

Boys Hunters Multiple Species of Beings On a Case!! \o/

They go to interview the guy who saw the angel and Dean Sam Cas blunders. A lot.

The guy who has the angel vampire problem is perplexed.

"Uh- he's new."

The foreshadowing here is SOOOOO DNW. DEAN! \o/ *flails and sobs*

Even though we know that Castiel is no Archangel, I have to kind of love him a lot for never letting anything even remotely like this happen to Jimmy. Jimmy gets hurt, and Castiel heals him. It's a symbiotic relationship with them.

Or at least it was until Jimmy exploded.

R.I.P., Jimmy Novak. Your name was weird, but you were a good dude.

*bows head*


Sam doing research. I didn't see that coming at ALL.

I'll pay someone a dollar to extrapolate the picture on Sam's desktop. Seriously - a whole DOLLAR.

Can we assume that 'Castielsidy' is Ruby's ninja contact name? *snerk*

Um. This breaks my heart.

Ow. Stoppit.





I love that Bobby still believes in Sam in a way that neither Sam or Dean CAN right now.
Makes you wonder what he knows that they don't, don't it.


Dean walking around all alone in pitch black run-down dumps not getting any sleep is almost as bad as Dean driving by himself.
But don't worry! More Dean 'n' Cas show!! \o/

Oops. How'd this get in here?

Sorry, wrong show. AH. HERE we are.


So here, Cas wants to go up against Raphael even though he might die for the sake of getting Dean closer to winning.
Jus in Belo, anyone?

And no angel would dare kill Dean because he's the vessel? So then ... another 40 years of torture seems to be the ticket, eh?

Dear boys,
You do both realized you both just became, for all intents and purposes, immortal, don't you?



Meanwhile, back at the roadhouse ranch bar...

Lindsay finds herself greatly amused because ...

Dear Sleazeball Hunter whose name I can't be bothered to remember: GTFO. What is WRONG with you, blowing into town and breaking another hunter's cover like that?! SamnDean are well KNOWN for being a little fail on hunts sometimes, and even THEY know better. *disgusted eyeroll*. Amateurs.

Hey! New Hunting Buddies!

(I'm sorry, folks. There seems to be a tear in the space-time continuum.)

Anyway, there are some hunters in a roadhouse bar - thingie, and they want to Hunt Stuff.

Here, have some totally important Sam!thinking and Sam!Angsting caps.

The important thing here is the shirt he's wearing.

No really. It's the one that Tells Us Things.
Ok fine, so it's my favorite. But this is my spam, and he only wears it when there is no action, so you get lots of caps of this scene. So there.

It hurts me the way he doesn't want to even eat food with another human being for fear that it will end in tragedy. It hurts me even more that, even though *technically* for *now* he can call this one a win - she doesn't die - ultimately, it ends in the biggest tragedy of all; The death of Sam's last hope.

Gah, it makes my heart bleed.


Meanwhile on that other show ...

What we have here is CASanova walking into CASablanca, having CASt aside his CASeload to spend CASh in the CASino on CASsual sex with a CAShmere-clad CASsandra, his CASt iron CAStigating tucked deep inside his CASsock.
He looks worried.

Loosely translated? LOL.

Dear Cas:
If I were you I'd focus less on CASuistry and more on not becoming a CAStrated CASualty in some CASket while Dean takes the CASsandra's concilitory CASsava CASerole and plays CAStinettes to his CASsette tapes while only missing you a little.

P.S. Sam's old motel room wants its motif back.

Hey wait, isn't Sex and Violence the last time Dean went to a club with some other dude and didn't some guy named Nick take total advantage and try to come in between the brothers, eventually tricking them into trying to kill each other and doesn't that seem a little odd since the Siren was in the s5 promo and no other monster other than angels or demons and isn't Nick the only main character name we've seen repeated on Show except for Castielsie and hold on now - what's my name again?

Boo, you whore. *hisses*

Dear Cas: I might love you a little forever for telling that girl about her daddy and the post office. Disgruntled postal workers need people to understand them, too.

This cap reminds me of Yellow Fever for some reason. It turns that for Dean, the line between laughing really hard and having a panic attack is a pretty fine line. Oh, Dean.

You can WATCH the realization of just how miserable he is slide right across his face.

Dear Jensen,

Part Two

meta, squee, thinky-thoughts, blacklid sucks me into things, fear the wrath of the eta, epic show pwns everything, episode review

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